Heavens: I can hypnotize myself

Chapter 99 The sword art is perfect!Great harvest!

Chapter 99 The sword art is perfect!Great harvest! (ask for the first order!)
In the mysterious space.

A light blue translucent panel appeared in front of Xu Yi's eyes.

Host: Xu Yi

Boundary: second-rate middle stage

Internal force: seven years (17 years/limit)

Internal strength: Huashan basic internal strength (seventh level)

Martial arts: Huashan Sword Technique LV·6 (Consummation), Yun Zongbu LV·6 (Consummation), Huashan Changquan LV·6 (Consummation)
Visualizing Thoughts: The Eight-Level Memory Palace
Skill: Medicine LV·70 (100/[-])

""Huashan Sword Art" is complete!"

So far, Xu Yi's three major martial arts, "Huashan Sword Art", "Yun Zongbu" and "Huashan Changquan", have all reached the level of LV·6 perfection.

The epiphany during this battle directly increased the proficiency of Xu Yi's "Huashan Sword Art" by [-], breaking through from Dacheng to Perfection.

The perfect level of "Huashan Sword Art" that no one has ever reached is already a complete top sword art level.

Perhaps among the top swordsmanship, the perfect level of "Huashan Swordsmanship" is not top-notch, but the top swordsmanship is the top swordsmanship, and the increase it can bring is far from comparable to first-class swordsmanship.

Many people may still not quite understand the difference between martial arts and martial arts.

it's actually really easy.

The essence of martial arts is to increase a person's upper limit of comprehensive energy and instantaneous burst energy, and the essence of martial arts is to determine whether your energy is punched out in the form of fists or bullets.

Xu Yi's upper limit of comprehensive energy and instant burst energy are not as good as Shangguan Yundun's, but the energy he shoots out is more condensed than Shangguan Yundun's energy. Although it can't reach the ratio of fists and bullets, it is also greatly weakened. Even to a certain extent, Xu Yi is even stronger than Shangguan Yun Dun!
(PS: The energy mentioned above does not only refer to internal force, but a general term, which includes physical energy, soul energy and even spiritual energy. After all, some martial arts do not rely solely on internal force, but also include the physical body, soul and even mind!)

The extreme level of swordsmanship made Xu Yi's real combat power reach the first-class level. Even if he didn't activate any special status, he was enough to fight against first-class masters.

If after turning on the normal state or even the serious state, he can use his combat power to the extreme, even in the face of the strongest of the first-class masters, he can still meet him.

"It's really unexpected. I thought it would be the internal strength side that broke through first! I didn't expect that it was the swordsmanship side that broke through first, which led to the improvement of my overall combat power."

Xu Yi felt a little emotional.

There is no way, after all, "Huashan Sword Art" is really far behind here, a full [-] proficiency points, if you don't activate the epiphany hang, even if he activates the sixteen times normal state, fifteen hours a day, it will take Two or three years will do.

Even if the epiphany hook is activated, judging from the previous epiphany experience, he should still be six to seven thousand proficient, which will take four to five months.

In the same amount of time, based on the fact that he can accumulate two years of internal strength after practicing for one month, he has already broken through to the first-class state.

"First-class combat power, not bad!"

Surprisingly, Xu Yi is still very satisfied with his current combat power.

Having possessed a first-class combat power ahead of time, even if facing Zuo Lengchan's attack, he would be able to have enough strength to deal with it.

"Next, as long as I get that... I can develop steadily for a period of time with peace of mind, and then just come out and push!"

The happy Xu Yi planned to make himself happier.

He set his sights on the gold and silver elders and Shangguan Yundun.

After defeating the BOSS, it's naturally time for the fun part of touching the corpse!

"I don't know what good things they are carrying?"

Xu Yi was looking forward to it.

Of course, this process of touching the corpse is still dangerous. Needless to say, the gold and silver elders have many poisons hidden in their bodies.

Shangguan Yundun is not a good person, he may have many hidden weapons on his body!
But it wasn't a big problem for Xu Yi.

"Switch serious state!"

"Activate the Memory Palace!"

With their strong thinking and extreme observation ability, no small problem hidden in them could escape Xu Yi's eyes.

In the end, it took less than 2 minutes for Xu Yi to successfully complete his body touching session.

Although some poisons and traps appeared on the way, they were all easily dealt with by him.

"A total of nearly 3 taels of silver notes."

