Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 206 The slander of the comeback, was labeled as a military hat.

Chapter 206 The slander of the comeback, was labeled as a military hat.

The visiting group came by coincidence, took a few photos and then left.

It's just that in the photos they took, some people in military uniforms were accidentally photographed carrying some high-tech equipment in the basement.

These sophisticated devices look a bit like shells.

Some are like radar.

The smart computers of their central controller surprised the visiting group even more.

Although Mr. Liu led people to let them go up, when these photos were circulated on the Internet, they attracted a lot of attention.

Recently, Condor's reputation has been called into question.According to netizens, the company seems to be suspected of having some kind of relationship with the military factory.In response to this news, people on the Internet are discussing heatedly.

Have you noticed that a group of people in military uniforms have entered Ye Fei's company recently? "Someone posted such a question on a forum and it got a lot of interest from other people.

"Yeah, I noticed that too. They seem to be moving instruments and tools," replied another.

"This is so strange. We know that Ye Fei's company is engaged in the research and development of technology in the civilian field. Why do they hire so many people in military uniforms?" Netizens asked their own questions.

"Maybe Shenying is cooperating with military enterprises." The netizen began to offer suggestions to everyone.

""As far as I know, Condor is specialized in the research and production of artificial intelligence and high technology. I don't know what relationship they have with military factories. "Another netizen didn't quite believe this inversion of black and white.

"Don't talk nonsense, you people," said a long-time Condor fan. "I don't believe these people. Condor has always been a technology company, and their sophisticated technology has always been industry-leading." .I think they are just doing some new research, which has nothing to do with the military.”

"Your opinion may be right." Another netizen said, "But we cannot rule out that the company may participate in development projects in the military field. This is also a possible explanation."

Other netizens also began to express their views.Some people think that such remarks are likely to be fabricated out of thin air, while others think that the company should give consumers and the public an explanation.

During this time, Ye Fei devoted himself to researching experiments in zero gravity, hoping to open up a new field.

However, one day, when he accidentally saw the connection between Shenying Company and the military factory, he almost fainted!
"This is impossible! Where did this rumor come from!" Ye Fei shouted.

He excitedly pressed the keyboard and began to search various materials, trying to find evidence that his research was not interfered by the military or military factories.But no matter how he searched, he only found some suspected clues, but there was no conclusive evidence to prove anything.

Ye Fei became more and more worried, and he began to doubt whether his research results had received the attention of the military.

He thought with dismay that his research was based on purely scientific inquiry, and that such a large military background would inevitably distort the original goals.

However, recently, Ye Fei suddenly encountered an unprecedented threat: his reputation was hit.

The matter originated from a paper called "Ye Fei's Moon Glass Has Military Uses", the author of the article is Hoffman!
He stopped pretending, and directly used his official CEO account number of Deshi Glass to post online.

In the article, Hoffman published accusations against Ye Fei as Deshi Glass, claiming that his research was for military purposes, and that the funds used for his research came from state secret projects.As soon as the article came out, it immediately aroused a strong reaction from public opinion, and major news media also reported the incident one after another.

For this accusation, Ye Fei felt very angry and confused.He has always conducted research independently, and all the funding comes from his own laboratory, which has nothing to do with state secret projects.He was even more incomprehensible why a person he had never met would come forward and criticize his research.

Ye Fei had to start confronting Hoffman head-on!
Ye Fei connected directly to Hoffman.

"Hoffman, I want to ask you, what is your real purpose for writing this article?" Ye Fei asked angrily.

"My purpose is very clear. I want to expose the flaws in your company and let people know who you really are." Hoffman replied indifferently.

"Many of the attacks and attacks on me in this article are untrue." Ye Fei tried to grasp the rhythm and continued to ask in a calm tone.

"I can certify that every one of them is true." Hoffman said haughtily, "I must disclose the facts that you have concealed from the company."

"I can accept any criticism, but many of the contents of this article are lies." Ye Fei tried to restrain his emotions and said calmly, "Whether you have considered such a thing or not, you can't talk nonsense! This will be What consequences have you thought about?"

"I don't care." Hoffman replied with hostility and sarcasm, "because I know this article will hit your reputation as hard as you have hit our glass factory's reputation before."

"So, you haven't answered my original question yet." Ye Fei looked at Hoffman and stared at him with calm eyes, "What is your real purpose for writing this article?"

"Because I think this is revenge." Hoffman looked a little angry, "You once violated my interests and made me feel dissatisfied and annoyed. Now, I have a chance for you to have a taste of this. "

"Is your behavior for justice or for self-interest?" Ye Fei asked more calmly.

Hoffman was dazzled by his own hatred.

He doesn't care about these at all!

"Just take it easy!"

"And let you taste the taste of being wronged!"

Hoffman was not wronged for doing those deeds before!
Ye Fei immediately asked back: "You also know that I was wronged?"

Hoffman hung up the connection directly, and did not continue talking with him.

However, Ye Fei has received support and attention from all walks of life since the whole incident happened.

More and more people are beginning to realize the importance of this problem and call Hoffman to be responsible for their wrongdoing.

On social media, people voiced their support for Ye Fei and condemned Hoffman's false remarks.

The people of Xia Guo were especially angry about this incident. Many people posted comments on the forum, condemning Hoffman's behavior, and hoped that the platform would take some measures to delete the post.

Some influential political and business groups have also joined the fight, calling on the international community to take action and give support and attention to Ye Fei and the people of Xia.

Ye Fei and his supporters feel very grateful and gratified.

Sure enough, my family is reliable!

(End of this chapter)

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