Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 86 Quan Da Bu Wan!

Chapter 86 Shiquan Dabu Wan! (third change)

Don't need time at all?
Or do not need to eat at all?
Doesn't this really become a cultivator!


Xu Yi had a flash of inspiration.

"Cultivation is not enough, but it's okay to take a medicine, right?"

Of course, the drug he was talking about was not the rare metal tonic pills practiced by the Taoist priests in this world, but a serious tonic!
Bai'ankang Pharmacy.

This is an old store that has been established for many years. Although it is not as good as Xu's, which has a history of hundreds of years, it has a history of decades. It is one of the largest pharmacies in Huayin County.

"Shiquan Dabu Pill?"

Xu Yi held a pill the size of a longan in his hand. The surface of the pill was sealed with a layer of beeswax to prevent the pill from losing its medicinal properties.

Shopkeeper Chen of the pharmacy at the side nodded and bowed.

"Yes, Master Xu, the name of this pill is Shiquan Dabu Pill. Although the name may seem generic, this pill is made of ginseng, antler ginseng and dozens of precious medicinal materials. Master Xu, your needs!"

"is it?"

Xu Yi was noncommittal, and the last Darentang drugstore said the same thing, but the final result can't be said to be useful, but the effect can only be said to be unsatisfactory.

Whether it can meet his needs, he naturally has his own way of judging.

Seeing that Xu Yi didn't speak, he just ate the Shiquan Dabu pill.

It is slightly sweet in the mouth, biting through the sugar coating made of honey, a burst of strong medicinal smell is released, after chewing a few times, the pill is swallowed into the stomach.

In an instant, Xu Yi felt a large amount of medicinal power flowing out of his abdomen. His eyes lit up, he quickly closed his eyes, and began to operate the "Huashan Basic Internal Strength" to refine the medicinal power.

Shopkeeper Chen of the pharmacy waited quietly, showing no dissatisfaction at all.

Although this kind of behavior of not saying anything and directly testing the medicine is a bit unruly, but who is standing in front of him?

Young master of the Xu family!
Although the Xu family is indeed in decline compared to decades ago, it is still a well-established top family in Huayin County, and it is one of the most powerful forces.

In particular, the Xu family has been rooted in Huayin County for hundreds of years. No one can know how deep their background is and how many cards they have. Even the other big families dare not provoke them easily, let alone a small shopkeeper like him. .

Shopkeeper Chen An Anxin waited aside, his face was not dissatisfied, but a little uneasy.

He was quite familiar with the efficacy of the Shi Quan Da Bu Pill, but whether it could satisfy Xu Yi's request or not was a little hard for him to judge, so he could only hope for luck.

The medicinal power of this Shiquan Dabu pill was somewhat beyond Xu Yi's expectations, and it took him more than a minute to completely refine it.

"Not bad!"

Xu Yi opened his eyes and nodded with satisfaction.

With his current energy consumption, just this Shiquan Dabu pill can at least meet his energy needs for half a day.

For the daily energy requirement, at most two Shiquan Dabu pills are enough.

Although there is still a gap between the best result he expected and the best result of one day, it has already reached his minimum standard.

"How much is this pill?"

Shopkeeper Chen was overjoyed when he heard this.

"Master Xu, you are satisfied! As for the price of the Shiquan Dabu Pill, let me tell you the truth, it is indeed a bit more expensive. After all, so many precious medicinal materials are refined together, and the cost of this small one is [-]%. It costs nearly five taels of silver, so there is no way to set the price. It was originally set at ten taels of silver, but if Young Master Xu wants it, he can give it eight taels of silver..."

Out of the corner of his eye, he took a sneak peek at Xu Yi, seeing that Xu Yi was unmoved, he couldn't help but gritted his teeth.

"Of course, if Young Master Xu wants a large quantity, we can offer another [-]% discount! If it goes on, there is really no other way, we have to earn a hard fee no matter what!"

"500 taels!"

Xu Yi didn't care about his cries at all, and directly offered his own offer.


Shopkeeper Chen was taken aback.

"Master Xu, what are you..."

"I'll pay 500 taels of silver for the prescription of Shiquan Dabu Pills!"

"Ah, Master Xu, this prescription is not, we..."

"1000 taels!"

Xu Yi directly doubled the price, and he glanced at Shopkeeper Chen.

"If I'm not wrong, shopkeeper Chen's Shiquan Dabu Pills shouldn't be sold normally, right?"

For him, this Shiquan Dabu pill is indeed a good thing, even for most warriors, this Shiquan Dabu pill is also a good thing, but the only regret is that this Shiquan Dabu pill The price of the pills is just too high!

Eight taels of silver is enough to discourage ninety-nine percent of warriors directly. For the same price, they can obtain more energy supply through food supplements.

Other warriors are not like Xu Yi, who need to eat seven or eight meals a day, and they don't care as much about the meal time as Xu Yi.

That being the case, the Shiquan Dabu Pill has no effect on them other than being more convenient. They are so full that they want to spend more money to buy this Shiquan Dabu Pill?
Shopkeeper Chen fell silent.

Xu Yi's words really touched his pain point. In terms of medicinal power, the Shiquan Dabu Pill is really worth mentioning. Ordinary warriors can support their cultivation for a day by taking one pill.

But for the same money, they replaced it with food supplements, and it took them two days or even three days!
The gap of two to three times made his Shiquan Dabu Pill no one would buy it, and the high cost made it impossible for him to continue to reduce the price.

Since the release of the Shiquan Dabu pills, he has only sold less than twenty pills in total.

1000 taels of silver, if this profit depends solely on him selling Shiquan Dabu Pills, it may take him hundreds of years, or even hundreds of years!
It can be said that the price Xu Yi gave is definitely very fair.

But even so, shopkeeper Chen still didn't let go.

Unlike pills, prescriptions can be passed down from generation to generation, forever and ever, as their family heirlooms!
Treating this kind of thing is like treating your own craftsmanship, and it is definitely not something that can be measured by pure benefits.

Although at present, the value of this Shiquan Dabu Pill seems to be really not very good, and the profit it can generate is also extremely low, but who knows what will happen hundreds of years later?

What if the price of medicinal materials drops sharply at that time, will they be able to refine Shiquan Dabu Pills at a lower price?
As a shopkeeper of a pharmacy, and also made Bai'ankang Pharmacy one of the largest pharmacies in Huayin County, shopkeeper Chen still has some foresight.

He knows that Shi Quan Da Bu Wan is not worthless, on the contrary, it is actually very valuable!
Especially in the warrior industry, it has great market potential!
The only thing restricting it is the high cost.

As long as the cost is reduced, then this Shiquan Dabu Pill will definitely become a cornucopia!

"Master Xu, I'm sorry, this prescription..."

(End of this chapter)

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