Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 252 Brand new satellite system.

Chapter 252 Brand new satellite system.

Ye Fei was sitting in his office, frowning, holding a press release in his hand.

This is the news released by Madeleine when she interviewed their company a few days ago. She laughed at their backward satellite technology and said that they don't understand innovation, which made Ye Fei very angry.

This is just too much!He felt that this was an insult and discredit to the whole team.

He was furious and wanted to trouble Madeleine, but soon he calmed down and began to think about how to deal with this matter.He knew that arguing was useless and that normal bashing and attacking would just lead them into a boring quarrel.What he needs to do is to prove the strength of himself and the team through actions.

But he also knew that there was no result in doing so, because the news report had already been sent and could not be retracted.

So Ye Fei calmed down and started holding a meeting.

He convened the company's technology and R&D teams to re-examine the development direction of satellite technology and quickly formulate new technology plans.

He asked the team not to let external comments affect our innovative ideas, and we have to find a new path by ourselves.

Ye Fei sat at the conference table in the office, looking at the curtain in front of him, which showed the technology of Shenying's satellite system.

He convened a meeting of the company's executives to discuss how to improve the technical level of the satellite system.

"Condor Corporation has always been known for its high-tech technology, but we have to face the reality that our satellite technology has fallen behind. So we need to find ways to improve our technology in order to prove ourselves." Ye Fei's tone was serious, His tone was full of fighting spirit.

"We should follow the emerging markets and enhance our country's competitive advantages. Or learn from the international market, or even go out and provide services to the world." One of the executives suggested.

"No, we don't need to look outside, we have more technology. We can develop a satellite system that belongs to Condor." Another executive retorted.

"However, our top priority is to improve, otherwise the market and users will not give us recognition." Another executive pointed out.

"We not only need a good product, but also a solid brand and a solid market position. We can't just look at the short-term benefit and give up the long-term development." Ye Fei said honestly.

"So, we can develop a high-efficiency, high-security satellite system, allowing us to own the core competitiveness of technology." Another executive suggested.

In a short time, everyone started a heated debate, the speakers were talking in a hurry, and the buckets on the desk were full of technology reports and market forecasts.

"I think we should focus on the reliability of the satellite after launch, rather than just pursuing speed and scale." A researcher said.

"You people are always too conservative!" Another researcher retorted. "We need to be the most advanced satellite operator in the world and launch our own satellite system."

Ye Fei listened quietly, knowing that everyone has their own thoughts and opinions.

However, he also knew that what he needed more was innovation and breakthroughs. In Condor's conference room, several scientific researchers sat around a long table, arguing constantly.

"I think we need to build our own satellite system to protect the company's core technology," emphasizes a young man in white.

"The satellite system is not only costly, but also takes a long time to establish. If a satellite fails, maintenance problems will also become our burden. I think such a suggestion is unreasonable," a middle-aged female professor retorted.

"But we must be aware that if we don't have our own satellite system, we will rely on other companies' satellites for a long time, so our core technology will be peeped and attacked by others." Another young doctor of communications added .

"But can't we protect our core technology in other ways? For example, adopt a more secure network system to maintain our data security." A middle-aged professor wearing glasses also began to speak.

"But please don't forget that the satellite system can not only be used for data transmission, but also can provide precise positioning services, which cannot be replaced by other protection measures." The young man who insisted on the construction of the satellite system felt that his opinion was refuted, and then Revisit old arguments.

"But that doesn't mean we have to build satellite systems ourselves. We can also cooperate and make full use of the resources and technologies of other companies." The middle-aged man wearing glasses spoke again.

"But this does not guarantee that our core technology will be adequately protected. We must have our own satellite system to ensure our own interests." The young man is still unwilling to give up.

There were quarrels one after another, and the scene was a bit chaotic.

But none of them seemed to convince the other.In the end, the company's top management decided to invite relevant experts to conduct research and evaluation before making further decisions.

But Ye Fei made up his mind.

Compared to the high research and development costs of developing satellite systems, including maintenance costs.

He didn't even want to see Madeleine's success.

He announced that Condor will develop a brand new satellite system and launch its own satellite into space.

"We will use the most advanced technology to create our own history." Ye Fei said, "Don't worry about failure, this is not the first time we have failed. We must believe in our own capabilities and work hard to advance the advancement of technology!"

When Ye Fei finished speaking, the eyes of everyone in the room flashed with excitement.They know Ye Fei's firm determination, and they know that as long as they follow his plan, they can break through the limits of technology and achieve their goals.

"Condor's goal is to become the world's leading satellite operator!" Ye Fei made his final declaration.

The atmosphere at the scene became more intense, and vivid applause and cheers echoed throughout the room.

Ye Fei successfully ignited the enthusiasm and confidence in everyone's hearts, and once again ushered in a new opportunity for the advancement of science and technology.

However, in the end, under the leadership of Ye Fei, they unified their opinions and decided to develop a satellite system belonging to Shenying Company and push it to the market.

This project plan has been kept secret by Ye Fei from the beginning, and has not been disclosed to the outside world.

There are very few people who need to deal directly with this plan, only his cronies and some insiders.

In Hope Star Base,

Development of the satellite is ongoing.

This is a relatively safe place, because it is a laboratory newly built by Ye Fei, and it is still under his control.

Ye Fei led his team to conduct intensive research and development in the laboratory.

This satellite system can provide stable, efficient and secure communication and data transmission services, and has leading technological advantages and competitiveness.

All team members put their hearts and souls into this project and invested a lot of time and energy.

(End of this chapter)

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