Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 53 Unobservable

Chapter 53 Unobservable (for further reading)

Master that mysterious power!

Xu Yi's eyes shone with a strong splendor.

He has already experienced how powerful that mysterious force is.

In just a few minutes, his swordsmanship proficiency soared by more than 5000, which is even more perverted than him finding someone to 'discuss'!
It took him more than half an hour to 'discuss' with Linghu Chong before he finally gained nine thousand swordsmanship proficiency.

Now with the help of this mysterious power, in just a few minutes, he has gained five thousand sword skills proficiency, which is at least four or five times worse!
"If I can control this power, wouldn't it be easy to raise the "Huashan Sword Art" to perfection?"

You can get [-] sword proficiency in just a few minutes, Xu Yi only needs to do it nine more times, and he can fill up the [-] proficiency easily, and raise "Huashan Sword Art" to perfection that no one has ever achieved level.

The perfect level of "Huashan Sword Art" is said to be comparable to the ultimate sword art!
If Xu Yi really wanted to possess such a top-notch swordsmanship, even if he was still only a third-rate fighter, he still had the confidence to dare to fight against a first-rate fighter.

Linghu Chong can stab eight first-class masters blind with a single sword from "Dugu Nine Swords", why can't he just force a first-rate master?
Indeed, the level of "Dugu Nine Swords" must be higher than that of "Huashan Sword Art", but has Linghu Chong really practiced "Dugu Nine Swords" to its peak?
As long as Linghu Chong didn't do this, his level of swordsmanship would at most be about the same as that of Xu Yi who had perfected "Huashan Swordsmanship", perhaps because the sword intent of "Dugu Swordsmanship" was deeper and slightly stronger, but definitely stronger The limited!
If Xu Yi could really practice "Huashan Sword Art" to perfection, his hard power would not be inferior to Linghu Chong who stabbed eight first-class masters with a single sword, and might even be stronger!

At that time, Linghu Chong had lost all his internal strength, and only had the might of a sword.

Even if Xu Yi's internal strength is not high now, at least a dozen swords should be no problem.

Everyone's strength is similar, if you can't beat me with one sword, then you will be wilted directly, and I can still make a move on the other side, isn't it because I am stronger than you?

of course.

The premise of all this is that Xu Yi can practice "Huashan Sword Art" to perfection, or that he can really master that mysterious power!
Otherwise, relying on his own hard work and [-] points of proficiency in swordsmanship, it would take Xu Yi more than ten years to get started.


"Can that mysterious power be controlled by me?"

Xu Yi was deep in thought.

Logically speaking, his golden finger could help him control all his states. The mysterious power before obviously came from Xu Yi himself, so he should be able to control it.

"That mysterious power seems to be a bit special, I don't know exactly where it comes from!"

Even if Xu Yi turned on the serious state and 'downloaded' all the memories of his breakthrough to the memory palace, he still couldn't find the source of the mysterious power before.

That mysterious power seemed to appear out of nowhere, and after helping him break through the level of swordsmanship and making his swordsmanship take a big step forward, it mysteriously disappeared again.

Appear mysteriously, disappear mysteriously.

During the whole process, Xu Yi couldn't find the slightest trace, and he even began to wonder if this was his own power?

Perhaps some big boss secretly helped him?

As soon as this idea came up, it was rejected by Xu Yi.

Not to mention whether there will be some big boss watching him secretly, even if there is, what good will the other party do by doing so?He couldn't think of any motive at all!
Of course, what's more important is that even though he couldn't find the source, Xu Yi was able to confirm that the mysterious power really belonged to him—that sense of familiarity, intimacy and deep connection is something that no power can possess. irreplaceable.

After confirming that the mysterious power belonged to him, but after turning on the serious state continuously and using the memory palace to find it several times, but still not finding anything, Xu Yi decisively changed his mind.

"If a power clearly belongs to you, but you can't discover it yourself, then what's the problem?"

The answer is actually quite simple.

Xu Yi, who had been driving seriously, thought of the answer to the question in just a second.

"The reason why I 'can't see' this kind of power is because this kind of power itself cannot be observed! Or, with my current ability, there is no way to observe it!"

Does this power exist?
Of course it exists!

An obvious example.

his soul!

Xu Yi has always known that there is his own soul in his sea of ​​consciousness, and even this soul stays in the memory palace, but he has never seen his soul, and can only vaguely perceive the existence of the other party.

That mysterious power might indeed exist in his body just like his soul, but at present his ability is limited, and there is no way to really observe it.

"What is this force?"

Xu Yi thought for two seconds, and finally came up with two answers.

"Mind, or emotion!"

He recalled that before the mysterious power appeared, it happened to be when he deeply experienced the 'boring' emotion.

It seems that after he experienced the 'boring' emotions to a certain level and realized something, that mysterious force suddenly appeared, helping him to raise the "Huashan Sword Art" to the stage of mastery.

'Boring' emotion, which can be said to belong to the power of emotion, and it can also be said to be the power of the mind.

The former has a slightly narrower range, the latter has a wider range, that's all.

"If I'm not mistaken, that mysterious power should be closely related to this kind of emotional power or spiritual power, and the two are inseparable!"

"Even if this mysterious power is the power of emotions or the power of the mind, it is not impossible!"

The answer has been found.

Then a new problem arises.

How should Xu Yi control this invisible power that seems to be emotional power or spiritual power?

This kind of power that he can't even observe, how can he control it?

Xu Yi smiled slightly.

"For what you can't see, the first thing you have to do is to let yourself 'see' it!"

"From now on, I, Xu Yi, will define the state when this mysterious power appears as the sixth state, the mental state!"

Xu Yi directly assigned the state of this mysterious force through the golden finger.

The sixth state, the mental state!
You see, can't you 'see' it?

As for after seeing...
"I'm going into a mind state!"

"I'm going into a mind state!"

"I'm going into a mind state!"

(End of this chapter)

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