Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 97 You don't talk about martial arts, then I have no choice but to hang up!

Chapter 97 You don't talk about martial arts, then I have no choice but to hang up! (two in one)

Bang! ! !
A black shadow suddenly jumped out from the back kitchen, and fled towards the distance no matter what.

"It's Guo Furong!"

"Baby! Let the chasing bee kill her!"

On the roof, Elder Jin hurriedly drove his queen bee to chase and kill Guo Furong.

The sound fell, and the queen bee was preparing to control the soul-chasing bees to act.

But at this time.

Another 'Golden Elder' voice sounded.

"No! Baby! Let the chasing bee kill the old woman next to me!"

The queen bee froze, obviously a little confused, and didn't know who to listen to.

The queen bee didn't issue an order, and the soul chasing bees also froze in place, without any movement, as if they were machines.

"Who is learning how to speak from me?"

Elder Jin said angrily.

"It's me, your grandfather!"

A sword light erupted.

Stabbed directly at Elder Jin!
"not good!"

Elder Jin's expression changed.

His methods of manipulating poisons and poisons are extremely powerful. If he is given enough time to prepare, even the most powerful people may be killed by him!
But his own strength is quite average. Although he has the second-rate peak realm, his actual combat ability may be equivalent to some ordinary second-rate warriors.

Looking at this sword light now, he felt a fatal threat.

A deep feeling told him that if he didn't cope well, he might die this time!

"Deadly Scorpion!"

Under the threat of death, Elder Jin directly showed his cards.

A black poisonous scorpion the size of an adult's palm!
Needless to say, the horror of the life-killing scorpion, Shangguan Yundun died in its hands, if he was stung by it, he would definitely die!
"I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

Xu Yi's face remained unchanged.

He already knew that Elder Jin possessed the deadly scorpion, so how could he be unprepared?

In fact, his sword was prepared for this deadly scorpion!

It seemed that he took Elder Jin as a sure-fire target, but in fact, he left room for it. When the Death Scorpion was thrown by Elder Jin, Xu Yi's prepared backhand appeared instantly.

From a miraculous angle, the sword light turned, and a sword chopped off the deadly scorpion!
"My deadly scorpion!"

Elder Jin mourned loudly.

This is the top poison he has cultivated for more than ten years!

He pointed at Xu Yi tremblingly.

"You little bastard! How dare you kill my deadly scorpion! I must... uh uh uh!"

A sword light flashed across his neck.

The blood shot so fast that Elder Jin couldn't cover it no matter what, and finally he could only fall to the ground with endless hatred.Until the time of his death, his eyes were not closed, and he kept staring in Xu Yi's direction.

Xu Yi didn't care about this at all. After finishing Elder Jin, he immediately set his sights on Elder Yin who was not far away.

This was a white-haired old woman with fierce eyes like a poisonous snake. She stared at Xu Yi, especially interested in his neck, as if she was thinking of how to bite him hard!
In fact, she has long wanted to do this.

It's a pity that some kind of threat from the darkness told her that once she made a move, it would definitely attract a fatal blow from the darkness!
This strong threat forced her to concentrate on dealing with it. She thought that even if she was defeated by Elder Jin's strength, she could still entangle her for a while, and even if she made good use of the hole cards in his hand, she might even kill her opponent directly!

But who would have thought that in such a split second, Elder Jin's hole card, the Death Scorpion, was cut in half by someone with a sword, and then Elder Jin was wiped on the neck by someone, dying with regret.

They, who had a huge advantage just now, suddenly fell into an extremely dangerous situation.

"Who the hell are you? How dare you meddle in the affairs of our Five Poison Sect? Aren't you afraid that my Five Poison Sect will destroy your whole family?!"

Elder Yin said sharply.

Xu Yi never cared about the wailing of this kind of defeated dog, and immediately ordered the soul chasing bee to kill Elder Yin.

Bang! ! !
There was a loud noise.

Xu Yi turned his head to look, only to see that Guo Furong was bleeding from the corner of his mouth and had fallen to the ground, looking like he was dying.


Seeing this scene, Xu Yi was a little confused.

How is this going?

Aren't the gold and silver elders already here?How could this happen?
A little old man who appeared suddenly answered Xu Yi's doubts.

