Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 81 Why Are You Not Breathing Well?

Chapter 81 Why Are You Not Breathing Well?
living room.

Father and son Xu Yi and Xu Chun are receiving the Huashan faction here.

"Brother Xu."

"Junior Brother Luo."

The person who came was Luo Hao, a disciple of Huashan Outer Sect. He had been a disciple for five years. He came from a clean background and won Yue Buqun's trust. He often asked him to handle various things.

Although he has been a disciple for five years, earlier than Xu Yi, there is a difference between inside and outside. As an outer disciple, he still wants to be called senior brother when facing inner disciple Xu Yi.

Of course, it is not impossible for outer disciples to become inner disciples. As long as they can break through to a certain level within a certain period of time, or obtain enough credit, outer disciples can also be promoted to become inner disciples.

For example, Tao Jun, Ying Bailuo and other disciples who appeared in Xiaoao's original work are still outer disciples at this time.

Whether Luo Hao can be promoted to an inner sect disciple, Xu Yi is not sure, but if he can, he has to call him a senior brother.

After some chat.

Xu Yi took the initiative to ask.

"I don't know that Junior Brother Luo is here, but what's the matter? If you need me for anything, just ask Junior Brother, and I will do my best to help!"

"Thank you, brother!"

Luo Hao thanked him first, and then said.

"Actually, it's nothing. It's just that the second senior brother who was supposed to go back to the mountain this morning didn't. After the master knew about it, he asked me to go down the mountain to look for it. I searched, but I couldn't find the second senior brother. Thinking of you, Senior Brother Xu I also went down the mountain, wondering if the second senior brother might come to you, so I came to you."

"Second Senior Brother?"

Xu Yi was slightly taken aback.

"This, I don't know too well. I just came back home from the mountain yesterday. When I went down the mountain before, the master told me that the second senior brother would also go down the mountain to buy some new year's goods. If it's okay, I can talk to the second brother Brother, let’s talk about it, but I haven’t seen the second brother so far.”

"Is that so?"

Luo Hao frowned.

He thought that coming here might be rewarding, but now it seems that the second senior brother, Lao Denuo, is not here, and he hasn't even been here yet.

"Junior Brother Luo, you don't have to worry too much. The second senior brother is strong and experienced in the world. He just went down the mountain to buy some new year's goods. It is unlikely that something will happen. It should be delayed by something!"

Xu Yi said.

Luo Hao thought for a while, and felt that it made sense, his brows could not help but relax.

"But no matter what, this is the task assigned to me by the master. I still have to find the second senior brother as soon as possible."

After a pause, he hesitated and said.

"Brother Xu, can you..."

"Junior Brother Luo, don't worry, my Xu family still has some strength in Huayin County. I will let the people below look for it. If there is any news, I will let you know as soon as possible." Xu Yi said.

Luo Hao said happily.

"Then thank you, Senior Brother Xu."

"You're welcome, we are all brothers, and this is a trivial matter."

The two chatted with each other again.

The overall atmosphere is better.

Suddenly, Luo Hao asked a question.

"Senior brother Xu, why does your aura seem a little unstable?"

For warriors who have just broken through, no matter whether they succeed or fail, their aura will be unstable for three to five days.

Xu Yi broke through on the way down the mountain yesterday, and he broke through two meridians in a row. Naturally, his breath at this time was not very stable.

When asked this question suddenly, Xu Yi's expression didn't fluctuate, he just answered casually.

"Last night, a few little thieves came to the house. I fought with them and suffered a little shock. It's not a big problem."

"Little thief?"

Luo Hao frowned slightly.

"What little thief dared to come to Senior Brother Xu's house? Don't they know that Senior Brother is from the Huashan School?"

"Junior Brother Luo, don't worry too much. The year is approaching, and there will always be some people who can't help but take risks. Anyway, nothing happened to us, but something happened to them."

Xu Yi waved his hand casually.

"Since the senior brother has solved the problem, that's good."

Luo Hao nodded, not doubting him.

After the two chatted for a few more words, Luo Hao said goodbye and left.

After Luo Hao left, Xu Chun, who had hardly made a sound beside him, spoke.

"Yi'er, how do you plan to deal with this matter?"

"Let the people in the family go to Lao Denuo, and you don't have to worry about other things."

Xu Yi said casually.

Lao Denuo just 'disappeared' suddenly, and as he said just now, the other party is strong and experienced, and he just went down the mountain to buy something, what could go wrong?
He only needs to cooperate a little bit and let the people below pay attention to the news about Lao Denuo. If he is too active, it will be a problem.

Xu Chun looked at Xu Yi with satisfaction.

"Yi'er, you've grown up!"

Originally, he was thinking about whether he should use this to guide Xu Yi, but seeing this way of handling, he knew that Xu Yi was already quite mature and he didn't need his guidance.

Perhaps, he can already hand over the Xu family to his son with peace of mind!

"Father, I may have to retreat at home for a while, and I will leave these matters to you to deal with."

Xu Chun:······

Do you want to co-author something or do you want me to do it?

"Okay, I understand. You can retreat with peace of mind!"

Huashan faction.

"No news at all?"

Yue Buqun stroked his beard, his face was calm and expressionless.

"Yes, Master."

Luo Hao cupped his hands below.

"I searched for a day, and I also went to Senior Brother Xu Yi, but I didn't find any news. The Second Senior Brother seems to have disappeared out of thin air...Master, should we mobilize more disciples to look for it? ?”

Yue Buqun was silent for a while, then shook his head.

"No need, I have already thought about this matter. During this time, you will be responsible for going down the mountain to buy new year's goods."

"Yes, Master!"

"Go down."

"The disciple retire."

Luo Hao bowed and left.

In the hall where there was only one person left, Yue Buqun stroked his beard with deep eyes.

"Did you notice something and left directly?"

Luo Hao might have other ideas, but he, who is familiar with Lao Denuo's identity, naturally wouldn't.

There was no news for one day in a row, and the outing was still a "small matter" such as buying new year's goods. Lao Denuo has not come back so far, and there is only one possibility in Yue Buqun's mind.

Laudno knew he had discovered his undercover identity!

In order to protect myself, I just took this opportunity to leave!

A trace of regret flashed across Yue Buqun's eyes.

What a useful 'undercover tool man', it's just gone, I'm really sad!

(End of this chapter)

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