Chapter 214 Helpful Ones!
It seems that this time, the crisis public relations department has to help.

By the time it was time to get off work, most of Ye Fei's employees had already gone back.

He asked someone from the crisis communications team to stay for a meeting.

Ye Fei came to the meeting room and saw the members of the crisis public relations department, his face was still a little angry.

"I have seen the accusations against us on the Internet, and we must act immediately," he said. "I want to hear your solution."

The director of the crisis communication department apologized to Ye Fei and explained that they were taking measures to deal with the problem.

"Although we warned about this incident, we didn't expect Fusang Country to say such a shameless thing!"

"I thought the rumors were all jokes, and no one believed them."

"But now that Ying-chan personally went off to support Fusang, we didn't expect this situation."

"Don't talk nonsense to me." Ye Fei replied, "This matter is tricky, what should we do?"

"First, we need to re-study our technology to confirm whether our maglev train is suspected of plagiarizing Shinkansen technology." The director of the crisis public relations department suggested.

"The idea is good, but it will take time. We need to have a contingency plan now," Ye Fei said.

"Okay," the director replied, "we can issue a statement in response to the people's doubts about us."

"Then you should prepare this statement urgently, and we will release it as soon as possible." Ye Fei suggested.

Next, the director of the crisis public relations department also made several suggestions, including releasing a special explanation video, inviting relevant experts to conduct investigations, and establishing contact with Shinkansen representatives to solve the problem.

Ye Fei sat in the conference room with a heavy heart.

Due to the old dominance of the Shinkansen on the railway, it undoubtedly makes the public a little suspicious.

The outside world generally believes that this is plagiarism of Shinkansen technology.

"We have to solve this problem," Ye Fei said, "We need the help of the media department to quell public opinion first."

The people from the crisis communication team immediately formulated a plan, and they proposed some solutions, including issuing statements in major media, posting on social media, and even talking to the Shinkansen company.These proposals are based on respect and sincerity, but do not address specific technical issues.

"We need to convince people that our technology is original and not copied from Japan's Shinkansen technology." Ye Fei continued, "I will hand over this task to the people in the media business department. case, to prove that our technology is original and not plagiarized.”

Everyone on the crisis communications team agreed with this approach.

Lao Zhao was also called into the meeting room at this time.

Looking at the gloomy people inside, he knew that this matter had to be resolved properly.

"Our media business department will fully cooperate!"

He set to work on a plan, and this time, they looked at the problem from a different angle.

Lao Zhao stroked his beard and said thoughtfully: "Ye Fei, we have collected a lot of evidence recently, which can prove that Fusang Kingdom is using the Shinkansen to get rid of the crime, and then put the blame on us! We need Work out a detailed solution to these problems."

"You are right." Ye Fei nodded solemnly, "We must take action to protect our company, please tell us your solution."

"Okay," Lao Zhao picked up his notebook and began to read aloud: "First of all, we should unite with other countries to put pressure on Fusang to stop its despicable behavior. We need other third parties to intervene and let them serve as technical appraisals."

"I think the military is the most reliable!" Old Zhao said.

"These measures sound very effective." Ye Fei said thoughtfully, "I think we should hurry up and implement these measures."

At this time, Old Zhao said: "However, our Shenying company went to the military for appraisal again, I'm afraid...the title of our military factory will be said by them again."

Ye Fei has become numb to this!
"Aren't we being talked about too often?"

"Now it's time to fight for the innocence of our superconductor researchers!"

Afterwards, Ye Fei set up a special team and began to promote the solution of this problem.

He gained additional support and resources by collaborating with other countries and organizations.

Since Ye Fei first issued a statement on the Internet.

Other small countries in East Asia and Western Europe all came forward to support Ye Fei!
“I was very surprised and shocked to hear someone accuse Ye Fei’s Condor company of copying Shinkansen’s technology. We have never done this at all, and we have always adhered to ethics and professional ethics.”

The Pakistan Railway State official directly issued a statement of support
"This allegation is completely absurd and without any basis or evidence."

"Ye Fei's Condor Company has been working hard to innovate and develop new technologies suitable for modern society. Even if there are similarities, the study of high-speed railway technologies such as the Shinkansen is only for learning and reference."

Chicken Taco Nation has similarly made a statement.

"We believe that Ye Fei's technology is independently developed and has made certain achievements. They not only have sufficient technical strength, but also have a group of dedicated and innovative technical talents. They never need to copy other people's technology. "

Ye Fei was very surprised by the official statements from different countries.

You must know that there were conflicts between some small countries and Ye Fei, but now they are all willing to speak out for Ye Fei!

In the Fusang Kingdom, only Yingjiang is standing, but Ye Fei has thousands of troops here!
Ye Fei saw that he was so supported!He went on to issue his own statement.

"We have always advocated the spirit of win-win cooperation, and have maintained friendly and active cooperative relations with technology companies and institutions in various countries. We are willing to work hand in hand with all countries in the world to contribute to the development of human science and technology and the progress of human society .We believe that Ye Fei’s Condor Company will get better and better in the future.”,
Ye Fei's official statement highlights his pattern.

Presumably because of Fusang's petty remarks, this comparison can be judged in an instant!
After many important countries stood by Ye Fei's side, the people of Xia Kingdom also joined in their solidarity.Since Ye Fei was questioned about the plagiarism of the Shinkansen, the people of Xia Kingdom have been paying attention to and supporting him.

“Injustice is wrong wherever it happens.”

A netizen from Xiaguo wrote, “We cannot make plagiarism a practice, so we must stand on the side of justice.”

"I have always believed in Brother Fei." A supporter of Ye Fei said, "There is no need for him to copy other people's ideas. This matter will be resolved fairly, and I believe Ye Fei will win in the end."

The people of Xia Kingdom's support for Ye Fei also resonated with many foreign netizens. “It’s very touching.” A netizen from Pakistan Railways said, “We should also actively speak out for such supporters of justice.”

In any case, this controversy about Ye Fei will continue.But through these contents, we can feel the enthusiasm and confidence of the people who support Ye Fei, which makes people full of confidence in the power of justice and justice.

(End of this chapter)

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