Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 91 The Gold Mountain Behind the Prescription!

Chapter 91 The Gold Mountain Behind the Prescription!

Eighteen hours later.

Fifty Shiquan Dabu pills were successfully refined in five furnaces of medicine, with ten pills in each furnace!

Looking at the fifty Shiquan Dabu pills in his hand, Xu Yi couldn't help but look happy.

"The current Shiquan Dabu Pill really has the possibility of large-scale commercial use!"

The cost of the medicinal materials for one batch of Shiquan Dabu Pills is about 31 taels, less than 32 taels of silver. The cost should be more than four taels, almost four and a half, less than five taels.

Of course, it’s not a big problem to say that the cost is five taels of silver. It’s rounded up—four is not counted, and it’s fine to count as five.

Basic operation, don't worry about it.

The Shiquan Dabu pills cost five taels of silver, and the price was eight taels, even if it was discounted by [-]% according to the shopkeeper Chen’s previous offer—that’s seven taels of silver.

For warriors, this price is still too high.

Although the consumption of most warriors is not as high as that of Xu Yi, a Shiquan Dabu pill can cover their daily consumption, but their daily consumption is only three taels of silver at most.

Seven taels of silver is enough for them to consume for more than two days, which is really not a good deal for warriors who are not in such a hurry.

You know, cultivation is a very long-term thing, and the daily consumption is only four or two more, which is not a big deal, but within a month?What about a year?What about ten years?

That is a very large number.

This huge consumption is there, and the market for this kind of tonic is doomed to be bleak.

But it's different now.

Xu Yi has ten pills per furnace, and unlike shopkeeper Chen, he refines them with the help of the memory palace, which can 100% ensure that each furnace can produce ten pills.

Even if other people start refining, as long as the corresponding process can be guaranteed to be without problems, it can also achieve 100% per furnace of ten pills.

This is the benefit of the memory palace-style alchemy, or the modern industrial-style alchemy.

The measurement is accurate to the gram, the time is accurate to the second, the temperature is accurate to the single digit, etc., all of these are achieved, and it is really not difficult to reach the high standard of Chengdan.

Of course, other people may have some problems when they start refining, but as long as some small props are added, the problem should not be big. Even if there is a problem, it will only change from ten pills to nine pills, and the probability is relatively high Small, completely negligible.

As long as ten pieces of Chengdan can be guaranteed in each furnace, the cost of that Shiquan Dabu pill will be directly reduced to a little over three taels. Such a cost can be priced at five taels of silver, or even four taels of silver!

The sales market for five taels of silver may still be a little uncertain, but for four taels of silver, it will definitely attract a large number of warriors to buy it!

In this ancient world of martial arts, warriors with powerful force are the absolute wealthy class. As long as they can attract warriors from all over the world to buy, even if a Shiquan Dabu pill can't earn a tael of silver, it can be accumulated to a monstrous level. wealth!
You know, this thing is a daily necessities!You have to eat one a day!
Even if an average of only 3000 people come to buy Shiquan Dabu Pills every day, after a year, it will be a profit of one million taels, and the annual tax revenue of the Ming Dynasty is only a few million taels!

No wonder shopkeeper Chen didn't want to sell this prescription.

If the cost of this Shiquan Dabu Pill can be reduced and attract a large number of warriors to buy it, it will be a golden mountain!

And it can still flow continuously, as long as there are warriors in this world, there is no need to worry about the golden mountain that will be hollowed out!
Who would not be envious of such Jinshan?
Of course, after this golden mountain is opened, can it belong to you...

I do not know.

Anyway, Xu Yi felt that, let alone a small pharmacy shopkeeper like Shopkeeper Chen, even if he added the Xu family and the Huashan faction behind him, he would definitely not be able to keep this golden mountain!

Xu Yi shook his head regretfully.

There is a golden mountain in front of you, but you can't mine it, it's really uncomfortable.

"To excavate this golden mountain, it is estimated that it is possible to integrate the entire Five Sacred Sword Sect."

This kind of gold mountain with an expected annual income of at least one million taels of silver is not the kind of superpower equivalent to Shaolin, Wudang or Sun Moon Demon Cult, so it is impossible to keep it.

Even for this kind of super power, it is very difficult to keep such a golden mountain - at least you have to exchange some benefits with some people to be more stable.

It's just to be more stable, and the follow-up troubles will definitely not be small.

But when it comes to that point, it's not difficult to solve this kind of 'little trouble'.

As for now...
Xu Yi probably couldn't even solve those 'little troubles'.

"never mind."

Xu Yi shook his head.

If you can't mine it, you can't mine it!

Anyway, this golden mountain is in his hands now, as long as he has enough strength, he can mine it whenever he wants.

"But this Shiquan Dabu Pill seems to have room for optimization and improvement!"

The optimization and improvement that Xu Yi said, apart from the refining time and the number of pills, there is also the problem of the prescription of the Shiquan Dabu Pill itself.

"According to this prescription, it should be possible to continue to strengthen the medicinal power of Shiquan Dabu Pills, and at the same time reduce the consumption of corresponding medicinal materials!"

For example, double the potency of the medicine to the point where it can support him to practice for one day and ordinary warriors to practice for two days.

Another example is to control the consumption of each batch of medicinal materials, and reduce the cost of a single Shiquan Dabu pill to less than three taels, or even two taels of silver.

It would be almost impossible for shopkeeper Chen, or even any other healer in this world, to do these things—it would require too many refining times, tens of thousands of times, and it would be impossible to beat it!

It takes 30 taels of silver to refine Shiquan Dabu Pills once, tens of thousands of times, who can afford it?
But for Xu Yi who has a memory palace, this is not too difficult.

As long as the various variables are well controlled each time, then record the data results of each time, and then turn on the serious state to analyze and compare, keep the good ones and eliminate the bad ones, and so on.

Up to [-] times, Xu Yi is sure to optimize and improve it.

"If you can really double the medicinal power of Shiquan Dabu Pills, and reduce the cost of a single Shiquan Dabu Pill to two taels of silver, then this thing is equivalent to a money printing machine! You can spend as much money as you want Print whatever you want!"

When Xu Yi thought of this wonderful 'money scene', he couldn't help but feel excited.

It's just that when he remembered that this 'money printing machine' would never be available even if he created it, he calmed down again.

(End of this chapter)

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