Chapter 92 No way!

"This Shiquan Dabu Pill is really a good thing!"

"such a pity!"

Xu Yi sighed.

Now he can't even keep the normal version of Shiquan Dabu Wan, let alone the optimized and improved version.

"Although I can't take it out and use it temporarily, if it's just for me to use or to cultivate power, this Shiquan Dabu pill is perfect!"

Why did Yue Buqun only recruit eight inner disciples?

The lack of personal energy is only one aspect, the biggest reason is not because the Huashan faction has no money!
An inner disciple would have to eat nearly three taels of silver every day just for food, and eight inner disciples would have to spend 9000 taels a year.

With the current financial situation of the Huashan School, it really can't afford to support so many inner disciples!

Outer disciple?

That's another concept.

Compared with the annual expenses of more than one thousand taels for the inner disciples, the annual expenses for the outer disciples will not exceed one hundred taels, which is more than ten times the difference.

Although it is still a lot to distribute to hundreds of outer disciples, the outer disciples have to go down the mountain to make money for the sect after learning for a few years, plus some "tuition fees" and so on, this aspect can basically maintain a balance of income and expenditure.

The Huashan School is like this, and the Shaolin Wudang and other schools are similar. Their outer disciples are basically made to be "self-reliant".

The Sun Moon Demon Sect is even more exaggerated. They claim to have 90.00 members, and more than [-]% of them are 'free-range'. Although these superpowers are all powerful, they cannot support so many warriors Get up!
This kind of 'stocking' has naturally caused some problems, the most obvious being the cultivation of internal strength.

Like the previous Luo Hao, he has accumulated five years of internal strength after five years of entry, but in fact, due to lack of nutrition, he has only accumulated three years of internal strength in these five years, and his meridians have only been opened up. Two, the third has not yet been opened.

As far as this is concerned, it is considered good in the Jianghu.

If people like Luo Hao are undernourished, then the vast majority of loose people in Jianghu are malnourished.

The wealth of warriors is relative.

Compared to the vast majority of ordinary people, they are indeed very rich, but they have not yet reached the point where they can spend a few taels of silver for food every day, especially those third-rate or low-level warriors.

For those who don't have enough nutrition, it will take two or even three years for many of them to accumulate internal strength for one year.

This is the reason why many young disciples from famous sects can crush those old people who have practiced for more than ten or even decades after they leave the mountain.

There has been a huge gap between the two sides in terms of cultivation resources from the very beginning.

The power that Xu Yi wanted to cultivate naturally had to be aligned with the core disciples of the Huashan School and other famous schools.

But before Xu Yi sorted out the wealth of the Xu family, he found that if he really cultivated power according to that standard, he didn't seem to be able to cultivate many people.

Excluding those fixed assets, the Xu family currently has less than 30 taels of silver left. This amount of money is naturally a lot for ordinary people, but if it is used to train that kind of core disciples, it can train dozens of disciples at most. people.

Any more, and there will be problems.

But it's different now.

"If I can refine the Shiquan Dabu Pill that doubles the potency of the medicine and costs only two taels of silver per pill, then the cost of my cultivation will drop to one-third of other people's!"

For other famous sects, it takes three taels of silver a day to train a core disciple of the inner sect, but he only needs one tael!
What this means, I believe anyone with a little economic common sense will understand.

Xu Yi can bring himself a group of powerful warrior subordinates at a very small cost!

"This Shiquan Dabu pill is really a treasure!"

The more Xu Yi digs, the more he finds that the Shiquan Dabu Pill is really useful. Not to mention the foreseeable 'Golden Mountain' in the future, it can also have a great effect on him now.

"However, there is no rush to cultivate power for the time being. I have one more important thing to solve!"

"What? Are you leaving?"

Xu Chun's voice suddenly amplified, and Xu Yi said hastily.

"Keep your voice down! If my mother hears about this, it will be troublesome!"

"Do you still know about the trouble? We haven't seen each other for more than a year, and you've just been home for a few days, and you're saying you want to leave? If Niang finds out about this, she will definitely go crazy!"

Xu Chun said angrily.

"Oh, I can't help it either."

Xu Yi sighed.

"There is one very important thing, I must do it, I can't do it!"

"A very important thing?"

Xu Chun frowned.

"How important is it? Chinese New Year is coming soon, can't we go again in a few days?"

When Xu Yi went down the mountain, it was December 18th, and then he retreated for more than three days, and it took more than three days to buy the prescription and refine the medicine. Now it has come to December 25th, and the Chinese New Year is on January [-]st. There are only six days left.

For people in this era, the meaning of Chinese New Year is still very important. It symbolizes reunion and happiness, and the ancients attached great importance to these.

If Xu Yi went after the new year, it would be much easier.


Xu Yi shook his head.

If possible, he would also like to go after the new year, but he thought of that place...

He was worried that he might not be able to come back in the last half a month!

What he was going to do must not be known by Yue Buqun. He didn't know if Yue Buqun was paying attention to it, but he couldn't take that risk.

Xu Yi said solemnly.

"Father, this matter is related to my future! It can be said that whether I can have enough power in a year's time depends entirely on this matter! So... I can't do it!"


Xu Chun finally let go.

"But your mother's side..."

"I'll leave it up to Dad to talk about my mother's side! Time is running out, I'm leaving right now! Dad, I wish you an early New Year first! By the way, you can wish Mother a New Year for me! That's it!"

While talking, Xu Yi had already run out, and he did it with lightness kung fu. When Xu Chun came back to his senses, the other party had long since disappeared, and he was so angry that he yelled.

"You bastard! Get out of here!"

Xu Yi didn't know if he heard it, but this sentence was heard by Xu Liushi.

"What's the matter? Why are you shouting so loudly?! How bad it is to be heard! What about Yi'er? Where did he go? Why didn't you see him?"


Xu Chun looked at his daughter-in-law, and suddenly became submissive.

Say your son has run away?Isn't that pure suicide!
Xu Chun secretly hated.

This bastard!When he comes back, I must teach him a lesson!
"Tell me, where did my son go?!"

"Uh, this, ma'am, listen to me..."

 The editor in charge has already arranged it, and it will be on the shelves next Wednesday (March [-]st)!

  Nothing else to say.

  More than [-] words on the first day of its release!
  Ten thousand in the first month of release!

  I hope you can support us a lot!grateful!
(End of this chapter)

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