Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 77 "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" upgrade!

Chapter 77 "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" upgrade!
There is no doubt that internal force is also a kind of energy.

And it is a unique energy formed by the combination of human body energy and soul energy.

This is the reason why warriors can only practice for two hours a day, and if it exceeds, it will hurt the body and even the soul.

Internal force is condensed by absorbing human body energy and soul energy, and the physical energy and soul energy that each person can supply every day are limited-the physical energy is okay, and you can find a way to solve it, but the soul energy is really It's too bad, at least in this world, there should be no way.

Those exercises that claim to be able to practice 24 hours a day, such as the "Quanzhen Fa", do not solve the problem of soul energy, but change the way of absorption efficiency.

The soul energy that could have been absorbed in two hours can be absorbed for 24 hours, and the soul energy absorbed per hour is reduced, thus achieving the result of 24 hours of cultivation.

Fundamentally speaking, the daily soul energy of the two is still the same.

But this is not to say that the "Quanzhen Fa" is useless, on the contrary, this method is actually quite useful.

If the soul energy that a person can supply every day is divided into twelve parts, then the ordinary inner strength method, because it only takes two hours and is too simple and crude, leads to extremely low utilization efficiency, and the twelve parts of soul energy are only effective in the end. Take advantage of one.

However, because of the change of the absorption efficiency of "Quanzhen Fa", from two hours to 24 hours, it has become more refined, and finally the utilization efficiency has been improved. Twelve parts of soul energy can eventually effectively use two parts, or even three parts.

Such an easy-to-use exercise, why was it abandoned in the end? In the end, when Hao Datong, one of the Seven Masters of Quanzhen, founded the Huashan School, he also changed back to the "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" that can only be practiced for two hours a day?

The reason is that the threshold for practicing this method of mind is too high. One must either have a very outstanding mind, or have to recite scriptures and Taoism in the mountains for a few years to polish one's mind before practicing this method.

This requirement is too high, and it is not suitable for the rapid development of a sect. Although the effect may be better in the later stage, based on practical problems, it is impossible for most sects to do this.

It is estimated that only Shaolin and Wudang sects have the confidence and courage to do that, and they also have the basic entry-level exercises that can be practiced 24 hours a day.

In addition to this method, this world is also exploring other cultivation methods to improve the effective utilization rate-maybe the warriors in this world do not call it this way, but the meaning is almost the same.

The cultivation methods explored by warriors are divided into two types, one is to improve skills, and the other is to strengthen oneself.

These two can just be exemplified by the two most famous exercises in "Swordsman", one is the martial arts "Zixia Magical Art" of the Huashan School, and the other is the unique school "Yi Jin Jing" of Shaolin Temple.

The former is to hone the skills of cultivation to the utmost, and it is also a two-hour practice every day, but through upgrading one's own cultivation skills, the utilization efficiency of practicing "Zixia Divine Art" can reach four or even five.

The latter is to strengthen your own root talent, what is root talent?
You can understand becoming a channel or a transformation machine when the energy of the physical body and the energy of the soul are transformed into internal forces.

Strengthening the root talent is to strengthen this pipeline and this transformation machine.

After the strengthening is completed, even if you are still practicing ordinary inner strength mentality, which is also simple and crude, but because you can bear it better, you can still achieve four, five or even higher utilization efficiency.

However, whether it is "Zixia Divine Art" or "Yi Jin Jing", it is extremely difficult to learn. If you do not have enough aptitude, there is a high probability that you will not be able to learn it, or even if you learn it, it is quite difficult. Yu did not learn.

In contrast, Xu Yi who is in a serious state is in a different situation. He who has cultivated "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" and his own talent is average, so it stands to reason that he should only have one copy in terms of utilization efficiency.

But in a serious state, he hung up.

That kind of state is hard to explain. You can understand it as running the same Akina mountain driveway, but my driving skills and state are superb. Even if I drive an AE86, I can overturn everything, surpass all your amazing cars and luxury cars, and rule the world. Qiu Mingshan!
Xu Yi had forcibly relied on his own special state to elevate an inner skill method that should have been very powerful, directly to a level that surpassed all the magical secret books in this world.

Theoretically speaking, the magical secrets in this world are useless to him.

Even if he got the "Zixia Divine Art" and "Yi Jin Jing", it would not improve his cultivation efficiency any more.

Because after turning on the serious state, he has directly raised his own cultivation efficiency to the highest level.

No cultivation skills or fundamental talents are important to him anymore.

The only thing Xu Yi lacks now is the positioning method of the Twelve Orthodox Classics and the Eight Extraordinary Meridians. As long as he can learn these positioning methods, he can casually upgrade the "Basic Internal Strength of Huashan" to the so-called supreme power method , The level of innate skills.

Just like this time, Xu Yi obtained two methods of locating meridians that he didn't have from "Qinglian Neigong".

It doesn't even require him to be serious. After simple integration, his "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" has jumped from a second-rate exercise that can only open up eight meridians to a first-rate exercise that can open up ten meridians.

Of course, this first-rate exercise is only for Xu Yi personally, and for other warriors, this exercise is still a second-rate exercise.

For other warriors, the real top-notch exercises must be equipped with corresponding skills. They are not as perverted as Xu Yi. Even if they don't have any skills, they can forcefully open up the meridians by opening and closing.

If they don't have the corresponding supporting skills for Tongmai, the failure rate of Tongmai is at least [-]%!

"Huashan Basic Internal Strength" was promoted from a second-rate exercise to a first-rate exercise, which was only the most insignificant benefit that Xu Yi obtained from "Qinglian Internal Strength".

Ranked above this benefit is the martial arts knowledge that Xu Yi analyzed from the "Qinglian Neigong"—that is, the above content.

The original text is definitely not like this. It is the martial arts knowledge system that Xu Yi finally came up with after analyzing and sorting out his own knowledge system.

This knowledge gave Xu Yi a feeling that he had a thorough understanding of the world's martial arts system.

Of course, the above is not the biggest benefit that Xu Yi got from "Qinglian Neigong". of this.

 These two chapters are a bit complicated, but it’s impossible not to write them. This can be regarded as setting a relatively scientific tone for the cultivation system of the whole book, although the existence of internal force itself is not very scientific...

  Internal force, the law of entropy increase, and the law of energy conservation, I have forcibly put a layer of scientific skin on the unscientific martial arts system... Whether it is reasonable or not, it is my modern scientific analysis or analysis of martial arts. Fantasy!

(End of this chapter)

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