Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 98: Fish dead and net broken?You think too much!

Chapter 98: Fish dead and net broken?You think too much! (two in one)

"It's really an epiphany!"

After a while, Shangguan Yundun was finally sure that Xu Yi had an epiphany after feeling the stronger swordsmanship again.

Knowing this, he almost cursed.

Can't you fucking afford it? !
It's just a fight, do you need to get out the epiphany?
Do you know that how many warriors can't wait for an epiphany in their lifetime, why did you suddenly realize it just by hitting it?And I had an epiphany when I was fighting with me!

"No! We can't go on like this!"

Shangguan Yun suddenly realized that he had to do something. If this continues, if Xu Yi really mastered the ultimate swordsmanship, wouldn't he be a pill?

"Five Ultimate Hands!"

Shangguan Yun Dun made a decisive move.

And as soon as he made a move, it was the result of exchanging injuries for injuries!
An inch is long and an inch is strong, and fists and palms are inherently flawed compared to weapons. Even if they are stronger, if a person who cultivates fists and palms is as strong as the front of the weapon, he will easily be injured.

Usually when the two are fighting, the practitioner of fist and palm will strike late and wait for the opportunity, and only when he catches an opening will he attack suddenly!
This was also the reason why Shangguan Yundun hadn't made a move just now.

Xu Yi had practiced "Huashan Sword Art" so well that he couldn't find a flaw at all, and forced him to strike. Even if he could injure Xu Yi, he would probably be stabbed by Xu Yi's long sword.

This was obviously something Shangguan Yundun didn't want to see, so there was a scene where he seemed to be playing Xu Yi at the beginning.

It's not that he really doesn't want to deal with Xu Yi quickly, but that he can't deal with Xu Yi without getting hurt at the same time!

Today's Shangguan Yundun still couldn't do it, even as Xu Yi's "Huashan Sword Art" became more powerful, his chances of finding Xu Yi's flaws became smaller and smaller.

But he had no choice at this time. Xu Yi suddenly entered into a state of epiphany. If he couldn't interrupt him, the final result might be a tragedy for him!
So even though he knew that doing so would hurt him, Shangguan Yundun had no choice but to take action at this moment.

I saw that Shangguan Yundun's "Five Ultimate Hands" was fast and ruthless, under the afterimage of Dao Dao, the sound of breaking wind sounded, hitting Xu Yi's chest directly!
If this palm hits hard, Xu Yi will be severely injured even if he is not dead!

At this time, Xu Yi, who looked as if he was wandering away, just dodged the fatal blow with a slight dodge.

"how can that be?"

Shangguan Yun's face suddenly changed.

His "Five Absolute Hands" is the ultimate martial art of their Tiancan sect. Although he hasn't cultivated it to perfection, and he hasn't even reached the Dacheng, he has also cultivated to the realm of Xiaocheng, which is close to Dacheng.

In terms of sophistication, it is no less than any first-class martial art!
In him, a first-class master, he can even unleash extremely powerful power!

Bai Zhantang in "Wulin Biography" was seriously injured by his palm!
How could Xu Yi, a mere second-rate fighter, be able to escape his blow?coincide?

Shangguan Yun's face was uncertain, and he snorted coldly.

"I see how well you can hide!"

With both palms out.


Like a violent storm, it directly covered Xu Yi.

More insidious poison gas quietly flew out from his sleeve.

The palm method is bright, and the poisonous gas is dark.

There are two ways out!

If it were someone else, even if they could escape the stormy "Five Absolute Hands", it would be difficult to escape the insidious poison gas.

But Xu Yi was obviously not an ordinary person.

"Memory Palace!"

In the sea of ​​knowledge.

Xu Yi's soul sits under the Martial Arts Tree. All the previous battle memories have been collected here and merged into a leaf, and there is a steady stream of memories being updated in real time.

Xu Yi kept 'watching' these memories at ten times the speed, and any actions that Shangguan Yundun thought to be concealed had already been seen through by him.

Even the trajectory of the poisonous gas has been deduced by him in all directions.

Distraction double use!

Memory Palace Battle!
This is an ability discovered after Xu Yi's soul manifested.

With this ability, it can be said that absolutely no one can make small moves under his hands.

Coupled with the blessing of a large amount of spiritual power in the state of epiphany, Xu Yi's actual combat ability is even stronger than that of him in the serious state!
Some things that he couldn't do even if he was in a serious state, but in this state he can easily do it, as if he has been blessed by God.

