Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 279 The moon base officially entered the construction stage.

Chapter 279 The moon base officially entered the construction stage.

On this sunny day, Ye Fei was in a particularly comfortable mood. He knew that this day was destined to be the most unforgettable day in his life.

He came to the space center, together with a group of engineers, inspecting and debugging various tasks of the space station.

"Nothing goes wrong", Ye Fei reconfirmed that all the working equipment of the space station are normal.

"10 seconds countdown to launch", the loud voice in the control center announced.

Ye Fei's heartbeat also accelerated. He clearly knew that at this moment, his heart carried not only his own honor, but also the dignity of the country.

"3, 2, 1, fire!"

With a loud noise, the rocket lifted off, pierced the sky with the space station Soaring, and flew towards the moon.

Ye Fei stood on the high platform of the space center, chasing the group of departing rockets, praying silently, while shouting with tears in his eyes: "Come on!".

In space, Ye Fei correctly judged the process of launch and lift-off, and he has never been so moved like this moment, because this is his dream of decades of hard work, and after countless ups and downs, it finally came true as scheduled.

The sun had already risen to noon, but Ye Fei didn't leave. He stayed at the control center, checking every procedure over and over again.

Ye Fei was relieved until he received the news that the Soaring rover had successfully entered the lunar orbit.

It was his moment of glory and a great moment in human history.For Ye Fei, this is not only his personal achievement, but also the glory of a country and mankind.

Since then, mankind has started more in-depth and extensive space exploration, opening a new era of science and technology.

The soaring space station slowly landed on the surface of the moon, and the huge roar echoed on the moon.People in the main control room nervously watched the data stream appearing on the screen, their eyes fixed on various indicators, confirming that each step was proceeding according to plan.

Ye Fei was sitting on the executive seat, sweat was already streaming down his forehead, but he still focused on the data on the screen.In an instant, the Soaring number successfully landed, which made him temporarily relieved.

But immediately, Ye Fei found an abnormal set of numbers on the screen: the robot control system has malfunctioned!

"Quickly deal with the fault! Let the robots leave the Soaring as soon as possible!" Ye Fei shouted nervously, and other technicians took action immediately.

Reassuringly, this did not seem to affect the construction of the base—a few minutes later, the robots left the Soaring and began to quickly build the lunar base.

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that this meant that the moon project had completed another step.

Robots' superb intelligence enables them to perform the most complex tasks.

They divided labor and cooperated to quickly complete the construction task of the base. Scenes of scenes shared globally were constantly broadcast on the media around the world. Tens of thousands of netizens watched online, and various comments and opinions were constantly swiping the screen.

"This is a small step for us humans to enter the unknown, and it is also a big step for the future." Ye Fei muttered to himself, watching the moon plan on the public screen. He thought with satisfaction, maybe he could witness it himself. The day when humanity expands into a new world.

Ye Fei stopped on the surface of the moon, looking up at the space station module slowly falling from the sky.In his opinion, the process of artificial intelligence robots reassembling them into bases is too much like an infrastructure game.

"This is the future I imagined!" Ye Fei said with emotion.

"Haha, not bad, right?" Old Zhao said happily, "The current technology really makes people see hope."

"But this feeling is really unreal." Ye Fei said with a smile, "I wonder if I can watch an advertisement to speed up the construction speed?"

As soon as these words came out, laughter immediately resounded throughout the moon base.The artificial intelligence robots seemed to be infected, and couldn't help but let out some mechanical laughter.

"Haha, this is really an interesting idea." Old Zhao grinned and said, "If it can really speed up, then we can build more bases on the moon in a shorter time."

"However, accelerating construction may also bring risks." Xiao Li reminded, "If something unexpected happens, it will be difficult."

What Engineer Xiao Li said was based on the acceleration of the current construction speed.

"Indeed." Ye Fei nodded, "Now we should focus on ensuring safety and reliability, after all aerospace engineering is extremely dangerous."

"Yes, thinking about it this way, we are indeed exploring the future technology and life of mankind by building a base on the moon." Lao Zhao said emotionally, "Only under the premise of ensuring the safety and reliability of technology, can we really use it?" The power of science and technology makes human life better."

Ye Fei nodded, thinking that he still had a lot of work to do.He believes that in the near future, technology will bring more surprises and challenges to mankind, and he will play an increasingly important role in it.

Ye Fei had a sudden whim and was ready to start this live broadcast.

This time the live broadcast was different from the previous ones. Ye Fei decided to start a live broadcast without going on camera on a whim, so that the audience could see a more shocking picture.

He connected the live broadcast to the lunar space station, so that the people of Xia Kingdom could see the live broadcast.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned, they saw an astonishing picture.

Under the night sky of the moon, a super-large spaceship streaked across the sky, only tens of meters above the ground.

Ye Fei decided to start a special live broadcast on a whim.

This time, he will not appear in front of the camera, but connect the screen directly to the lunar space station.

Ye Fei was very excited, because this was the first time he publicly demonstrated the results of building a base on the moon, and it was also a testimony of his hard work.

The live broadcast has started!In the live broadcast, everyone can clearly see that the construction of the lunar base is in full swing through artificial intelligence robots.

At present, a large amount of materials and equipment have been transported to the moon, and basic construction work has begun.The people of Xia Kingdom were watching this live broadcast, some people exclaimed "It's amazing!", and some people were imagining their future life on the moon.

People who watched the live stream were constantly amazed, saying they never thought this day would come.

They witnessed intelligent robots working neatly and orderly on the moon base, and accurately managing building materials, equipment and life through various procedures.There was no loophole in every detail, and a deep sense of shock made people clenched their fists unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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