Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 209 Want to clean up?not so easy

Chapter 209 Want to clean up?not so easy
The representative of Fusang Kingdom knew very well that their behavior on the maglev train project had already blown the pot.

This morning, his office has received countless negative comments and condemnations from social media. Netizens have accused the Fusang government of imposing various conditions on the maglev train project that other countries cannot accept.

This, coupled with being announced by an influential person like Ye Fei, made this incident irresistible.

"What's going on here?" Fuso Kuni internally asked his own media department about the impact of this incident.

“I saw these negative comments. Can you guys explain it to me?”

"Actually," the person in charge of the media department lowered his head helplessly.

“This thing has gotten out of hand and I have to admit that there may have been some negative repercussions from what we did on this project.”

At international conferences, all countries have publicly exposed the various crimes of Fusang, which has caused Fusang to shirk responsibility and plan to use various methods to blame.

First, some senior officials began to shirk their responsibilities towards lower-level employees.They claim they don't know what their people are doing and that these employees act freely and without supervision.They try to draw attention away from themselves because they fear being stigmatized and punished.

Second, some senior officials set about rolling out a plan to clear their stigma and shift their responsibilities to other agencies.

They hired a PR firm to produce a report that would paint some of the other agency's internal problems, which could make Fuso's public pay more attention to the other agency's problems than Fuso's.

But obviously, this kind of behavior of shirking responsibility and saying that it is a temporary worker cannot convince anyone at all!
In the end, Fusang Kingdom had no other choice!
Under the pressure of many public opinions, a press conference was held!

In a spacious conference hall, a large number of media reporters gathered, each holding a pen and a record book in his hand.They eagerly await the upcoming press conference, looking forward to receiving the latest news and important information.

In the center of the conference hall, a table was used to house microphones and various other equipment, including large-screen projectors and video cameras, to ensure everyone could see and hear the speaker clearly.

Suddenly, the door opened and a person walked in.He is a man in a formal suit holding a statement full of content in his hand.His eyes were determined, clearly ready to deal with the doubts and questions before him.

The reporters immediately stood up, picked up their pens and cameras, and prepared to start interviews.

The speaker walked to the microphone and stopped.He cleared his throat lightly, faced the media with flashing spotlights, and began to speak:
"My friends from the press, thank you for coming today. I am here to hold this press conference, hoping to reveal some important information to the public. Recently, we have realized a very serious problem. We found that there are some Responsible companies are doing some illegal things, even threatening the safety of society and the safety of people's lives and property."

Hearing this statement, the reporters started asking questions frantically.The questions they ask vary, but all share an eagerness to learn.

“What kind of action will you take to stop the behavior of these companies?”

“Have these issues been detected and resolved?”

“How serious is the security problem you are talking about?”

“Have these companies accepted any kind of punishment?”

Just when everyone was curious, the official of Fusang Kingdom said: "We have found out the truth about this incident!"

"It was the employees of the Shinkansen Group that caused this incident!"

Speaking of which, the representative of the Shinkansen Group got up and bowed to everyone.

Shinkansen representatives showed the necessary sincerity and responsibility at the press conference.

He admitted that the Shinkansen Group did have problems with employee violations, and said that they had taken necessary measures to rectify the company.

In addition, the Shinkansen Group has also dismissed the employee and brought him to court for legal sanctions.

"Hi everyone, I am a representative of Shinkansen Corporation. Today, I am here to publicly express my sincere apologies for the recent incidents that occurred in our company. We deeply feel the loss and adverse effects of our negligence and negligence on society. .”

"Recently, an employee of our company made a serious mistake and conducted misconduct on the premise of his own self-interest. We have realized the seriousness of this problem and immediately decided to dismiss this employee and send them to Go to court and stand trial."

"We are fully cooperating with the investigations of the police and relevant departments in order to better discover potential safety hazards and existing problems within the company."

"We will make every effort to ensure that such incidents do not happen again. At the same time, we will strengthen the internal supervision system and re-examine the company's business philosophy and values."

"We will, as always, adhere to our social responsibilities, continuously improve service quality, safety and reliability, and avoid any losses to the public."

"Finally, we once again express our deepest apologies to the general public and all sectors of society, and pledge that we will do our best to contribute positively to society in a better way. Thank you all!"

This news made people feel a little relieved. Although Fuso was angry at the actions of the Shinkansen Group, the positive response of the Shinkansen Group showed that they took the incident seriously, which is a good signal to the public.

Although representatives of the Shinkansen Group expressed sincerity and a responsible attitude, Fuso Country is still responsible for the accident and irresponsible remarks. Their irresponsible behavior of trying to shift the responsibility to another company still aroused everyone's concern distrust.

For this kind of behavior, they still have to question the integrity and sense of responsibility of the Fusang government and enterprises.

Under such circumstances, we expect the Fuso government and enterprises to take a more serious and responsible attitude, seriously investigate the cause of the maglev train accident, and take necessary measures to ensure that similar incidents do not happen again.

The press conference lasted about two hours and covered many issues and topics.

The speaker answered with great tact and clarity, while showing sufficient confidence and determination.

After the reporters listened to all the information, their enthusiasm for taking pictures and interviews did not diminish. Even at the end of the meeting, many people raised their hands to ask questions.

At the end of the press conference, the spokesperson thanked everyone for attending and hoped that everyone could understand and support their work.

At the same time, Ye Fei also watched the live broadcast in the video of the international port.

"Do you think this is the end? Dreaming!"

"See how I will deal with you later!"

(End of this chapter)

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