It's like the palm just now, if Xu Yi was in a serious state, maybe he would have to exchange injuries with Shangguan Yun.

But in that unique state of epiphany, as if he had been instructed by a god, he easily dodged that blow with just a slight movement.

"It feels like owning the Ultimate Instinct in "Dragon Ball"!"

It's like a dream but not a dream, half awake but not awake, as if relying on your own subconscious to fight.

With him in this state, as long as he doesn't want to confront Shangguan Yundun head-on, it is impossible for the other party to meet him head-on-at least the current Shangguan Yundun can't do this!
In order to break his special state, one must have the speed and strength to completely crush him.

The current Shangguan Yundun couldn't do this, Xu Yi reckoned that at least he had to be a top-notch warrior to be able to do this.

Xu Yi first took a side-sliding step, narrowly dodging Shangguan Yundun's consecutive five moves, and then dodged sideways, dodging Shangguan Yundun's poisonous gas attack very well.

After a short pause, when the poisonous gas dissipated, it continued to wrap around Shangguan Yundun again.

"Huashan swordsmanship +100!"

"Huashan swordsmanship +100!"

Shangguan Yundun's earnestness not only did not cause any trouble to Xu Yi, but also made his "Huashan Sword Art" skyrocket at a faster speed!
The greater the pressure, the greater the increase!
Unless you reach the extreme value all at once, your pressure can only become the accumulation of the other party's upgrade, helping the other party to improve faster!
This is simply a bug-like ability!

"Can't fight!"

Shangguan Yun Dun didn't believe it at first, but soon he had to believe it.

Seeing that Xu Yi, who could only deal with him passively after his attack, was now able to fight back!
Although the proportion of counterattacks was very small, about ten times from his side, Xu Yi could only counterattack once, but this was an extremely dangerous signal!

Don't forget, Xu Yi is still in a state of epiphany, and his strength is improving rapidly!

"No more fights!"

"Must leave immediately!"

Sensing the impending danger, Shangguan Yundun was very decisive and planned to withdraw immediately.

If he wanted to leave at the beginning, Xu Yi might not be able to do anything to him.

If you can't even fight back, how can you keep him?
But at this time, Xu Yi, who was able to fight back, was no longer able to leave as Shangguan Yundun wanted to - especially with the help of the Memory Palace, all of Shangguan Yundun's small movements could not be concealed from his eyes, and he was slamming here and there?
Feel sorry!

I have seen through everything about you!
"Are you really going to fight me to death?"

Shangguan Yundun, who tried more than a dozen times in a row but couldn't get out of trouble, finally couldn't help shouting sharply.

He directly took out a medicine bottle, as if he was about to smash the medicine bottle, and everyone died together.

Brush brush!
The sword light is endless.

Xu Yi was still entangled with Shangguan Yundun, as if he hadn't heard what Shangguan Yundun said at all.

At this moment, Xu Yi's sword skill proficiency has skyrocketed to [-], and there is only [-] proficiency left before the perfect sword skill.

At this point, his "Huashan Sword Art" has actually touched the edge of the ultimate sword art. Even if Shangguan Yun Dun fights against him, he can still fight [-]-[-].

This was also the reason why Shangguan Yun became anxious.

Let Xu Yi continue to improve, he will be really dangerous!


Shangguan Yun's face was gloomy, and he said that he wanted to die together, but the medicine bottle in his hand was stuck tightly in his hand, and he didn't even move to throw it out.

His fundamental purpose of taking out the poison was to wake up Xu Yi, not to die with him.

Of course, if he really got to that point, he might not do that.

Xu Yi, who noticed this, also made decisive adjustments.

Reduce the speed of swordsmanship growth!

Create the illusion that the bottleneck has been reached!
In case Shangguan Yundun really jumps over the wall in a hurry!
This kind of thing, if it is a person who is really in a state of epiphany, it is naturally difficult to control, because their own consciousness is no longer under their free control, but is controlled by their subconscious mind.

It is impossible to do such a thing unless it is out of the epiphany state - because this is not the best epiphany state for it.

Xu Yi is different from other enlightened people.

Although he also entered the state of epiphany, but this state of epiphany can be controlled by him freely—or to be more precise, from the beginning to the end, the one who controls everything is actually him in the mysterious space.

For the rest, whether it is his physical body in the real world or his soul in the sea of ​​consciousness, neither can completely control the body and soul freely.

To put it simply, Xu Yi in the mysterious space has the highest authority. He can control the physical body in reality and the soul in the sea of ​​consciousness at will.

