Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 80 Huashan sent someone!

Chapter 80 Huashan sent someone! (Third update, please follow up!)

In the middle of the yard.

A leaf was suspended in the air, and a picture faintly flashed on it - it was a memory of Xu Yi.

Feeling that he had increased his mental energy and soul energy, Xu Yi couldn't help but smile.

"go to bed!"

"Turn on the deep sleep state!"

"Sleep for four hours!"

That's right.

Xu Yi did not choose to continue practicing, not because he didn't want to, but because he found it was too wasteful to do so!

Although due to various reasons, he didn't practice much all day today, but first an assassin came to his door, and then he ran late at night to kill Lao Denuo, and finally ran out of the city to deal with it. Laudnor's body.

This series of things also consumed a lot of his soul energy, and now he is in a state of lack of soul energy.

If he chooses to practice "Qinglian Neigong" at this moment, it is restoring his soul energy, not enhancing his own soul energy, which are two different things.

"The recovery of soul energy can be completely handed over to me in a sleeping state, and the physical energy will be used to replenish it automatically. There is no need to consume the soul energy in memory."

Use the soul energy contained in the memory in the sea of ​​consciousness to supplement the missing soul energy?
This behavior is too extravagant!

All night.

The nurses of the Xu family were on duty with all their heart, and even the extra noise seemed to disappear.

Five in the morning.

Xu Yi woke up, and his whole body suddenly became full of energy.

Four hours of continuous deep sleep has replenished all his soul energy. Apart from his body being a little hungry, he is in excellent condition at the moment!

"Don't be in a hurry to eat."

Xu Yi didn't think about replenishing his body with energy immediately, but planned to practice first.

Anyway, the method of communion in "Qinglian Neigong" does not need to involve the energy of the physical body, and it doesn't matter whether it is replenished or not.

"Turn on the comfortable state!"

Xu Yi entered the mysterious space again. He connected his perception with the soul in the memory palace, and observed the sea of ​​consciousness through the perspective of the soul.

Looking at the seemingly endless starlight of memories floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, Xu Yi felt his heart beating.

"If I absorb all the soul energy and mind energy contained in these memories, how far can my soul be raised? How many times will I have opportunities for epiphany?"

This is the past life plus this life, nearly 40 years of memory!
It took Xu Yi a long time to calm down the excitement in his heart.

"let's start!"

Once raw, twice cooked.

This is already the third time for Xu Yi, so there is nothing to say about his proficiency.

At the very beginning, he was a little cautious, worried that there were still problems he didn't understand, so it was all a small memory, a small memory.

After trying this more than a dozen times, he found that there seemed to be no problem, and he suddenly became much bolder, and began to carry out a large memory, a large memory.

First, through the state of ease, a large number of memories, whether positive or negative, are drawn over.

Immediately afterwards, through the "method of communion" in "Qinglian Neigong", the soul energy in the memory was recovered, and the soul energy was lost as a carrier. Before this memory information disappeared, the Memory Palace, which had already been prepared, directly transferred the It absorbed it and became its new carrier.

As for the emotional energy lingering around his soul, Xu Yi didn't care about it. Instead, he waited until they had gathered to a certain extent, and then changed his state of mind to absorb them together.

Otherwise, such frequent switching between the comfortable state and mental state will affect the efficiency too much.

Soon, more than an hour passed.

The servants came to ask Xu Yi to have breakfast, and he just woke up from his cultivation.

"Psychic energy has increased a lot!"

"The energy of the soul has also increased a lot!"

Although it is far from being able to achieve epiphany or greatly increase his practice time, it is still a great gain.

You know, Xu Yi has just practiced for more than an hour, and he can already feel such a clear improvement, which is enough to show how much this practice has helped him.

"Go eat first!"

Xu Yi felt that he was already very hungry, so he didn't choose to continue his cultivation.

Although practicing this technique does not need physical energy for the time being, he needs it!

People are iron rice is steel.

Dry rice dry rice!

"Good morning, mother!"

"Daddy, good morning!"

When Xu Yi arrived, Xu Chun and Xu Liushi had already been waiting there. Seeing him coming, they quickly asked him to sit down and eat.

Xu Liushi didn't say anything about what happened last night, Xu Chun should have explained something from it, and even "slightly" modified some content, otherwise she would know that Xu Yi was assassinated last night, and she might not know what it looks like now.

However, she also mentioned a little bit about "little thieves" and told Xu Yi to pay attention. Now that the year is approaching, these little thieves are rampant. Even their Xu family dares to enter. If he wants to go out in the future , Be careful, bring more people or something.

Xu Yi didn't say anything, just nodded repeatedly to show that he understood.

Since his father has already dealt with all this, he naturally won't say anything more, anyway, just follow the other party's wishes.

For this meal, Xu Yi directly ate breakfast for more than a dozen people. There was still not enough food on the table, so he asked the kitchen to bring some to make it barely enough.

Seeing Xu Liu could not help but say something.

"After practicing martial arts, you are eating more and more!"

This is not a complaint, but an emotion of joy.

For mothers, it is a blessing that their children can eat!
What's wrong with eating more?
Anyway, their family is not short of money!Eat hard!
Xu Liu immediately ordered the people in the kitchen to prepare more sumptuous lunch and dinner.

finish breakfast.

Xu Yi returned to his room and continued to practice.

During this period of time, he was already planning to compete with "Qinglian Neigong". If he didn't fully practice this technique, he didn't plan to practice other martial arts.

Even his internal strength and swordsmanship training, he planned to put it down for the time being.

Another few hours of practice.

When it was noon, Xu Yi went out for lunch, and Xu Yi continued to return to his room, preparing to practice in one breath until dinner.

It's just that he had just practiced for three hours, and there were several hours before dinner, when he was called out by Xu Chun.

"What's the matter? Dad? Is something wrong?"

Xu Yi saw that his father's face seemed a little uncomfortable, so he hurriedly asked.

Xu Chun glanced at Xu Yi and said in a deep voice.

"Someone from the Huashan faction is here!"

(End of this chapter)

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