This is a little old man with a backpack on his back, bowing his head and looking down, like a traveling businessman. He always has a flattering smile on his face, as if he is a humble little person.

If Guo Furong, who was seriously injured, hadn't been looking at him with hatred all the time, I'm afraid that others would subconsciously ignore him and wouldn't care about him at all.

"Go ahead, don't worry about me."

The little old man walked to the side of the stone millstone, and after putting his backpack on the millstone, he seemed to notice that everyone's eyes were on him, and immediately bowed his head in embarrassment to apologize.

His tone was humble, but what he said next was creepy.

"I just passed by here to kill someone, so you can do whatever you want, don't care, don't care."

While speaking, he opened the backpack and took out everything inside.

Poison, rope, dagger...

"I'm sorry, Ms. Guo, I don't have enough time today, so I won't torture you. Hurry up! I have another order waiting for me soon."

"But don't worry, these tools are carefully selected by me, and I guarantee that you will not feel any pain, be happy, and go back to your hometown safely!"

His tone was still very low, but what he said made Guo Furong's hair stand on her head, her whole body trembling, and she looked at him with terrified eyes.

Isn't this person a pervert?

How could a normal person speak such horrible words in such a tone? !

"Shangguan Yundun!"

Xu Yi spit out the other party's name word by word.

His face suddenly became heavy.

This is the number one master of the Tiancan faction!

An existence that could make Bai Zhantang vomit blood with one palm!
Xu Yi had seen Bai Zhantang's strength before. He was definitely at the level of a top-notch master. He could beat Lao Bai until he vomited blood. One can imagine Shangguan Yundun's strength.

Even if it is not as good as Yue Buqun, it is probably not much worse!
'Didn't Shangguan Yundun appear only after the gold and silver elders were settled?Why is it showing up now? '

According to the plot in the TV series, the five masters of the underworld who came to chase and kill Guo Furong all had an order of appearance.

First of all, there are the beautiful and undiscounted two sisters of Flying Daomen.

Then came the gold and silver elders of the Five Poison Sect. These two are actually very dangerous. If one is not good, everyone in the Tongfu Inn may be wiped out. But for some reason, there is a sudden internal strife, which leads to the two directly It's all over.

After both gold and silver elders died, it took a while before Shangguan Yundun appeared on the stage.

But now...
Shangguan Yun Dun is ahead of schedule!
"Little brother actually knows me? What an honor, little old man!"

Shangguan Yun chuckled suddenly, showing a look of honor, although this look was a bit fake, he looked at Xu Yi, and said hesitantly.

"Looking at my brother's swordsmanship, it should be "Huashan Swordplay". Among the younger generation of Huashan School, who can practice "Huashan Swordplay" to this level, could it be that my brother is Linghu Chong, a major disciple of Huashan School? No, no, The age is wrong!"

"If it wasn't for Linghu Chong, then none of the other disciples of the Huashan School could have the "Huashan Sword Art" at this level..."

"I see! You are a disciple of Huashan Sword Sect, right?"

He used interrogative sentences, but his tone was extremely certain.

The Huashan faction is now close to closing the mountain. Outsiders don't know a lot of news, but he seems to know a lot of inside information, even the news from Jianzong's side. The source of information is surprisingly wide.


Xu Yi didn't respond to Shangguan Yundun's speculation, but solved his own doubt based on the information in the other party's words.

"He should have been hiding away for a long time. The reason why he didn't appear in the original book at the first time is probably because the existence of the gold and silver elders and their inexplicable deaths made him jealous, so he appeared so late. .”

Although the strength of the gold and silver elders was not high, their poisonous skills would make even top experts fearful. If Shangguan Yundun saw the presence of the gold and silver elders, it was normal for him not to dare to take action easily.

Now that Elder Jin was dead, and Elder Yin was restrained just now, before that weird death together, Shangguan Yundun naturally ran out.

"It's really unexpected that the Huashan Sword Sect, which was thought to have failed completely, can still cultivate such an excellent disciple as you, little brother. What a pity, what a pity!"

Shangguan Yun shook his head and sighed.

Xu Yi narrowed his eyes slightly.

"What a pity?"

"Unfortunately, I'm going to die soon!"