"Various poisons, antidotes, and hidden weapons."

"A copy of the Heavenly Remnant Sect's supreme martial art "Five Absolute Hands"."

"A first-class inner strength method of the Five Poisons Sect, "The Heart Sutra of the Five Poisons."

Seeing what he got, Xu Yi couldn't help being a little surprised.

This gain is too great, right?

Needless to say, the nearly 3 taels of silver bills, the entire Xu family only has nearly 30 taels of silver, this is one-tenth of it.

And Xu Yi can be sure that this is definitely not all the wealth of the gold and silver elders and Shangguan Yundun!
As the most famous killers in the underworld, they have done countless business deals in Jianghu for decades.

Although it is impossible for every order to be like Guo Furong's, each order is worth 5 taels of silver, but as long as the average order is a few thousand taels, the wealth they have accumulated over the years must be at least ten times this value !
3 million taels of silver?
It's just the money they usually carry with them.

"It's a pity that I couldn't take down their lair, otherwise the harvest would be even greater!"

Xu Yi shook his head regretfully.

Then there are those bottles and jars, as well as some exquisite hidden weapons. How to say these things, the value is hard to estimate.

From the perspective of pure value, they may be worth a few thousand taels, and if only the cost is considered, it may be even lower.

But if you want to say that they are not of high value, at critical times, they can determine the outcome or even life and death!
"Put it away!"

Xu Yi still decided to put all these things away, who knows if he will be able to use them someday?

Then, it is the most important thing for warriors.

Martial arts cheats!

The Tiancan faction's unique learning and martial arts "Five Unique Hands"!
Five Poisons teach unique skills, first-class internal strength "Five Poisons Heart Sutra"!
Needless to say, the power of "Five Absolute Hands" is powerful. Shangguan Yundun has relied on it for so many years. If Xu Yi hadn't cultivated this martial art to the stage of mastery, even if Xu Yi had upgraded "Huashan Sword Art" to the ultimate sword art He will not be Shangguan Yundun's opponent.

Generally speaking, even if you are practicing a supreme martial skill, it does not mean that you will be able to exert the power of a supreme martial skill as soon as you practice it. You need to practice at least to the level of Dacheng in order to truly exert the power of a supreme martial skill.

The ultimate martial skill in Xiaocheng realm is equivalent to the first-rate martial skill, or slightly stronger than the first-rate martial skill, and it has not yet reached the level of the ultimate martial skill.

Shangguan Yundun suffered because he did not cultivate the "Five Absolute Hands" to the Dacheng state. If he cultivated the "Five Absolute Hands" to the Dacheng state, with his first-class internal strength, he could definitely suppress Xu Yi!
He didn't even give him a chance to succeed in his epiphany, and killed him directly in the process of his epiphany!

Shangguan Yundun's loss to Xu Yi does not mean that "Five Ultimate Hands" lost to "Huashan Sword Art". If it is also at the perfect level, the power of "Five Ultimate Hands" is even higher than "Huashan Sword Art"!
"It just so happens that I have practiced "Huashan Changquan" to the end, and this "Five Absolute Hands" can just make up for my lack of fists and palms."

Xu Yi was quite satisfied with this harvest.

As for whether to directly revise "Five Jue Shou" or integrate the essence of "Fu Jue Shou" into "Huashan Changquan" to create a unique martial art that belongs to him, that's another matter.

"Finally, it is the first-class inner strength method "The Heart Sutra of Five Poisons"!"

Xu Yi looked at the inner skill method in his hands, and actually felt somewhat regretful in his heart.

The Five Poison Sect is a sect with a long history, and it has been passed down for hundreds of years, even longer than the Huashan School!
It is said that the Five Poison Sect once flourished, and it was the first-class cult in the martial arts at that time!It can make countless people in the rivers and lakes frightened!
The "Five Poisons Heart Sutra" is not a top-notch inner strength, but the top-level inner strength!
It is not weaker than the one in "Zixia Divine Art"!

It's a pity that in the past few hundred years, the Five Poison Sect has experienced many tribulations, and has already fallen from the peak. In recent decades, it has even been reduced to a subsidiary force of the Sun Moon Demon Sect. It is conceivable that it is weak. to what extent.

In today's Five Poison Sect, not only the gold and silver elders can't reach the realm of first-rate masters, but even their leader, Lan Fenghuang, is only at the level of the second-rate peak.

