Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 76 The Mysterious "Qinglian Internal Strength"

Chapter 76 The Mysterious "Qinglian Internal Strength"

Blue leather cover, brand new paper, strong aroma of paper and ink.

All of these all show that this book is not the original, but a copied book.

Xu Yi didn't have any thoughts about this, and directly opened the free state, entered the mysterious space, and started his own reading.

The state of ease can also be called a state of trance, sleepwalking, or a state of half-dream and half-awake. In this state, people's consciousness is chaotic. It is also difficult.

It doesn't matter even if it is really affected, anyway, he is still in the mysterious space now, and when the time comes, he will directly throw this part of memory into the deepest part of the memory palace and suppress it, so that he will never take it out.

After making all the preparations, Xu Yi felt that he could accept any result, but when he finished reading "Qinglian Neigong", he still couldn't help breaking his defense.

"There is such a divine book in this world???"

The human body has three major energies.

Physical energy, soul energy, spiritual energy.

There is a law of increasing entropy in the universe.

This is a very famous law in modern thermodynamics. Some people call it the ultimate law and regard it as Guiquan, while others call it the ultimate terror and the inescapable fate of the universe.

It is very troublesome to explain in detail, and there are many reasons behind it.If we intercept a section and make a simple induction, everything in the universe, including the universe, must consume energy as long as it exists, and once the energy is exhausted, everything, and even the universe, will come to an end.

The universe is like this, and humans are no exception.

As long as people are alive, they will definitely consume energy!
No matter physical energy, soul energy or spiritual energy will be consumed, the difference is only in the speed of consumption.

Generally speaking, the energy of the physical body is consumed the fastest, followed by the energy of the soul, and then the energy of the mind.

On the premise of not replenishing energy, the physical energy can only supply the human body for consumption for three days. After three days, the physical energy is exhausted. According to the logic of our modern medicine, a person is basically dead.

After a person dies, the soul energy can still supply the human soul for seven days, which is what we often call the first seven days. After the first seven days, if your soul has not been reincarnated, it will directly disappear.

Unless you become a wraith or a monster due to some special reasons, you can absorb soul energy from other channels and continue to supply your own soul.

Mind energy is quite special. So far, no one knows how long a person's mind can exist after death or after the soul disappears, or whether it can still exist?
The level involved is too high for anyone to be able to explain.

Now that we know that the energy in the human body will be consumed no matter what we do, where does the consumed energy go?

Let’s talk about the energy of the physical body first, which is the easiest to understand. Naturally, it supplies various systemic activities such as heartbeat, body activity, and nervous activity. All activities that human beings need for survival are supplied and consumed by the energy of the physical body.

However, due to the conversion of each supply system of the human body, there will be a certain percentage of loss, so there is still some loss in the daily consumption of the human body.

Therefore, the energy consumption of the physical body can be roughly divided into two types of consumption, the consumption required for physical activities and the consumption of damage.

The consumption of soul energy is quite special, its consumption is mainly used in the consumption of 'memory', what you see, hear, touch, feel, think and think, etc., all these want to be constructed into 'memory' , all need soul energy.

What you see, hear, touch, feel, think, etc. are all just information in essence, and if you want to transform this information into your own 'memory', you need to invest in it. A certain amount of soul energy goes in as the carrier of these messages.

This is just like the hard disk in your computer. If you don’t have such a carrier, even if you see a beautiful woman, she is just pure information, and you will forget it when you see it, and it cannot be stored in your mind and form a memory.

In order to form a memory, a certain amount of soul energy must be consumed as the carrier of the information.

Why do we feel particularly relaxed when we sleep?
It is because you don't need to consume a lot of soul energy as a carrier to carry these information.

To know that an hour of high-definition movies requires a few gigabytes of traffic, you open your eyes every day to receive so much information, even including various touch, smell, taste and other information, the amount of information you get in a day , I am afraid that thousands of G will not be able to beat it.

The human soul is not as intelligent as you think. When it receives these information, it will automatically provide them with soul energy and make them your memory.

Even if you become a ghost, your soul will still provide energy for what you see, hear, touch and feel, making it your memory.

In addition to this part of consumption, similarly, when providing a carrier for information, there is also a certain loss of soul energy.

This is what Xu Yi has explored so far, about the consumption of physical energy and soul energy.

As for the consumption of psychic energy, this is too mysterious. Xu Yi just followed the law of energy conservation to make sure that it was being consumed every day, or even every moment.

But he couldn't be sure where exactly it was consumed.

I can only guess from my previous epiphany, maybe it has something to do with emotions or learning and comprehension?
Where there is an exit, there must be an entry.

After talking about energy consumption, let's talk about energy absorption.

The first is the energy of the physical body. Needless to say, this comes from eating every day.Obtain energy for survival from the outside world by eating.

Then there is soul energy. If it is a legendary cultivator, there may be other ways to obtain soul energy, but if it is an ordinary person, there is only one way to obtain soul energy.

Supply through physical energy!
There is nothing difficult to understand. Soul activities are also a part of human activities. Since the energy of the physical body is the energy needed to supply all human activities, it is also responsible for supplying the soul, but there is a very complicated and mysterious way of supplying it. That's all.

Not to mention spiritual energy, the level involved is too high to be described for the time being.

Speaking of this, many people may not understand, what does this mean?You are obviously talking about "Qinglian Neigong", why are you pulling so much energy out of me?There is also modern energetics!
Don't worry.

There must be a relationship between the two, and a very close relationship!
It's just that before talking about the relationship between the two, we need to introduce another 'energy'.

Internal power!

(End of this chapter)

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