Chapter 215 There is no way!
Recently, there have been more and more comments on the Internet about Mr. Ye Fei copying the Fuso Shinkansen in terms of maglev train technology, which has attracted widespread attention.Among them, there was also a conflict between the Batie State and the Fusang State, who held different positions on this issue.

As for the Pakistan Railway State, it has always been a supporter of Mr. Ye Fei. They believe that Mr. Ye Fei, as one of the prides of the Pakistan Railway State, has not only made great achievements in the field of high-speed rail, but also made continuous breakthroughs in other fields Sexual progress has made great contributions to the development of Pakistan Railways.They believe that Fusang State does not own the patent of maglev train technology, therefore, Ye Fei’s use of this technology does not violate the law or infringe the intellectual property rights of Fusang State, and Fusang State should not accuse Mr. Ye Fei without evidence and demand disclose its technology.

However, Fusang State holds a completely different position. From the view of Fusang State, Mr. Ye Fei's maglev train technology is obviously imitated from Fusang State's Shinkansen technology.

Fusang State believes that Mr. Ye Fei did not develop the maglev train technology by himself, but imitated the Shinkansen technology of Fusang State, which is an infringement of intellectual property rights.

Fusang State asked Mr. Ye Fei to disclose his maglev train technology to prove his innocence.

In response to this problem, Ye Fei himself said that his maglev train technology was completely developed by himself, and there is no problem of infringement of intellectual property rights.

He will not disclose his technology because of Fusang State's accusation, because it is the result of the efforts of many scientific researchers, and it is also the technological achievement of the cooperation of Batie State. It should not be made public without reservation because of Fusang State's framing.

In any case, the controversy has not reached a clear conclusion.

But I believe that with the passage of time, the truth will definitely surface, so that people can truly understand whether Mr. Ye Fei's technical achievements come from his own efforts or obtained through plagiarism.

But the Fusang Kingdom has always been disgusting, and their sneering is ultimately a dirty trick.

Ye Fei didn't know how to prove his innocence at the moment.

The various efforts made by the crisis public relations team have not calmed Fusang's disgusting face after all!
Ye Fei knows that this is not the case if it goes on like this.

In the conference room, the crisis public relations team and Lao Zhao's media business department were discussing.

"The Fusang Kingdom has always been a cancer, and it is still a bit difficult to compete with them."

"If we want to win against them in this kind of public opinion, we may not work if we only do decent actions."

Lao Zhao has seen too much in these years, and he actually hopes that Shenying Company can also treat him in the same way!
But with Ye Fei's character and the current image of Condor, they can't do such a thing.

"However, in this way, our image and status will be passive." The person in charge of the crisis public relations team said.

"Our Shenying company has always used a positive private technology company as a public image."

"Everything our team is doing right now is based on this image."

"If we also use dirty tricks, I'm afraid it will be difficult to do."

Old Zhao didn't speak, he looked at Ye Fei.

Now he is the only one who can give the result!

Ye Fei learned from the pain!Finally, he said: "It seems that there is only one way!"

"Disclosure of maglev train technology!"

In the meeting room, Ye Fei proposed to disclose the maglev train technology, and there was a lot of discussion in the meeting room:

"Mr. Ye, how can you do this? This is the company's core technology, how can it be easily leaked?"

"But this technology must be made public so that more people can benefit from it."

"However, doing so would seriously damage the commercial interests of the company."

"Yes, if we made this technology public, our competitors would follow quickly and potentially take our market share."

"And wouldn't this allow the people of Fusang Kingdom to succeed?"

"What is there to discuss, we must not leak this technology!"

"We can protect this technology from being stolen by competitors, such as encrypting technology, restricting wholesale and other measures."

"But in doing so, it doesn't really solve the problem. Once competitors acquire this technology, our competitive advantage will be gone."

In the conference room, there was a lot of public bickering over the technology of maglev trains.

"We should disclose the technology," Ye Fei said firmly, "so that we can prove to the world that our original technology is not plagiarized."

"But maglev train technology is one of our most valuable assets," Lao Zhao said hesitantly, "disclosing it will bring us huge losses, and we don't need to make such a big effort to prove our innocence." concessions."

"We didn't copy, why should we be afraid of disclosing the technology?" Ye Fei asked rhetorically, "And even if we don't disclose the technology, the Fusang country might get it because it has been copied by many other countries. We not only have to prove our own Innocence, but also to gain a foothold in the technology field and obtain greater benefits."

"But this also means that our technological superiority may be threatened," Lao Zhao reminded, "We should not easily demonstrate our technology to other countries."

“We have no choice at all,” Ye Fei replied, “We have to let everyone know that our technology is completely different from the Shinkansen and has achieved real innovation. Otherwise, our reputation and interests will be affected.”

Everyone began to agree with Ye Fei's opinion. They all believed that disclosing the maglev train technology was a necessary step to protect the company's interests.But others suggested that other solutions could be found, such as taking Fusang to court or resolving the issue through diplomatic negotiations.

Lao Zhao emphasized: "I still think that we should look for other solutions. We can plan a better countermeasure through our lawyers and diplomats. We cannot easily disclose technology."

In the end, no one made a decision.They decided to sort out all the solutions before voting on them at the meeting.All are arguing about it for the benefit of the company and the people.

"However, if we don't make this technology public, it will be difficult to make a comeback." Ye Fei insisted on his opinion.

"You don't need to talk anymore! This time, we can only disclose the technology!"

Chu Hanshuang, who had been silent for a while, asked, "If that's the case, what about our superconductor material?"

"The core of the magnetic levitation train technology is the superconductor!"

Ye Fei sneered.

"Of course it's a monopoly!"

"And who wants to use it, for what purpose, and how much it needs, we strictly control it!"

"Naturally, the Fusang Kingdom has already been included in our blacklist!"

After speaking, everyone breathed a sigh of relief!
(End of this chapter)

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