Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 83 The 3rd epiphany!

Chapter 83 The Third Epiphany! (third change)

Improving one's soul power by devouring one's own memory, it is estimated that this is the only way to cultivate the soul even in the countless fantasy worlds and cultivation worlds of the heavens and myriad worlds.

Is it because the cultivators of these worlds cannot think of such a cultivation method?
Probably not.

Xu Yi knew that these memories contained his own soul power, and those cultivators whose strength and realm were much higher than him could not fail to discover it.

There is only one possibility why such a cultivation method did not appear, and that is that they saw the huge hidden danger behind this cultivation method.

Who is willing to take the initiative to let himself go back to the furnace and rebuild it?

Anyway, Xu Yi didn't want to.

Maybe the current him is indeed not perfect, has all kinds of shortcomings, and has nothing to do with a good person with traditional moral standards, but so what?

This person is him!

He doesn't need to remake himself into a better 'he'!
"In this case, then I can only choose some less 'important' memories."

It is impossible to abandon "Qinglian Neigong" completely. Although this method is indeed a bit evil, as long as it is used properly and controlled within a certain range, there will be no major problems.

"Although all the memories of a person make up the integrity of this person, in fact, only a very small part of the memory is important to a person's life, and most of the memories are useless."

Just like your memory of eating, walking, playing games, etc., these memories are just pure 'information', even if they disappear, they will not have any fundamental impact on your personality.

Only those more important events and memories that have had a profound impact on your life, if part of them disappear, will have a huge impact, and even change your own personality.

Xu Yi didn't intend to touch these important memories, but only planned to deal with those unimportant memories.

Although these unimportant memories are destined to contain less soul energy and mind energy, and if they are all absorbed, maybe they will not reach half of the content, but this is the best result - it can not only strengthen one's soul, but not You will change yourself and become someone else.

"Go to bed first!"

Xu Yi lay on the bed, and when he closed his eyes, he was ready to sleep.

Although internal energy can also relieve physical fatigue, it consumes a lot, and there is no need to do so, just sleep for three or four hours.

"Turn on the deep sleep state!"

Wake up again.

It was still pitch black outside.

It was about three or four o'clock in the morning, far from dawn.

Xu Yi didn't have any idea either. He was already used to this kind of life when he was in the Huashan School, and he would wake up before dawn every day.

"Continue to practice."

"Turn on the comfortable state!"

A blink of an eye.

Just over two hours passed.

"Finally got another chance to realize something!"

Xu Yi could not help but feel happy when he felt the energy in his heart that was about to overflow.

Without further ado.

He raised his sword and walked towards his yard.

At this time, it was about six o'clock in the morning, and the sky had just dawned, and the flowers and plants in the yard were still covered with dew.

Breathing in the fresh air, Xu Yi started today's sword practice journey.

"Huashan swordsmanship +50!"

"Huashan swordsmanship +50!"

Under the blessing of the state of epiphany, Xu Yi's proficiency increased a lot every time he swung his sword. In a short period of time, his proficiency in swordsmanship more than doubled.

It's a pity that this time, the one-day sword practice trip didn't last too long, and Xu Yi's epiphany faded after just over ten minutes.


In the mysterious space.

A light blue translucent panel appeared in front of Xu Yi's eyes.

Host: Xu Yi

Boundary: second-rate middle stage

Internal force: seven years (17 years/limit)

Internal strength: Huashan basic internal strength (seventh level)

Visualizing Thoughts: The Eight-Level Memory Palace
""Huashan Sword Art" has increased the proficiency by nearly [-]!"

Xu Yi's eyes flickered slightly.

He remembered that when he went down the mountain, his proficiency in "Swordsmanship of Huashan Mountain" was just over five thousand, but now it has suddenly increased to fourteen thousand!
"It seems that although the spiritual energy required for each epiphany is more, the effect of the epiphany has not been reduced, but has become better!"

If he remembered correctly, the first time he used epiphany, he also used it on "Huashan Sword Art", and at that time he only increased his sword skill proficiency by more than 5000 points.

And the spiritual energy at the time of the first epiphany is probably about [-]% now.

The psychic energy has increased by almost half, but the improved proficiency has nearly doubled!
In other words, not only did he not lose money, but he also made money.

"This is probably due to the strengthening of my soul!"

Xu Yi extracted the memory just now, turned on the serious state and analyzed it carefully, and found that the strengthening of his soul had indeed provided a lot of help in this epiphany.

"A person's comprehension ability is closely related to the soul. My soul is strengthened, and my comprehension ability will naturally improve!"

The combination of the two finally led to the improvement of the proficiency of nearly nine thousand swordsmanship in "Huashan Swordsmanship".

"It seems that my next epiphany should be used when my soul is strengthened to the point where it can no longer be strengthened, in order to get the maximum improvement!"

Xu Yi said thoughtfully.

He looked at the saber in his hand, and then at the golden light shining in the sky.

Turning around, he returned to the room.

"Continue to practice!"

No one disturbed him, Xu Chun had already taken care of everything, even the meals were delivered to his room by servants, Xu Yi just went on his own retreat.

More than a day later, Xu Yi accumulated another opportunity for epiphany, but he didn't use it. Instead, he planned to continue accumulating it. He would use it uniformly after his soul could no longer be strengthened.

Xu Yi thought it would take some time, but after less than a day, he had to stop.

"The memory palace can't fit!"

Looking at the memory palace that was full in front of him, even the latrine was filled with memories, Xu Yi didn't know what to say.

Now in the entire memory palace, only the Martial Dao Tree is left, and there is still room for the remaining memories to fill in.

However, the Martial Dao Tree was reserved for Xu Yi's own martial arts, so it was impossible to fill in these irrelevant 'memories'.

"Abandon some completely useless memories?"

Xu Yi thought about it, and felt that it was not appropriate to do so. Although he had downgraded these memories to pure information, it was not good to just discard them like this.

"In this case, there is only one solution left."

(End of this chapter)

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