Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 269 Arrive on land and return with a full load.

Chapter 269 Returning to the land and returning with a full load.

"Very good." Ye Fei nodded.He frowned slightly, as if there were still some things that couldn't hang in his heart.

"Is there any problem?" the technician asked, seeing Ye Fei's doubts.

Ye Fei shook his head. “No, I just think, our spacecraft is so incredible, it’s a miracle that we can fly in such a barren space.”

The technician laughed. “Yeah, there are all the most advanced technological devices here, including hyperdrive, quantum computers, etc. We can pass these devices and perform any operation anywhere.”

Ye Fei sighed deeply. “Yes, technology is so powerful, but we must be careful, we must not lose sight of our purpose for the sake of technology. Our goal is to create a better world, and technology is only a means to achieve this goal.”

The technician smiled and nodded. "You're right, we have a group of Guardians of Humanity around the globe, and our goal is to protect the planet and civilization."

"That's right." Ye Fei nodded and left the cockpit.He knew that all the crew members had a common goal: to enable human beings to move forward and explore the wider world in this universe.

Ye Fei's space travel is finally over.

Their spacecraft slowly landed on the airport of Condor Corporation. Scientists, media and technology enthusiasts from all over the world gathered at the airport, waiting to welcome Ye Fei and his team.

This is Ye Fei's second trip back to the moon.

People naturally have nothing to worry about him.

"Welcome back!" There were bursts of cheers at the airport, and Ye Fei and his team got off the spaceship and received a warm welcome.

"This trip is really exciting!" Ye Fei said excitedly, "We have successfully explored the surface of the moon and collected some samples of lunar soil. These samples will provide us with very precious data for studying the characteristics and history of the moon. "

Ye Fei successfully returned to Shenying's headquarters with a sample of lunar soil.

When he stepped on the door of the company, he was surprised to find that all the employees in the company were cheering and waiting for him.

As the cheers intensified, Ye Fei felt his sense of accomplishment and value. He thought of his years of scientific exploration and was filled with emotion.

He warmly shook hands with every employee, and conveyed his belief and dream for future technological progress through their shoulders.

In the lobby of the company, Ye Fei was invited to give a speech.

He stood in front of the crowd with firm and confident eyes.Beside him, there are soil samples brought back from the moon.This sample can bring infinite possibilities for human research and development.

"The universe is infinite, but our future is not infinite. We must continue to innovate, use technology to change our lives, and use technology to promote the pace of human progress. Our Shenying company will become the forerunner of human beings going to the universe. With our dreams, we will forge new great achievements with our wisdom and courage!"

Hearing Ye Fei's speech, all the employees were deeply moved, and they expressed that they would work hard and innovate together with Ye Fei to make the future of Shenying Company even better.

At this historic moment, the employees of Shenying Company felt the infinite possibilities of technological innovation, and they were inspired to work hard in the future and strive to become a better version of themselves.This space travel made them realize more clearly that technology is the future of human development, and Condor will be the protagonist of this future.

Ye Fei's words made the scientists present very excited, and they asked Ye Fei about the details of the trip and the research plan.

"We plan to conduct detailed analysis and research on these samples in the next few years, hoping to gain a deeper understanding of the composition and geological evolution of the moon." Ye Fei said, "At the same time, we will also start to develop a Equipment and equipment for survival and work on board, fully prepared for future space exploration."

Under the leadership of Ye Fei and his team, Shenying's technology research and development has entered a new stage.

They will use these samples and data to continuously dig out the mysteries of the universe and create more advanced space technology.This space travel is just the beginning of their great career.

Dozens of scientific research and technical personnel gathered in the Shenying company's laboratory and began to analyze and analyze the components in the lunar soil.They start from different angles, express their opinions and express their views.

"According to my analysis of soil samples, there is a high content of metal elements on the surface of the moon, which may be formed by the impact of Neptune debris." A chemical expert said.

"But we still need to analyze the distribution of these metal elements. For example, the content of iron in the south pole region of the moon is significantly higher than in other regions, which may be related to the temperature and composition of the moon's surface." A geophysicist added.

"In addition, we also need to study the uses of these metal elements, such as whether they can be used to build moon bases, mineral mining, etc." A material scientist put forward constructive comments.

Other experts also expressed their views one after another, and the discussion was in full swing.At this time, a young doctoral student spoke: "Teachers, we analyze the lunar soil from the perspectives of chemistry, geophysics, materials, etc., but can we try to start from the perspective of biology? After all, we cannot completely rule out the lunar soil. There is the possibility of life."

That statement caught the attention of others, who began researching whether there were biological compounds in lunar soil.

After in-depth analysis, they found that there are some organic molecules in the lunar soil, indicating that there may be some microorganisms or organic life forms on the moon.

This new discovery has aroused the attention and heated discussions of the global scientific community, and everyone is rushing to publish papers to launch a new round of research work to explore whether life exists on the moon.

Dozens of Condor scientific research and technical personnel gathered in the laboratory and began to analyze the lunar soil.

"The same weathered regolith, the soil on the moon is still very different from that on the earth." Wang Ning, the chief scientist in the laboratory, said, "We need to rethink how to use this different soil."

"Yes, this kind of soil has no water and no life, so we need to solve this problem through technical means." Other scientists in the laboratory agreed.

"We can consider using high-tech means to create a new type of fertilizer. This fertilizer can effectively absorb and utilize elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium in the weathered floating soil, thereby creating a new environment for plant growth .” A young technician suggested.

"This idea is good." Ye Fei nodded in approval, "But we need more information and data to support this idea before we can decide whether it is feasible."

(End of this chapter)

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