This kind of thing, which is almost impossible for other enlightened people, is just a matter of thought for Xu Yi in the mysterious space.

As soon as this change came out, Shangguan Yun immediately relaxed.

"It seems that this is his limit!"

"if it is like this······"

He rolled his eyes and felt that his chance had come.

If Xu Yi breaks through, he will definitely run as hard as he can without saying a word!

But if it's just like this now...

"When he exits the epiphany state, I will kill him directly!"

A sharp look flashed in Shangguan Yun's eyes.

The kid in front of me is so powerful at such a young age, if he is allowed to practice and seek revenge on him in the future, wouldn't he be dead?
He must be killed in advance!

Ever since, he began to wait for an opportunity.

Shangguan Yundun thought he could wait for a chance to turn the game around, but in the end what he waited for was a handful of quicklime powder!
Shangguan Yun Dun really did not expect this result at all.

Would a martial artist who had fallen into an epiphany still sprinkle quicklime powder?
Could it be that he practiced this kind of thing until it became his own instinct?
Shangguan Yundun, who was completely unprepared, ate the quicklime powder firmly.

"Ahh! You forced me to do this! Let's all die together!"

Shangguan Yun, who couldn't open his eyes, suddenly went mad, and was about to throw the poison in his hand, and die with everyone present.


Xu Yi cut off his arm with one sword, and then stabbed his throat with another sword, and finally reached out his hand to help the poison before it fell to the ground.

"You... uh..."

Shangguan Yun clutched his throat, as if he wanted to remember Xu Yi desperately before he died, but his eyes were covered with quicklime, and he couldn't even fulfill this last wish, so he fell to the ground.

The number one master of the Heavenly Remnant Sect, the top powerhouse on the black list, killing people without counting, even in the Jianghu is a well-known existence, so he died in Xu Yi's hands.

Sadly, until the moment of his death, he didn't even know the name of the person who killed him.

But thinking about the countless people who died at his hands, he deserved to die like this!


Guo Furong was a little confused.

This Shangguan Yundun, who had severely injured her with one palm, just died in the hands of that little... young hero who claimed to be a disciple of the Huashan School?

The way she looked at Xu Yi suddenly became a little different. When she came to the back, she even looked like a star.

This is the real hero!
"not good!"

If Guo Furong's mood at this moment is happy and excited, then Elder Yin's mood at this moment is particularly frightened.

"This kid even killed Shangguan Yundun?"

That is the top killer in the Jianghu that makes countless people frightened!

Even their gold and silver elders are extremely afraid of this one, even if they join forces, they may not be Shangguan Yundun's opponent.

But just now, she actually saw Shangguan Yundun die at the hands of a young man with her own eyes!
If this gets out, the whole world will probably be shocked by it!

"No! I have to run away quickly! This task can no longer be done!"

Elder Yin, who was frightened, did not dare to stay here any longer, and turned around directly to escape from here.

But as soon as she turned around, a sharp sword pierced her chest.

Elder Yin looked down, only seeing the blood-stained long sword.

The long sword was retracted.

Elder Yin, who lost his last support, fell to the ground with a dejected expression.

In her hand, a five-step snake sprang out - this was the trump card she had prepared for herself. The poison was fierce, not weaker than the deadly scorpion!
As if obeying Elder Yin's last order, the five-step snake rushed towards Xu Yi.


A sword in the air.

He directly cut off the head of the five-step snake.

The power of these poisons lies in their toxicity and suddenness. If they are prepared in advance, they are actually not difficult for warriors to deal with - in the TV series, even Li Dazui, an ordinary person, can handle the deadly scorpion.

All the problems were solved, and Xu Yi just exhausted all his mental energy and retreated from the state of enlightenment.

"Switch to the free state!"


 It will be on the shelves in three hours, so I won’t write the testimonials for the shelves, just talk about it here, there are not many anyway.

  First of all, three chapters (1 words) will be posted directly in the early morning, and the rest will be posted during the day. Don’t worry, at least [-] words will be released on the day of release!There will only be more and no less!

  Secondly, about adding changes, one hundred monthly tickets or ten thousand rewards plus one change ([-] characters), well, if the first order is more than two thousand, one change will be added for every one hundred or more!
  Finally, thank you for editing the Blu-ray!He really helped me a lot!From testing the waters until now, I have all the recommendations I can get, thank you very much!

  Finally, ask for a first order!Thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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