Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 207 Major Breakthrough! 1 Everything is settled.

Chapter 207 Major Breakthrough!It's all settled.

Within the Eagle Sauce Chamber of Commerce, Hoffman has always been an influential figure with a large number of supporters.

However, after a major crisis, his fate changed drastically.

In a fierce dispute, he had a fierce confrontation with Ye Fei, and finally the Eagle Sauce Chamber of Commerce dismissed him from his post.

After Ye Fei learned the news, he knew that Hoffman no longer had the capital to fight against him.

No matter how stupid the Eagle Sauce Chamber of Commerce is, it will not fight against itself at this time!
This dispute also ended perfectly with Hoffman's dismissal.

At the same time, Ye Fei's eyes returned to Mr. Lin, who was on a business trip before.

When Pakistan Railways' maglev train had a horrific accident while in motion, it was initially thought to be a simple technical issue.

However, as the investigation into the accident progressed, the events became increasingly unbelievable.

Mr. Lin is an experienced technical expert who enjoys a high reputation in the international technical field.

Chief engineer Lin went to the first-line site of the maglev train project in Pakistan Railway to investigate the technical problems that occurred before and put forward corresponding improvement suggestions.

This task is undoubtedly a huge challenge for Mr. Lin.

After preliminary investigation and analysis, Mr. Lin found that the train accident was not caused by mechanical problems, but by man-made sabotage.He decided to search for evidence in depth to find out who was behind it.

During the local investigation of the Pakistan Railway, Mr. Lin and the local engineers conducted a large number of on-site inspections and data analysis, and then ruled out all possible technical failures from various angles one by one.

In the end, Mr. Lin determined that the culprit was an engineer from Fusang State.

After further investigation, Mr. Lin found that the engineer from Fusang had intentionally installed a jammer in the piping system of the maglev train, causing damage to the piping system of the train, causing the train to lose control and cause an accident.

Mr. Lin made an in-depth investigation and found clues about the prisoner from the surveillance video data. Further investigation found that the engineer and his accomplices served as executives in the weapons factory in Fusang State, which was a malicious act.

This behavior led to the accident of the maglev train of the Pakistan Railway State, which brought unimaginable fear and pain to the train users.

Mr. Lin returned to Shenying Company with the evidence.

After Ye Fei saw the video evidence, Mr. Lin said very seriously.

"Such evidence must have been submitted to the National Security Agency."

"The harm caused by such a transnational crime is unpredictable, and this kind of thing has risen to the security issue of the three countries!"

"This kind of thing must be officially dealt with! With the assistance of the National Security Agency."

However, Ye Fei said calmly: "Our Shenying company does not condemn it."

"You hand over this evidence intact to the officials of the Pakistani Railway State and the company of their partner!"

"As for how they solve it, we don't interfere, we don't intervene!"

Mr. Lin understood Ye Fei's intention after hearing this.

"I know Mr. Ye."

After the accident was solved, Chief Engineer Lin handed over the video evidence intact to Pakistan Railway officials, and also put forward some technical optimization suggestions.

After Ba Tieguo heard the news, the first task was to work with Mr. Lin to improve the technical level of the maglev train, correct some design deficiencies, and promote the engineering construction of this technology.

Everything is in the interests of the people.

They also knew that Mr. Lin didn't have much time to stay in Batieguo, so they had to hurry up and advance the project while he was still here.

Mr. Lin and the representatives of the Pakistan Railways cooperated happily, and the progress of the project was very fast.

When the project was on the right track, the representative of Pakistan Railways announced a news that shocked Fusang. Pakistan Railways broke the news that the maglev train accident was caused by people sent by Fusang!

This made Fusang Kingdom the target of crusade by everyone for a while.

Pakistan's official rhetoric is serious.

And let's sort out the whole process of the matter!

Let the whole international market see what they have done!
With the seriousness of the situation getting bigger and bigger,
The representative of the Pakistan Railway State shouted in anger, "I must emphasize the fact that the intervention of the Fusang State led to the accident, and they should bear the responsibility."

"My country is deeply saddened and outraged and cannot tolerate this behavior, and we demand that Fuso Nation make a public apology, compensate the victims and our country for their moral and professional standards for their actions."

The statement made by the representative of the Pakistan Railway State has aroused great attention from the international community, and various countries have expressed their views on this.Many countries joined the condemnation, and the investigation deepened.

The representative of Fusang Kingdom was shocked after hearing the news, but he still did not take his responsibility.The representative of Fusang State responded: "We are shocked and disappointed. The accusation made by Pakistani Railway State against us is completely baseless. Not only do we refuse to apologize, but we will use all legal means, including lawsuits, to protect our rights and interests."

This response sparked widespread outrage and huge debate and discussion in the international community.In the ensuing months, the issue was widely investigated, and public opinion began to lean in favor of the Pakistan Railways, with people strongly suppressing Fusang's actions, believing that they needed to be held accountable for their actions.

However, Fusang did not admit its crimes as people wished.

Instead, they brazenly deny the evidence and categorically deny responsibility for their actions.

Ye Fei suppressed the anger in his heart. He didn't expect that the matter should be over with the official evidence issued by the Batieguo government!
But Fusang Country is really shameless!
He was still denying it when he was about to die!

Ye Fei couldn't take it anymore.

He looked at the news headlines in front of the computer.

[Representative of Fusang Kingdom: We did nothing wrong! 】

[Fusang Kingdom strikes back: We were wrongly blamed! 】

[Justice is unquestionable!Why did the representative of Fusang country refuse to admit it? 】

Ye Fei patted the table hard!
"Damn it!"

Ye Fei continued to slide down.

It is found that the news headlines are all innocuous topics.

[Pakistan accuses Fusang of bad intentions and demands the international community to investigate]

[Fusang Kingdom's conspiracy has been exposed by Batie State, and the relationship between the two countries has further deteriorated]

[The president stated that the behavior of Fusang State will not be tolerated, and Pakistan Railway State will take appropriate measures]

These headlines have no way to attract people's attention!

Still too mild!

After Ye Fei thought about it, he still had to end it himself!

He plans to come to an international special!
He contacted Lao Zhao.

"Old Zhao, I'm going to hold a live broadcast on an international platform, please prepare some topics for me!"

Old Zhao still didn't understand what happened.

"What international live broadcast?"

(End of this chapter)

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