Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 82 Soul power soars!

Chapter 82 Soul power soars!

Xu family.

The time has unknowingly arrived in the middle of the night.

In the early hours of the morning, Xu Yi finally opened his eyes. He breathed a long sigh of relief and stretched his muscles.

"I feel like my body is a little tired!"

He practiced for nearly twenty hours, and he didn't feel tired mentally, but he felt more and more energetic.

However, his body was a bit weak. The intermittent meditation for nearly [-] hours had a great impact on his body.

As long as warriors have not practiced horizontal martial arts, their physical fitness is usually relatively average, not much different from ordinary people, at most they are slightly stronger.

Xu Yi circulated his internal energy and distributed it to all parts of his body. After a long time, the feeling of physical fatigue subsided.

"If there is time in the future, I still have to find a horizontal martial arts practice."

The three cultivations of essence, energy and spirit, the body, internal force, and soul go hand in hand, and there are no shortcomings. This is a qualified cultivator.

Although the internal force can partly replace the physical body, making the body stronger and more durable, it is not the real strength of the physical body after all. Once the blessing of internal force is lost, an ordinary person may easily kill him.

But there is no rush for this.

He didn't even get to the top of his internal skills, so he expended all his energy on his external skills. He was somewhat too greedy. If both of them were half a bucket of water, it would be bad.

It is better to concentrate on one of them to the top, and it is more appropriate to think about external skills after it is difficult to improve.

Xu Yi began to observe the harvest of the day after part of his physical fatigue was eliminated.

"The energy of the mind has been greatly improved, and it is almost possible to have an epiphany. But..."

Xu Yi could not help shaking his head as he felt the mental energy that was at least [-]% more than his last epiphany.

"It seems that after each epiphany, the next epiphany requires more spiritual energy, and it continues to accumulate. In the end, I don't know how much spiritual energy is needed to achieve an epiphany."

Epiphany is getting harder and harder. This is something he already knew, so he just sighed and stopped paying attention.

Xu Yi focused his attention on his own soul, and this change was the biggest.

"My overall soul power has increased by at least [-]%!"

what is this concept?

Let's say that.

In the past, Xu Yi practiced internal energy in a serious state, and one day of cultivation was equivalent to the previous twelve days, but now he started to practice internal energy in a serious state, and one day was equivalent to the original sixteen days!
If you practice for one year, you can gain 16 years of internal strength!

From now on, one year of Xu Yi's practice is equivalent to 16 years of ordinary martial artist's practice!

And these are just the results of Xu Yi's day. If he continues to practice "Qinglian Neigong", he will absorb all the memories of the past 40 years in the sea...

Xu Yi himself didn't even know how perverted he was going to be!
One year of practice is equivalent to 30 years? 40 years?Even 50 years? !
60 years is unlikely.

In Xu Yi's nearly [-] hours today, he has absorbed the memories of more than three years and nearly four years in the sea of ​​consciousness, which is about the same as the time added.

If there is no accident, his ideal state should be to absorb all the memories in the sea of ​​consciousness and add nearly 40 years of time, that is, one year of cultivation, which is equivalent to about 50 years of ordinary people's cultivation.

"If one year of cultivation is equivalent to 50 years for ordinary people..."

Xu Yi felt that he didn't need much time to run rampant in the world.

"It is this "Qinglian Neigong", it seems that there are indeed certain problems."

"Turn on serious state!"

Xu Yi entered the mysterious space again, observed carefully, and finally found some changes.

"My emotions, thinking, etc., seem to have become simpler and more direct."

Although he is not tortured by his own emotions like other "Qinglian Neigong" practitioners because of his free state and mental state, the loss of a lot of memory still has a lot of impact on him.

It is definitely impossible to be too forgetful.

A newborn baby also has no memory and is blank, but is the baby too forgetful?
Obviously not.

Being too forgetful is a special state, even the highest state!

It doesn't mean that if your mind goes blank and you become an idiot, then you are too forgetful. You really look down on this realm too much.

The true ecstasy can only be achieved after a series of very special training and comprehension.

For Xu Yi, even if he absorbs all the memories, he will only return to the state of his infancy.

That is also a very special state, the heart is like a child, it is true and pure.

If one is practicing a certain technique, this state is extremely suitable, and even has some unexpected benefits.

But Xu Yi didn't need such benefits.

The state of ease and seriousness makes him not need to worry about the problems of practicing exercises at all. He can adapt to all exercises, and even cultivate them to a level far beyond what the exercises themselves should have!

"On the contrary, it's the potential impact of this state on me...it seems a bit serious!"

Emotions, thinking, etc. have completely become a baby, not to mention what kind of changes this will bring to him in the future, just say that he was still him at that time?

Does a 'baby' carry quicklime with him?Do you have your own likes and dislikes?

There are also those interpersonal relationships, three views, emotions, codes of conduct, etc., these things that Xu Yi has only formed in the past 40 years, will they still be reflected in this 'baby'?

It wasn't until this time that Xu Yi suddenly realized that memories were not just memories for him.

Although he has kept all his past 'memories' in his memory palace, those 'memories' without emotions and souls are not so much memories as a bunch of data and information.

Perhaps when he sees this pile of data again, he may still feel something in his heart, but that feeling is only based on certain emotions born to him now, not the emotions he experienced at that time.

"For me, memory is also a part of 'me', even a large part!"

"If I absorb all these memories, it is equivalent to giving up a large part of 'me'!"

"Although I couldn't say that I was no longer 'me' at that time, at least I was no longer the complete 'me'."

Is he going to give up the existence of a complete 'I' for the benefit of one year of cultivation comparable to 50 years and at least six or seven chances of epiphany?

Xu Yi's face was uncertain.

This "Qinglian Neigong" seems to be a bit evil indeed!
 There's another chapter at ten

(End of this chapter)

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