Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 158 Get the hell out of Brother Fei's studio!

Chapter 158 Get the hell out of Brother Fei's studio!
Everything was as expected by Lao Zhao.

The other party really couldn't sit still.

Now in such a big place where Ye Fei caused an accident, he openly challenged him.

Now that you have done such a thing, don't blame me for not being able to tolerate you.

The other party directly hung up Ye Fei's invitation.

Ying Jiang also received the news immediately.

Seeing that Ye Fei took the initiative to attack, Madeleine just used this opportunity to question and suppress Ye Fei.

Madeleine contacted them, some non-government environmental protection organizations and vegetarian organizations in China, and told them about the general work arrangement.

The other party expressed great approval for Madeleine's claim.

So 10 minutes later, these folk environmentalists and vegetarians poured into Ye Fei's live broadcast room in large numbers.

"Mr. Ye, we are from the Eagle Sauce Vegetarian Alliance and the Environmentalist Alliance. Would it be convenient for you to video with us now?"

Ye Fei finally waited until they took the initiative to attack, and clicked agree without saying a word.

"I didn't expect that there are foreign friends in my live broadcast room. How are you all?"

The group of foreigners on the opposite side put on a serious face, as if Ye Fei owed them 80.

"Mr. Ye, you are still smiling with us now! Do you know what you are doing?"

"Look! You need such a large amount of superconducting materials, which will cause non-renewable resources on our earth and a rapid shortage of resources."

"Haven't you always focused on environmental protection? Why are the things you do now not environmentally friendly at all?"

Ye Fei smiled coldly.

He wants to see what else you can do.

Seeing that Ye Fei didn't speak, the other party thought he had given up.

"Look! A few years ago, the global warming effect has become a hot topic in every country."

"Every July and August will be year-on-year, and last year it rose by two to three degrees."

"Countries like these near the equator are already dying of heat."

As they spoke, they also took out a few pictures they found online and slid them on the tablet.

"Nowadays, although the superconductor materials have passed the qualified data, the amount you use is so large that it simply exceeds the load of Blue Star."

"Tell me, how do you want to protect the environment?"

Ye Fei was not in a hurry when the opponent bombarded him wildly.

Ye Fei was calm and composed, with no expression on his face.

"Have you finished preaching your claims?"

The speaker of the Environmental Protection Alliance nodded, and the staff behind him continued to remind everyone in the live broadcast room with photo posters of environmental pollution.

In Ye Fei's eyes, this is a group of eagle sauce clowns.

It's okay for me to lose face by closing the country at home, but now I'm rushing to his territory to act wildly.

You are really at your wit's end.

"The friends in the live broadcast room should have heard me explain my superconductor material more than once."

"As I said a long time ago, this is a material with zero resistance and no consumption, and at the same time as zero loss, we have achieved a quality of durability that can reach a hundred years."

"It is true that some non-renewable resources are used in the production of these materials."

"Throughout the history of our human development, the bricks, tiles and pieces of iron we use are all non-renewable resources."

"Even the tablet you are holding now has countless non-renewable resources on it, so should we veto all of these things?"

Ye Fei's question hit them directly.


"It's not the same thing at all."

Ye Fei asked directly: "Why is it not the same thing?"

"You are calling yourself a coalition of environmentalists, but I want to ask how much you have contributed to the desert? How much have you contributed to the conservation of water resources?"

This obviously touched on the pain point of the other party, and at this time they began to explain frantically.

"We're just a non-governmental charity, and we don't have so much money to do these things."

"For a company as big as yours, with such big profits."

Ye Fei smiled after hearing this.

"So you, who can't contribute anything to global environmental protection, are accusing us of doing things?"

After speaking, Ye Fei said to the backstage staff: "Release our oasis plan."

Then the screen in the live broadcast room switched to some shot videos.

There are volunteers planting trees in the desert, and Ye Fei is using advanced artificial intelligence to explore underground resources.

"We Xiaguo people plant oases for the desert, and I use all the technology I have to find new renewable resources."

"These are all steps forward for Blue Star's environmental protection, but what about you?"

"What did you do again?"

Naturally, the environmental protection agencies of the Minjian can also come up with some deeds.

It's nothing more than helping the poor, or promoting vegetarianism in front of a butcher's shop.

This is Ying Jiang's old routine, and Lao Zhao has already predicted this.

"What we do is definitely not as good as what you do, but that doesn't mean we have no heart."

"We are able to propose an environmental protection initiative to you here today, naturally because we have the concept of environmental protection in our hearts."

Ye Fei continued to ask back.

"Then we don't? When you were accusing me, did you go to our company's official website and read our oasis plan?"

"Why should I work so hard to produce artificial intelligence? It is for robots that can replace us humans to do these things in harsh environments."

After Ye Fei finished speaking, thunderous applause came from the pedestrian street.

"Clap clap clap!"

The applause was followed by the screams of countless Yefei supporters.


"Fei Ge is mighty!"

In the barrage, those who didn't want to quarrel originally couldn't see these white-skinned crocodiles biting people here.

"You bastards, open your eyes and take a good look at our brother Fei's pattern!"

"It's fine if I didn't do anything, how dare I accuse others here?"

"We are a big country, when will it be your turn for a small country that has only been founded for a hundred years to point fingers?"

"Get out of Brother Fei's studio!"

"Get out of Brother Fei's studio!"

"Get out of Brother Fei's studio!"


This sentence was frantically brushed in the barrage.

It doesn't matter what the eagle sauce and some environmental supporters in foreign countries are saying.

Tens of thousands of supporters in Ye Fei's live broadcast room frantically posted this barrage.

In the pedestrian street, everyone shouted in unison.

"Get out of Brother Fei's studio!"


At this time, even the staff of the press conference were stunned.

They all looked down through the windows.

The supporters on the pedestrian street stood up and clapped their hands, while yelling to tell these Yingjiang dog legs to get out of Ye Fei's live broadcast room.

And these shouts were also transmitted to the radio in the live broadcast room of the press conference.

At this time, the staff who were in the live broadcast room couldn't hold back, and shouted at them in bird language.

"Get out of Brother Fei's live broadcast room!"

(End of this chapter)

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