If it weren't for their top-notch poisoning methods, they might have already fallen into second-rate or even third-rate forces.

One of the most important reasons for these results is that a large part of their "Five Poisons Heart Sutra" is missing.

"The Heart Sutra of Five Poisons" is not just a simple way to practice inner strength, it also includes a lot of methods of using poison!

Back then, the Five Poisons Sect was able to become a first-class force in the Jianghu, relying on the blessing of the "Five Poisons Heart Sutra"!

Without the assistance of a large number of poisoning methods in the "Five Poisons Heart Sutra", the decline of the Five Poisons Sect has naturally become inevitable.


Xu Yi flipped through the "Heart Sutra of Five Poisons" casually, recorded all the contents in the memory palace, and then put it away.

The "Five Poisons Heart Sutra" is not very helpful to him, it is really incomplete and a bit too serious, there are twelve serious scriptures, it only has ten serious scriptures for positioning and opening up methods, and only one of them is Xu Yi. No.

Adding this one, Xu Yi now barely has eleven serious positioning methods, and there is only one left before the twelve serious ones.

From this point of view, the "Five Poisons Heart Sutra" really did not help Xu Yi much, and it could not even allow him to obtain the complete method of opening the twelve meridians.

However, the knowledge of various poisons and poisons recorded in the "Five Poisons Heart Sutra" still has a lot of effect on him.

At least when faced with some conventional poisons and poisons, Xu Yi would know how to deal with them.

all in all.

For Xu Yi, although this battle was a bit more dangerous, the rewards were still huge.

Nearly 3 taels of silver, a large number of hidden poison weapons, superb martial arts "Five Ultimate Hands" and first-class internal skills "Five Poisons Heart Sutra", etc., many second-rate forces may not be able to have so much wealth.

Among other things, most of the second-rate forces in the Jianghu would not be able to produce that superb martial skill.

The value of this martial skill is difficult to measure with specific money.

"It really is a gold belt for murder and arson!"

Xu Yi sighed in his heart.

With just such a harvest from the first battle, he can even try to build a second-rate force.

With internal strength, martial arts, and money!

As long as you find another territory, you can start to form your own forces.

All problems solved.

The people from Tongfu Inn quickly went to inform the people from the yamen to collect the body.

Xu Yi deliberately told Lao Bai and the others to omit his existence in the description of this battle, and not to speak out about his existence.

This naturally made Bai Zhantang, Guo Furong and others puzzled. Warriors came out to roam the rivers and lakes, isn't it just for fame and fortune?
Killing the three masters on the underworld killer list is definitely enough to cause a sensation in the whole Jianghu. It can make Xu Yi a famous figure in the Jianghu all of a sudden. Why give up?
Xu Yi smiled but did not answer.

When Lao Bai and the others saw this, they could only agree, and after some discussion, no one stood up to claim the reputation, but pushed the matter to them, the underworld masters, who killed each other.

In this way, this incident can be regarded as a satisfactory solution.

Xu Yi, the person who got involved inadvertently in the middle and turned the tide in the end, in the final description, apart from appearing a little at the beginning, he was invisible the whole time afterwards.

Even Butou Xing, who rushed over, didn't pay attention to him at all—his eyes were all on those underworld killers!
Although these killers did not die by his hands, they also died on his territory!

This credit is divided, so they also have a share, right?

With such a happy mood, Catcher Xing didn't have time to take care of Xu Yi, he just carried the corpse and left!
As soon as he survived, the time came to the middle of the night.

"Finally resolved."

Everyone in Tongfu Inn breathed a sigh of relief.

"Go to sleep!"

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Xu Yi, as the savior of everyone, was naturally assigned to a top-notch guest room, eh, for free!
Shopkeeper Tong was so distressed at that time!
But still forced a smile, said free words.

Seeing this scene, Xu Yi finally felt a bit of the experience he had when he watched "Wulin Biography". This is a joyful comedy!
Bai Zhantang led Xu Yi to the guest room.

"Xu Shaoxia, you live here. If you need anything, just give me an order. My name is Bai Zhantang, and you can call me Lao Bai. If there is nothing wrong, then I will go down first."

"and many more."

Xu Yi stopped him.

"Xu Shaoxia, is there anything else?"

Bai Zhantang said with some doubts.

Xu Yi pondered for a while and said.

"If I'm not mistaken, Brother Bai, you should be from the Sunflower Pie, right?"

Bai Zhantang's pupils shrank suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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