Shangguan Yun stroked his three mustache and said with a smile.

"Really? I think you should feel sorry for yourself!"

While speaking, Xu Yi directly drove the queen bee, and let the soul chasing bee swarm rush towards Shangguan Yundun.

Hundreds of poisonous bees, half the size of a baby's fist, were black and dense, and 'Buzzing' was about to rush forward to kill him.

But at this moment, Shangguan Yundun suddenly sprinkled a handful of powder, and the soul chasing bees seemed to have encountered some natural enemy, and they dared not go forward at all.

"Brother, these little bees don't seem to be as obedient as you think!"

Shangguan Yun said with a chuckle.

What responded to him was a sword light falling from the sky.

Xu Yi was killed!
"Tsk tsk! Little brother, why are you in such a hurry to come down to die? I want to kill that Miss Guo first, and then deal with you, so that Miss Guo will not be lonely on the road. But since you came down first, let's deal with it first." Hello."

Shangguan Yun dodged lightly and dodged Xu Yi's sword.

His body method is extremely flexible, possessing a kind of ghost-like change, with countless changes in reality and reality.

Xu Yi used more than a dozen moves in a row, but none of them touched the edge of his clothes.

Considering his current level of swordsmanship, this is simply unbelievable!
"It's really amazing! It is said that the "Huashan Sword Art" can be compared to first-class swordsmanship when it is mastered. I have seen it today. It's a pity that the level of this swordsmanship is still a little bit lower!"

Shangguan Yun said with a smile.

"I also feel a little worse."

Xu Yi didn't look panicked at all, and just recited silently in his heart.

"Turn on the state of mind!"

If you don't talk about martial arts, then I can only hang up!

A sword swings out.

"Huashan swordsmanship +80!"

"Huashan swordsmanship +80!"

In the mysterious space.

Xu Yi looked a little surprised.

"This rate of increase is actually so much higher than before? Could it be because I'm fighting now?"

This was Xu Yi's first attempt at an epiphany during the battle.

In the past, Xu Yi had achieved epiphany by practicing swords by himself, but now that he had achieved epiphany in the midst of a big battle, it suddenly became different.

"It feels like my body and even my soul have been greatly activated, and I can get more extreme insights every minute and every second!"

Xu Yi looked at his soaring proficiency in "Huashan Sword Art", and felt his remaining spiritual energy.

"I feel that if the epiphany goes well this time, maybe it can directly raise the "Huashan Sword Art" to a perfect level!"

If it is based on the previous improvement rate, even if he uses the only remaining epiphany state this time, he can increase the proficiency of "Huashan Sword Art" to [-], at most [-], which is a distance of [-]. Wan Yuan is not far behind.

But now due to the increase in combat, he is likely to directly fill up the proficiency of "Huashan Sword Art" this time!
Shangguan Yundun was still smiling at the beginning, holding a posture of playing in the world, and didn't take Xu Yi seriously at all.

He admitted that Xu Yi's swordsmanship is very powerful, and many first-class masters may not be able to match him. If he is also a first-class fighter, even he may not dare to say that he can beat Xu Yi.

But the problem is that Xu Yi is only a second-rate mid-term warrior!

With such a level of strength, it is simply impossible to compete with him!

'Unless you can practice swordsmanship to the extreme level! '

But is it possible?
It's simply impossible!

Therefore, Shangguan Yundun has always been playing with the mentality, waiting for when he has had enough fun, and then kill Xu Yi with one fell swoop!
But gradually, Shangguan Yun found something was wrong.

Why does it feel like this kid's swordsmanship is getting stronger and stronger?
If it is only a few dozen proficiency improvements, the change is not particularly obvious. Even for the Dacheng level "Huashan Sword Art", even if it is a few hundred proficiency improvements, the change will not be particularly large.

But the key point is that Xu Yi's proficiency has increased by dozens of times with just one swing of the sword!
In just such a short period of time, Xu Yi's "Huashan Sword Art" has at least increased his proficiency by a thousand!
This improvement in proficiency has not changed at all, and even the changes have begun to become more obvious.

This is not the most critical.

The most important thing is that Xu Yi's "Huashan Sword Art" is still improving crazily at the same speed!


Shangguan Yundun was completely stunned.

(End of this chapter)

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