Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 251 The slander and insult continue

Chapter 261 The slander and insult continue

Condor's crisis communication team is busy. They are sitting in a spacious office with a desk full of computers, mobile phones and documents.

After experiencing a sudden space accident, Condor's satellite technology has been seriously questioned.

All the major media reported the news that Shenying Company's satellite technology was backward, which directly caused Shenying Company's stock price to plummet, and investors withdrew their funds one after another.

At this time, the first task of the team is to calm the discussion on the Internet.

The team's manager is scrambling away typing away at the keyboard, uploading an article about an anti-hawk sauce country media report.

Her expression was tense and serious, the sun outside the window had already set, they couldn't just let the company's reputation be ruined like this.

At this moment, the team director stood up and walked to her side with a solemn face. "How's it going?" he asked.

"So far, we have published some articles on major social platforms and news forums in an attempt to refute the reports of the media in China. We are looking for more evidence to prove that our technology is not behind." The manager replied, There were thin drops of sweat on his forehead.

"Very well, we have to keep our faith and don't give up. My suggestion is that we need to find more people to help us, expand our voice, and let more people hear our voice. We need to reach out, Build trust with the public."

"Yes, you are right. We need to build a new image. We cannot let our technology and company be questioned." Experience said, calming down.

Other members of the team are also working with them, some are writing press releases, some are shooting videos, some are negotiating with media representatives, and some are updating the company's social media accounts.

Everyone is working hard for the company's image.

They hope to solve the problem in the shortest possible time and get the company back to normal operation.

This is also the reason why Condor has survived until now.

Today, they are also standing firm, hoping to survive this crisis.

Ye Fei sat on a chair in the office, frowning as he looked at the green stock interface on the computer screen.

The stock of his company, Condor, has fallen more than 20%, which makes him a little uneasy.

His attention was attracted by the news on the TV and computer. Reports on the shortcomings of satellite technology were played on the screen over and over again. In just a few days, Condor had become the number one focus in the field of public opinion.

"Mr. Ye, the situation is getting more and more serious now." The office door was pushed open, and the vice president of the company walked in and handed several documents to Ye Fei.

Ye Fei looked at the document and was silent for a long time.He had internal company memos in his mind that explicitly pointed out shortcomings in satellite technology, but hadn’t received enough attention.

This time, Condor's reputation and market price have suffered a serious blow.

Ye Fei squeezed his forehead and looked at the forums and social media discussions that kept popping up on the computer screen. Most of them were talking about the shortcomings of Shenying's satellite technology. Some people began to doubt the company's integrity and ability.

He started to have a bit of a headache, and this time it meant that he had to spend more time and energy to get the company through this difficult time.He knew he still needed to come up with a suitable solution to this problem.

Ye Fei was very frustrated. This experience taught him not to rely too much on the company's gold medal products, and also made him understand the power of public opinion.

He secretly made up his mind to really solve the company's technical shortcomings.

On the international network platform, Eagle Sauce has just published their complete satellite communication system, which has attracted the attention of the global scientific and technological community.At the same time, many journalists from the eagle sauce country also began to report on these technologies, so that more people can understand this remarkable scientific and technological achievement.

[The complete satellite communication system of Eagle Sauce Country is unveiled! 】

The latest satellite communication system developed by Yingjiang Country is officially released. The system completely covers the territory of Yingjiang Country and all over the world, and can provide users with high-speed, safe and stable communication services.The system adopts the most advanced technology and can ensure smooth communication in the event of severe weather and natural disasters. It is currently one of the most excellent satellite communication systems in the world.
"Amazing, Eagle Sauce Country's technology is advancing with each passing day!"
"The technology of Eagle Sauce Country is a well-deserved leader in the world!"
"After reading this report, I have added another respect for the technology of Eagle Sauce Country!"

There are also some reporters on the Internet who rushed to the headquarters of Intelsat to catch up with the heat.

Reporter: What impact do you think this satellite communication technology will have on society in the future?
Technical person in charge: We hope to provide more secure, stable and efficient communication services for global users through this satellite communication system.We believe that the promotion and application of this technology can contribute to the development of human civilization and social progress.

Reporter: Now that there is such an excellent satellite communication system, will you consider extending it to more countries and regions in the future?

Technical person in charge: As a technology-based enterprise, we have been committed to providing users with better solutions and services.In the future, we certainly hope to promote this technology to more countries and regions and bring practical benefits to more people.

In this era full of competition and challenges, the scientific and technological strength of Yingjiang Country has provided important support and assistance for the development and progress of human society.

Through such technological breakthroughs and progress, we believe that human society will usher in a better and more prosperous future.

After interviewing the technicians, these international platforms went to interview Madeleine.

In Madeleine's general affairs office, behind the interviewers are live broadcasts from various international platforms.

In the live broadcast room, the host asked: "Hello, Ms. Madeleine, in today's interview, we will discuss the topic of satellite technology of Shenying Company in Xia Kingdom."

"Ms. Madeleine, what do you think are the weaknesses of Condor's satellite technology?"

Madeleine sat behind the desk in the general affairs office, held the microphone in her hand, and replied with a sneer, "Condor's satellite technology? Presumably it should be the last one among the satellite technologies in the world."

Speaking, Madeleine opened a document, pointed to the data on it, and continued: "Looking at this data report, Condor's satellite technology is actually at least ten years behind other companies in the same industry."

The host looked a little embarrassed after hearing Madeleine's words, but he still tried to save the atmosphere of the interview: "Then, why does the weakness of Shenying's satellite technology affect the entire Xia Kingdom?"

Madeleine asked back: "Haven't you heard that the orbit compensation module failure of Xiaguo's Condor satellite system led to an attempted launch, making Xiaguo's satellite technology instantly lag behind the world?"

As she said that, Madeleine laughed, "In my opinion, this is just the performance of those incompetent engineers and managers of Shenying Company. They can't bring any innovation to Xia Guo, they only know about plagiarism."

(End of this chapter)

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