Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 87 Reversing the formula?

Chapter 87 Reversing the formula?

"Shopkeeper Chen, I can assure you that this prescription is for my own use only, and I will never keep it for commercial use!"

The shopkeeper of the pharmacy, Chen, who didn't want to agree at first, finally agreed under Xu Yi's sincere assurance and the 'sincere' eyes of the guards with knives behind him.

'Happily' took out the prescription.

But before handing over the prescription to Xu Yi, shopkeeper Chen couldn't help asking.

"Master Xu, are you sure it's for your own use?"

"Of course, shopkeeper Chen, you should know what this prescription is like, but if it has commercial value, won't you make any money?"

Xu Yi gave a statement that shopkeeper Chen couldn't refute.

Shopkeeper Chen sighed, and handed the prescription to Xu Yi, in exchange for 1000 taels of silver.

With a glance, Xu Yi recorded the entire prescription into the memory palace.

"Shopkeeper Chen, I have an unfeeling request. I want to witness the process of refining medicine with my own eyes."

"no problem."

Shopkeeper Chen pondered for a moment, then nodded in agreement.

Even the prescriptions were sold, so it's okay to watch the medicine refining once, anyway, his prescriptions are not deceptive - the main thing is that he doesn't dare.

The dignified young master of the Xu family in Huayin County, if he really dared to use fake medicines to deceive people, it would be tantamount to saying that the entire foundation was lost. Although 1000 taels of silver is a lot, it is still a lot worse than him, one of the best big pharmacies in Huayin County.

Shopkeeper Chen brought Xu Yi and the others to the pharmacy in the backyard.

Opening the door, a strong smell of medicine came to the nostrils immediately, followed by a dry and hot breath.

In the pharmacy refining room, there were still a few drug boys watching the fire. Shopkeeper Chen waved them out, then turned his head and said to Xu Yi.

"Master Xu, the refining of Shiquan Dabu pills is not easy, it will take a day and a night, I hope you have some mental preparation."

What he meant by this was that he hoped that Xu Yi would make good arrangements in advance so that nothing would go wrong.

"One day and one night?"

Xu Yi hesitated slightly upon hearing this.

He heard the meaning of shopkeeper Chen, but he didn't take it seriously. He didn't intend to let other people come, he planned to do it himself!

However, this time still caught his attention, and some of the original preparations had to be changed.

"Shopkeeper Chen, I want to open ten furnaces at the same time. Is there any problem? Don't worry, I will take back all the refined Shiquan Dabu pills at the price of five taels of silver!"

"This is a bit difficult, but if you stagger the time a little bit, it can still be done."

It is not a small challenge for him to open ten furnaces at the same time, but considering that each furnace is more than a dozen taels of silver, and ten furnaces are more than 100 taels, shopkeeper Chen feels that this challenge can still be continued!
More than 100 taels of silver, he usually takes two or three months to earn it.

Now you can earn so much money in a day just by working a little harder?
It's done!

Shopkeeper Chen immediately prepared ten medicine stoves and corresponding medicinal materials.

"Look, Young Master Xu, this is the most important ingredient in Shiquan Dabu Pills - ginseng. Use this ginseng, preferably 20-year-old ginseng, just for this item..."

"Every serving here is 20-year-old ginseng?"

"Ah? Yes, there may be a gap, but it won't be too big."

Shopkeeper Chen froze for a moment, then nodded.

Xu Yi didn't speak, but he took a little bit of each ginseng, turned on the 24 times serious state, and experienced it carefully.

After experiencing everything, he nodded.

"There really isn't much difference."

In order to prevent mistakes and omissions, he also opened the memory palace just now, and checked it three times in a row by means of replay and comparison. He found that there may indeed be some differences in the potency of these ten ginsengs, but the difference is very small.

What's more, this is very close to the feeling he got from the Shiquan Dabu pill that he ate before!
But what Xu Yi was thinking at this time was not the authenticity of the Shiquan Dabu Pill, but another matter that extended from it.

He could actually get the prescription directly by taking medicine?

"It's really unexpected that the memory palace still has such a function."


"It should be the state of seriousness plus the memory palace, and the superposition of the two can achieve such an effect!"

If he is in a normal state, even if he remembers the taste experience at that moment, without strong enough perception and thinking ability, it is difficult to compare it in such a short period of time.

"It feels like this ability is a bit powerful!"

"If I want, wouldn't it mean that as long as I have eaten this elixir, no, not just pills, anything else, as long as I think, I can directly reverse its formula!"

For example, the current Shiquan Dabu Pill, and the herbal diet of the Huashan School, with the existence of this ability to reverse, Xu Yi can reverse the complete formula.

After the previous actual combat deduction, Xu Yi discovered a powerful function of serious state + memory palace.

The recipe is reversed!

Theoretically speaking, Xu Yi can use this ability to reverse any formula.

Tonic formula, poison formula, medicinal diet formula...

Even if you are more courageous and open your mind a little more.

Alloy formulas, gunpowder formulas, human body 'formulas', etc., etc., these are not impossible to reverse.

Even to a certain extent, martial arts, martial arts, and internal strength can all be a formula!

It is not impossible to reversely deduce the 'recipe' of all martial arts and martial arts, and create one's own 'Small Wuxiang Gong'.

It's just that these 'recipes' may sound like they are relatively challenging to people's three views.

Of course, for these recipes, it is definitely not possible to reverse them only by 'eating'. Watching, touching, hearing, etc. can all be used as corresponding means.

It can be said that this is a powerful function that can be extended indefinitely.

Even just such a function is enough to form a brand new powerful cheat!
"However, this function is not without problems."

At this time, Xu Yi, who was in a serious state, with his powerful thinking ability, not only made him discover this powerful function, but also discovered the problems behind this function.

It can't be said to be a problem!

It is a prerequisite for using this function.

"This function is developed based on my own knowledge. To fully utilize this function, I first need to have relevant knowledge myself."

Just like the Shiquan Dabu Pill just now, if Xu Yi hadn't eaten the 20-year-old ginseng himself, and knew what the ginseng should be, he would also have learned that the 20-year-old ginseng was used in the Shiquan Dabu Pill. Ginseng?
That is obviously impossible.

(End of this chapter)

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