Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 216 Core technology in hand!What is there to worry about?

Chapter 216 Core technology in hand!What is there to worry about?
In the conference room, everyone listened to Ye Fei talk about the technology of maglev trains, and gradually fell into thinking and hesitation.After all, this technology can be said to be a milestone development in the future transportation field, and it will have a huge impact on the country's economic and technological development.

They also realized that although they publicly disclosed the maglev train technology to the world, the technology of superconductor materials as the core is still in their hands.

Ye Fei said to a group of researchers: "Although we have disclosed the maglev train technology, the control of superconductor materials is still in our hands. We cannot allow other companies and institutions to use superconductor materials without authorization."

The scientific researchers seemed to agree with Ye Fei's opinion very much, and they all agreed.

One of the researchers said: "We have worked very hard in research and development, and if other people can easily obtain superconductor technology, then these results are a negation of our efforts and investment. We must protect our knowledge. property."

Ye Fei looked at this group of passionate and pursuing researchers, then took a deep breath and said: "The correct way should be to establish a license or partnership system. We can carry out in-depth cooperation with other companies, scientific research institutions or countries, Make sure that their application scenarios are really reasonable, and that their applications are mutually beneficial. Under such a procurement and application system, we can ensure that each superconductor can be used reasonably, and that each superconductor is endowed with magical energy potential."

Another researcher raised a question. He asked Ye Fei: "Will the existence of such a reasonable procurement and application system hinder the development of some research projects, or make it difficult for other institutions or companies to use these technologies due to lack of licenses?" ?”

"We need to ensure that the coordination of this system is properly arranged." Ye Fei replied, "We don't want this system to be an obstacle. On the contrary, we need to formulate a transparent and fair rule for those who really need and have the ability to use these materials. opportunities for people to use."

The scientific researchers were very satisfied with Ye Fei's words. They all nodded their approval and looked forward to the implementation of such a system. After the implementation of such a system, the company can become a leader in protecting superconductor material technology in the international community.

Ye Fei's answer made the researchers breathe a sigh of relief.

He realized that keeping quiet about his research would only cast doubt on the authenticity of the technology.So, he wrote a message on social media:
"Everyone, I would like to announce to you that we have successfully developed the maglev train technology. We believe that this technology will have a significant impact on the future transportation development. Therefore, we will make this technology public in the near future and share it with the whole world. world."

The news quickly spread across social media.People were surprised by the news, wondering what was unique about the technology and whether the team's findings were real.

In order to let more people understand the maglev train technology, Ye Fei released a technical white paper, explaining in detail the development process, operation principle and advantages of this technology.He also organized a technical seminar and invited experts and scholars from all over the world to participate in the in-depth discussion and exchange of maglev train technology.

The technology quickly gained extensive coverage and attention from the global media.People are excited about its prospects and the changes it may bring.

Many countries have already begun to develop similar vehicles, and some countries have cooperated with Ye Fei and his team to develop maglev train technology.

But this news made many netizens of Xia Kingdom not pay for this result on the Internet.

Anyone with a discerning eye knows that this was forced by the Fusang Kingdom!

"Ye Fei is the hero of our country. His maglev train technology finally gave China a chance to speak in the world. We cannot allow Fusang to fabricate facts at will and deny our scientists the respect and dignity they deserve."

"Ye Fei's technology is his own achievement, and should not be forced to be disclosed by any country. Fusang is just envious of our technological strength and trying to weaken our advantage through this despicable means."

"We should be proud and proud that we have an outstanding talent like Ye Fei. He has selflessly dedicated himself to the cause of science, and Fusang State is trying to deprive him of his credit. We cannot sit idly by and must fight for what Ye Fei deserves respect."

"Ye Fei's disclosure of his technology is not out of coercion, but to better serve the country and the people. We should all support his decision, because it will help advance our country's technology and enhance our international competitiveness in the strength."

"This is an honorable and exciting moment, and we should applaud Ye Fei and his team and be proud of their innovation and achievements. A role model like Ye Fei inspires us all and makes us look forward to the future even more .”

Seeing the fierce debate on the Internet.

And looking at this posture, the Xia people are going to go to Fusang country's official network to do things!

In the end, Ye Fei had no choice but to start a live broadcast to talk about it.

After all, this matter is not very important to me, the core superconductor is still in my hands, so what is there to worry about?

There was no warm-up for this live broadcast.

Ye Fei suddenly clicked on the live broadcast room.

However, the gathering speed of the crowd is still very fast.

All of a sudden, the number of people in the live broadcast room reached 100 million.

Seeing that everyone in his live broadcast room was asking him about his situation.

The voices of the many audience gathered in front of Ye Fei were calm and firm.

"With regard to the controversy over maglev train technology, I don't think we need to argue. After all, technology exists to benefit mankind."

Hearing these words, almost everyone held their breath, they were like a lamp filled with energy.All doubts and confusion were pushed forward in an instant.

"So, I am willing to disclose our maglev train technology here. I believe that we have the ability to make them an important part of the future transportation field and serve the interests of human beings around the world."

Ye Fei was standing in the live broadcast room, with a scene full of futuristic technology on the background, surrounded by various future technology equipment and devices, which was explaining something.

Projected on the big screen is a silver-white train speeding past on the overhead track, which seems to be a maglev train.

"Wow!" Hearing the news, there were bursts of exclamations and cheers in the live broadcast room.

Hearing these words, many netizens in the live broadcast room were a little excited, and began to leave messages to express their admiration for Ye Fei.

"Being able to disclose technology, Ye Fei is really a great person!"

"I am so grateful to Ye Fei. What he has done is not only changing the mode of transportation, but also contributing to the whole world!"

"Ye Fei is so great, I believe he will definitely bring more miracles to our future!"


Seeing these messages, Ye Fei couldn't help smiling.He continued to tell his story: "I have faced a lot of pressure. Some people said that I plagiarized a certain writing technology, but I know that I am clean. I just hope that I can use my own efforts to make this world a better place." Well, that’s why I do these things, to change the development of technology, to change the way of transportation in the future.”

Hearing this sentence, many netizens applauded Ye Fei. They thought Ye Fei was a kind-hearted person who used his talents to serve the people.

(End of this chapter)

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