Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 52 Greatly Increased Strength!

Chapter 52 Greatly Increased Strength! (Seek to follow up)

In the mysterious space.

A translucent light blue panel appeared in front of Xu Yi.

Host: Xu Yi

Boundary: the pinnacle of the third rate

Internal Strength: Four years (13 years/limit)

Internal strength: Huashan basic internal strength (fifth level)


Visualizing Thoughts: The Eight-Level Memory Palace
"Huashan Sword Art" great success!
"It's finally done."

A smile appeared on the corner of Xu Yi's mouth.

After 20 consecutive days of painstaking training, after putting down all other boxing techniques and light kung fu, he finally ushered in the final harvest——"Huashan Sword Art" culmination!
Not only that, the sword proficiency that should have been reset to zero, because of that mysterious power, directly increased by [-] proficiency!A big step forward in "Huashan Sword Art"!

Xu Yi hasn't started to practice yet, this "Huashan Sword Art" has completed one-tenth of the journey from Dacheng to Consummation.

If we only talk about "Huashan Sword Art", even if Xu Yi is worse than Yue Buqun now, it is probably not much worse.

"With my current strength, if I fight Linghu Chong again, even if he goes all out, I can still fight him to a [-]-[-]?"

Although Linghu Chong has opened up six meridians and reached the second-rate middle stage, his swordsmanship is only a small level, which is a small realm behind Xu Yi's swordsmanship.

Don't underestimate this small realm. As a typical example of being easy to learn but difficult to master, "Huashan Sword Art" has two completely different levels.

The small success of "Huashan Sword Art" is only equivalent to the ordinary second-rate sword art.

"Huashan Sword Art" is great, but it is equivalent to a first-class sword art!
After all, the world of Xiaoao is just a world of low-level martial arts, and good swordsmanship and martial arts can greatly boost a warrior's combat power.

In the original book, Linghu Chong lost all his internal strength and was able to blind eight first-class masters with a single sword from "Dugu Nine Swords", which shows how high the upper limit of powerful martial arts can be unleashed.

Although there are also reasons why these people underestimate the enemy, it is undeniable that in this world, the importance of swordsmanship and martial arts is still quite high for a warrior.

Coincidentally, even though Xu Yi's internal strength is now two levels lower than Linghu Chong's, he can at least make up for more than half of it with Dacheng's "Huashan Sword Art".
Thirty-seven split is Xu Yi's more modest way of saying it. In a real fight, even fifty-five split may not be able to survive!
"My strength can be regarded as barely possessing the capital to venture into the rivers and lakes now!"

Xu Yi nodded in satisfaction.

Although third-rate warriors and even low-level warriors can be found everywhere in the Jianghu, such people are the bottom of the Jianghu. They really suck blood, live involuntarily, and don't know when they will die.

Only when one reaches the level of a second-rate martial artist can one barely have the power to protect oneself.

If someone like Linghu Chong is considered a strong second-rate fighter, then the danger is very small.

With Linghu Chong's current strength, unless he is facing a first-class expert, it is basically impossible to be in any danger.

In this world of declining martial arts, first-class masters are either the heads and elders of the major forces, or the tyrants and thieves of one party, so it is so easy to come across.

In the original plot, Linghu Chong met Tian Boguang as soon as he came down the mountain. This was due to the plot, and it was specially arranged in order to advance the plot of the novel.

In the real arena, most of the first-class masters guard their own side. If there is no major event, it will be difficult for ordinary people to meet each other!
It is said that Yue Buqun has been thinking recently whether it is time for Linghu Chong to go down the mountain to practice.

In the current period of the Huashan School, Linghu Chong, as a major disciple of the Huashan School, represented the face of the Huashan School to a certain extent!

Under such circumstances, Yue Buqun was thinking about whether to let Linghu Chong go down the mountain to practice, so even he recognized Linghu Chong's current strength.

Xu Yi's current strength can be compared with Linghu Chong's. If he really wants to venture into the rivers and lakes, as long as he doesn't try his best to provoke those first-class experts, his safety is basically guaranteed.

Of course, Xu Yi has never thought of breaking into the rivers and lakes now.

Is it not good to continue to develop steadily in the Huashan School?

Xu Yi let out a long sigh of relief, and the expression on his face relaxed a lot.

After joining the Huashan School, his spirit has always been tense.

There are more than ten hours of practice time every day, rain or shine, he can be called the number one hardworking little master of the Huashan School!
If given a choice, who would want to cultivate so masochistically?Wouldn't it be nice to take it easy?
It's a pity, who let him know the end of the Huashan faction in the near future? !

Yue Buqun, Linghu Chong, Yue Lingshan...
These core figures of the Huashan School are dying and walking away one by one.

Before the Huashan faction ushered in its own rise, it was once again driven into the bottom of the valley.

If Xu Yi didn't want the Huashan faction to experience such an ending again, or even ruin his life with the Huashan faction, he could only do his best to improve himself.

In the first year, Xu Yi could hardly see any hope - no way, his talent was not outstanding.

Fortunately, a year later, after his hard work (external) efforts (hanging), he finally saw the light of hope.

"Sure enough, God always favors hardworking people!"

"Give me another year or two, and I will have the power to change the ending!"

Xu Yi said silently in his heart, after a while, after his emotions calmed down, he began to think about another matter.

A very important thing!
"When I broke through just now, what was the mysterious power that suddenly appeared?"

Xu Yi recalled the mysterious force that suddenly appeared when he was practicing just now, and boosted his breakthrough in swordsmanship.

According to the normal rhythm, he should still be ten points short of proficiency at this time, and he will continue to practice for half a day tomorrow before he can complete the breakthrough from small swordsmanship to great swordsmanship.

But just because of the sudden appearance of that mysterious power, he broke through this bottleneck all at once, not to mention breaking through to the great achievement of swordsmanship, and even took a big step forward, directly increasing his swordsmanship proficiency by a full five thousand points Spend.

That's five thousand points of proficiency in swordsmanship!

If he cultivated on his own, even if he turned on the six times normal state and practiced swordsmanship all day long, it would take more than 200 days of hard work. It takes nearly a year and a half.

Even if it's a 'combat' with others, the five thousand points of swordsmanship proficiency is five times that of Liang Fa, Shi Daizi and Gao Genming combined, and more than half of Linghu Chong's.

Now, because of that mysterious power that suddenly appeared, he had reaped such a huge profit, how could Xu Yi not care about this power?
Of course, Xu Yi was more concerned about it.

"Can I control this power?!"

(End of this chapter)

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