Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 270 New Discovery!New usage of floating soil.

Chapter 270 New Discovery!New usage of floating soil.

After a long period of research and experiments, Shenying's scientific and technical personnel successfully developed a fertilizer suitable for lunar soil.They used this fertilizer to grow several new types of "lunar plants". These plants can not only grow on the moon, but also provide food and oxygen for future lunar exploration teams.

"This is our great technological innovation!" Ye Fei said happily, "In the future, we will continue to tap the resources and potential on the moon, and contribute to the process of human exploration of the universe and technological innovation."

A group of scientific researchers are working frantically.

They are concentrating on studying the data brought back by the probe from the moon, looking for important clues about the interior structure and composition of the moon.

Suddenly, a young researcher frowned and looked at the computer screen, then suddenly stood up.The others looked at him one after another, guessing what he had discovered in their hearts.

"Master Chen, here..." A young graduate student excitedly pointed to a data point on the screen.

"Huh?" Master Chen walked to the monitor and carefully observed the data point.The data in front of him surprised him endlessly: "This is Helium 3!"

Helium 3 is an extremely rare substance that can be used in nuclear power reactors.If helium 3 can be collected on the moon, then the energy source of the lunar base and the lunar laboratory can be perfectly solved, and the orbital station can also use this energy for long-term and durable life support.

"Is this possible to be an error?" Some researchers still have some doubts.

"If it is an error, then it is impossible for the error to be so large. Now we need to further analyze and test this data to confirm that helium 3 does exist on the surface of the moon." Master Chen said seriously.

But even amidst the skepticism, researchers are excited.If this data point is to be believed, they're in for a great discovery.

Over the next few weeks, Condor researchers conducted multiple sampling tests on the moon.

The final result is that helium 3 does exist on the surface of the moon, not an error.As if overnight, the moon has become the most valuable "resource star" in the world.A source of energy, already coveted by humanity, has now been discovered.Through the moon base, humans can retrieve helium 3 to the earth for use in the energy field.This can undoubtedly herald a brand new future...

"I've found it!" he yelled, excitement and surprise filling his face with a huge smile.

They found helium-3, a very rare fuel for nuclear fusion reactions, in lunar soil.The discovery was simply astonishing, and they were excitedly discussing the implications of this momentous discovery aloud.

"We did it!" the researchers exclaimed excitedly. "This new fuel will completely change the energy pattern of mankind!"

Amid this excitement, the researchers realized they might have found a new, revolutionary source of energy.Their hearts are full of hope, because if this research is confirmed, the importance and scarcity of helium-3 will make it a very valuable and attractive energy source.

The future of mankind will be better and brighter because of this exploration of the moon.They thought with emotion that human beings are one step closer to the goal of traveling to the galaxy.

Looking at the data scrolling on the electronic screen, Ye Fei was filled with excitement.

At the research center of Condor Laboratory, he and his colleagues discovered the existence of helium-3, a rare gas that can be used to generate electricity, and its energy density can even exceed nuclear energy.

This discovery undoubtedly gave Condor a booster, and this time the moon and interstellar travel has gained a lot!

Ye Fei felt the need to organize this discovery into a paper and publish it in various academic journals in the scientific research community.He believes that as long as the scientific research community sees this paper, they will be amazed, and it is likely to bring them more funding and resource support.

A few days later, Ye Fei received an email from Science, informing him that his paper had been accepted and would be published in the next month's issue.

This news has caused a sensation in the scientific research community, and major media have reported this groundbreaking research result.

Ye Fei and Shenying immediately became important figures in the global technology community.He has received cooperation invitations from well-known technology companies and research institutions around the world.They hope to cooperate with Condor to jointly develop better helium-3 utilization technology and open a new era of energy.

This discovery undoubtedly brought great honor and opportunity to Ye Fei and Shenying Company.

But he knew that this was just the beginning of a much broader endeavor.In the future, they will continue to work hard and devote themselves to a wider range of scientific and technological research fields.

"That's great, Ye Fei!" On Shenying's official Weibo, more and more netizens began to gather, sending blessings and excited words one after another.

"Brother Ye, you are a veritable "Space Hunter"!" A netizen commented excitedly.

"Hurry up and send me to the moon!" Another netizen began to tease, "I want to see Ye Ge's masterpiece on the moon with my own eyes!"

"Has Condor Company opened tickets to the moon?" Some netizens began to ask Condor Company's plan.

Behind the discovery of this lunar soil, Condor's reputation began to expand day by day.A small company that was once unknown has now become a high-profile adventure company in the world.

Ye Fei also began to reply to netizens' messages: "Thank you for your attention and support! Currently, Condor is actively researching and opening tickets to the moon. We will provide more opportunities and possibilities for fans as soon as possible."

"Hey, that means we have a chance to see Brother Ye's masterpiece?" Some netizens started to tease Ye Fei.

"Of course, I will prepare a wonderful welcome ceremony for everyone!" Ye Fei also passed the joke back.In this era full of imagination and expectations, Condor Company and Ye Fei have also shown their courage and belief, making people full of expectations and longings.

Ye Fei's discovery soon attracted the attention of the official scientific research community.

Xia Ke Academy invited Ye Fei to give a speech, present his discoveries, and share his scientific research experience.

Ye Fei wanted to shirk it at first, but the dean of the Xia Ke Academy expected him to be a role model for future scientific and technological people.

Ye Fei felt a little nervous. This was the first time he was going to face real scientific experts and scholars, so he couldn't help feeling a little nervous.However, he also understands that this speech is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to let more people know about his scientific research projects, and it is also an opportunity for him to promote maglev trains and promote artificial intelligence technology.

(End of this chapter)

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