Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 210 Ye Fei is making an overall decision!

Chapter 210 Ye Fei is planning a big picture!

Fusang's forced submission may have made the international media feel more at ease after seeing it.


Their press conference did not point out their mistakes in the Pakistan Railway State, but instead shifted the responsibility to a company that used to top the package!

Do you really think everyone is a fool?
Ye Fei and Lao Zhao spoke impassionedly about their next target actions.

"In any case, this matter cannot be concluded in a simple way. The press conference will be the final conclusion."

"Anyone with a discerning eye can see that they have found a scapegoat."

"Nowadays, the international market has calmed down a lot because of the press conference, but in my opinion, I have to fight no matter what."

Old Zhao asked curiously: "But the other party is the official of the Fusang country after all. Even if our company has great power, it is impossible to fight against a country. Besides, they have already come up with a solution."

"It can be regarded as an explanation to the Batieguo side."

"Is this an explanation?" Ye Fei asked.

"The Fusang country said what it said before because of the previous international media crusade."

"They won't admit their mistakes to death, and I can guarantee that if we don't teach them a lesson this time, they will have trouble with us in the future."

"Look at the history and you will know their virtues."

This is indeed the truth when Lao Zhao thinks about it.

"What are you going to do?"

Ye Fei said: "I want to invite you into the urn."

the other side.

Recently, the Shinkansen Group has become the target of public criticism, and the condemnation of it from all walks of life continues.All this stems from the fact that Fusang State has shifted responsibility to the Shinkansen Group in the maglev train project of the Pakistan Railway State.

According to reports, the Shinkansen Group has been accused of undermining the safety and quality of the Pakistan Railways maglev train project.

However, the Shinkansen Group has argued that the accusations are malicious slander by Fuso, drawing further ire.

Many believe that the Shinkansen group's reaction proves their likelihood of guilt.

What's more, the reputation of the Shinkansen Group has also been affected, and many people said that they will no longer use the Shinkansen Group's services.This also caused the Shinkansen Group's share price to fall sharply, and the company's future is also gloomy.

With the growing pressure of public opinion, the Shinkansen Group had to hold an emergency meeting to discuss how to solve this problem.The person in charge of the company stated that they will make every effort to restore the company's reputation and resolutely safeguard their own rights and interests.They also stated that they will work closely with the Pakistani government to

Although the Shinkansen Group claims its innocence, the actions of some individuals cannot rise to the level of the entire company.

But the incident has drawn widespread attention, with many questioning their actions.

"Do you know," some voices condemning the Shinkansen have not been interrupted.

"You guys have done a poor job with this. Not just deceiving consumers, but dishonesty about your company, which will cause consumers to lose trust in the Shinkansen."

"But we have rectified it!" The Shinkansen representative said helplessly, "Although we are very sorry for what happened in the past, we have adopted stricter management methods and measures to ensure that these things will not happen again. .”

"But you need to take more initiatives to let people know about your changes, and you need to tell the public that you have not broken your promise again to regain the people's trust in you."

Shinkansen has never had such a serious reputation problem.

At this time, Condor Company actually contacted the high-level executives of the Shinkansen!

Ye Fei wanted the Shinkansen to participate in his live broadcast three days later.

The name is to let Xingxinkansen Group explain its grievances in the live broadcast room.

After learning the news, the senior executives of the Shinkansen Group were full of gratitude to Ye Fei.

After the Shinkansen Group team knelt down on one knee and bowed deeply to Ye Fei, the chairman and CEO of the Shinkansen Group expressed their sincere gratitude to Ye Fei.

They said that every time the situation is most critical, Ye Fei can always give Shinkansen Group endless strength and help.

But what they didn't know was that Ye Fei set up a big situation this time.

Next, we will see how they are abused in the live broadcast room!

However, Ye Fei's invitation to the Shinkansen Group still shocked everyone!
Ye Fei, what are you doing?
You let people from Fusang country dirty your live broadcast room?
You are fallen!
"Ye Fei, I saw the news that you invited the Shinkansen from Fusang Country to participate in the live broadcast room. What do you think? Don't you understand their influence in our country?" A netizen from Xia State posted on Ye Fei's wrote on social media.

Ye Fei knew that this topic would cause controversy, but he still chose to reply to netizens on social platforms.

He said: "I invited Fuso Shinkansen to participate in the live broadcast room, not because I don't understand their influence in Xiaguo. On the contrary, it is precisely because I understand this that I invite them to participate in the live broadcast room."

"You may not know this, but Fusang has a connection with our maglev train incident. We should not define all Fusang people as enemies."

"Many Shinkansen employees are also full of curiosity and respect for Xia Guo. I hope that through this live broadcast, the people of Fusang and Xia Guo can learn more about each other and eliminate misunderstandings."

“But they invaded our country! They had a greedy desire for our culture and resources,” wrote another netizen.

"This is the story of the past. We can't always be confined to the hatred of the past. If we want to move towards a better future, we need to understand and tolerate each other. Through this live broadcast, I hope that people in Xia Kingdom can learn more about Fusang culture and the current situation of the people of Fusang country.”

"I hear your thoughts, but I still can't accept that you invite open enemies to come to our country and be treated as welcome guests," wrote a third user.

"I can understand how you feel. But please don't lump all the people of Fusang into one category, including those who have made mistakes in our country. I hope that through this live broadcast, more people can learn about a more real Fusang country. For us Xia people, this is also an opportunity to learn and grow."

Although there were different voices, many people began to realize that Ye Fei invited Fusang Shinkansen to participate in the live broadcast room, trying to eliminate the barriers between ethnic groups.

At the beginning, many people supported Ye Fei's point of view, thinking that this is a good opportunity to promote cultural exchanges in Asia.There are also people who try to break their stereotypes and accept other cultures and races more openly.

Ye Fei looked at the scolding and supporting voices on the Internet one after another, and he showed a slight smile.

Lao Zhao is puzzled!

"Didn't you push yourself to the forefront?"

Ye Fei has a plan in mind.

"I have my own way! Let Fusang Kingdom not be able to lift its head in front of us for the rest of its life!"

(End of this chapter)

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