Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 159 Fatal Strike, You Have Lost

Chapter 159 Fatal blow, you have already lost
Perhaps the noise of the pedestrian street is just noise in the ears of the Environmental Protection League.

But when the staff shouted slogans in bird language, the members of the Environmental Protection Alliance were shocked.


"what are you guys saying?"

"You want us to go?"

"Are you so unqualified?"

Ye Fei suppressed the anger in his heart.

The number of viewers in the live broadcast room this time has exceeded 500 million. Under such a big scene, he must not lose the demeanor of a big country.

"These are just ordinary people chanting slogans. Are the Yingjiang people so narrow-minded?"

"You are a superpower. Is this the only thing you can say and do?"

"Now the number of people in the live broadcast room has exceeded 500 million, why don't you tell me what amazing deeds you have done."

After hearing this, the Environmental Protection Alliance quickly took out the banners and posters from the previous publicity from its warehouse.

They listed in detail some of the folk activities they did.

However, these non-governmental activities are ultimately a drop in the bucket for the real governance environment.

Even if Ye Fei gave them enough time, they could finish talking about such a small matter within 10 minutes.

After they finished speaking, they still looked smug, as if they had done some feat.

"That's all? Isn't there anything else?" Ye Fei asked.

The people of the Environmental Alliance also have a smug attitude.

"Aren't these enough? We really went to the local area to do all these things by hand. These are not what technology companies like you can compare with a little money."

Yingjiang's environmental protection alliance dared to say such a thing without shame, which aroused the anger of everyone in the live broadcast room.

"Doing such a little sesame-sized thing, you still have the nerve to show it off?"

"Isn't this shameless? Don't you want your own face?"

"Yingjiang has only done so much in such a large area of ​​land. I really don't know where you have the courage to shout in front of our Brother Fei."


Xia people feel disdainful of the environmental protection alliance's drop in the bucket.

Ye Fei scanned the big screen in the live broadcast room from the corner of his eye, and he saw the comments on the barrage.

After all, I am a leader among private enterprises, and I cannot bully such a small organization as the Environmental Protection Alliance.

"I know what your Environmental Protection Alliance has done, and you have exhausted your strength to do what you can."

"However, I would like to ask now, apart from your non-government organizations doing environmental protection, has your country made any major contributions to the global environment?"

"By taking advantage of the large platform of our live broadcast room, you can also talk to all of us."

The people from the Environmental Protection Alliance were at a loss for words.

From their point of view, if Ying Jiang really does any work that is beneficial to the cause of environmental protection, there is no need for these non-governmental alliances.

This is a paradox.

I saw a few of them volunteers rushing together and arguing with each other.

There were bursts of boos from the crowd in the pedestrian street.

"Shhh! Didn't make any move? I'm so guilty!"

"You Eagle Sauce don't even care about environmental protection, but now you're talking about us across the Atlantic and Pacific!"

"Get out of Brother Fei's studio!"


In the end, these volunteers had no choice but to use some data to illustrate the matter.

"Our country has the fewest mining companies in the world. In order to protect the environment, we have not developed these polluting industries."

"Even the most polluting chemical plants are invisible in our country."

"So our eagle sauce is the most environmentally friendly country, maintaining the original forest style."

At this time, the barrage in the live broadcast room suddenly began to use the word chopsticks frantically.

The onlookers who didn't know the truth also saw the word chopsticks pop up in the live broadcast room.

"What does this mean?" Chu Hanshuang asked.

He quickly reported the situation to Ye Fei with a reminder board.

Ye Fei understood immediately after seeing it.

And the people of the Environmental Protection Alliance seem to have received the signal.

"We in western countries use iron knives and forks, which can be recycled and are renewable resources."

"But! You use wooden chopsticks for cooking, and many of them are disposable. How many trees will you have to cut down this year to make up for your consumption?"

"You waste timber resources like this, don't you want to review it?"

Ye Fei had already prepared for this topic.

When Fusang launched the public chopsticks operation, he had already been vaccinated.

"We have an environmental protection plan for planting trees and gardens in deserts and arid areas every year. I have just watched the video."

"We have made unremitting efforts for environmental protection. If you still have opinions on this, then I will show you how our Great Xia Kingdom manages the environment."

Ye Fei picked up the remote control on the table and clicked on the video switch.

Netizens from all over the world are mixed in the live broadcast room which is close to 600 million people.

And under Ye Fei's propaganda, they all witnessed the environmental protection work of Great Xia Kingdom.

The high-pitched accompaniment sounded, and the exciting picture appeared in front of everyone.

"Since the 70s, environmental protection has been an important issue in the development of Xiaguo."

"During decades of development, Xiaguo has focused on the three levels of hydropower and atmosphere."

"Insist on protecting while developing and develop while protecting, promote economic transformation, improve the quality of life, and build a strong foundation for long-term stable and rapid economic development."

"Provide the people with a livable and healthy environment with clear water, clear sky, blue ground and clean land."

Magnificent landscapes appeared in front of everyone.

Dam project.

Advanced sewage treatment facilities.

Strictly control the air PM value.

Including planting large green plants in the desert and so on.

Xia Guoren watched, and was moved and excited by the scene in the live broadcast room.

"I didn't expect that there are so many people contributing to environmental protection in places we haven't seen."

"And we really didn't expect that the country attaches so much importance to environmental protection."

"It's no wonder that every city has mandatory green belts, isn't it just for protection during development?"

"I'm really proud that we can live in a country like this."

Facts speak louder than words.

When a promotional video appeared in front of everyone, all the rumors were self-defeating.

And for people like Ying Jiang who find fault, today's promotional videos are enough to swell their faces.

Ye Fei saw that the person on the other side of the video connection did not speak.

He made the last cut.

"Yingjiang has done a lot of immoral things over the years."

(End of this chapter)

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