Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 280: Doing a good job!What's the point?

Chapter 280: Doing a good job!What's the point?
At this time, Ye Fei introduced a member of the research and development team, who are the behind-the-scenes heroes of the entire project.

This team has developed all the artificial intelligence systems and robotics used in the construction of the base. They are talented and have made significant contributions to the success of the entire construction project.

At this time, the eyes of the audience also turned to these figures. They were working silently, but they made great efforts for this great lunar project.

This live broadcast made many people sigh from the bottom of their hearts: "Technology really allows us to see an infinite future!" Ye Fei also affirmed in his heart: this live broadcast did not subvert the world, but it can definitely change the concept of the world.

In the live broadcast room, everyone stared intently at the scene on the screen - a huge robot installed equipment on Mars, while another robot built a base on the surface of the moon.

All kinds of messages frantically swiped in the barrage:

[It's incredible that there is such a robot technology]

[It may not be long before we will be able to live on the moon]

【If there is a base on the moon, doesn't it mean that our future can coexist with it?】

【Tomorrow, I can resign and go to build a base on the moon, hahahaha】

The live broadcast room suddenly burst into laughter, and the laughter of the crowd sometimes burst out and sometimes faded away, and the messages on the bullet screen were endlessly swiped.

But at this moment, there seemed to be something wrong with the robot on the screen.Construction work on the first robot was suspended, and contact with the ground was lost on the other.

【what happened?What's wrong? 】

[Is there something wrong?This is how to do? 】

【Emergency situations?What's the matter with the host? 】

Everyone began to ask questions constantly, and the anchor was also urgently contacting the robots to find a solution.Time passed minute by minute, until finally, the robot finally returned to normal.

【Great, everyone is worried to death】

[The technology is still unstable, what if something serious happens]

[But it’s fine, let’s continue building]

Everyone started to shout to the robots spontaneously, cheering them on.Time passed by, and the robot on the screen had completed the main building of the moon base, and there was thunderous applause and cheers in the live broadcast room.

At this moment, everyone felt the charm of technology and the possibility of the future, and their pursuit and expectation of technology became more determined.

When Ye Fei was building a lunar base on the moon, the military science and technology website of Yingjiang Country had already paid attention to the live broadcast.

In this world, the Eagle Sauce Country has always been famous for its strong military technology. They have always imitated foreign military technology, and even stole technology to catch up with the international pace.

However, this time they couldn't help being surprised.

They saw the surface of the moon shimmering with silver light, with huge robot arms stretched out, easily manipulating various raw materials, and building a huge base on the back of the moon.The speed of movement and operation of the robot is astonishing, even faster and more flexible than the operation of the robot in the Eagle Sauce National Military Factory.

Seeing this scene, the high-level military officers of Yingjiang Country were stunned.

They didn't expect that Ye Fei could already use artificial intelligence robots to build a moon base, and this method was not only fast, but also very accurate.

After watching the live broadcast, the high-level executives of the Eagle Sauce Country fell silent in their conference room. They all expressed their intention to build the Eagle Sauce Country's own moon base.

They know that Ye Fei's technology is advanced and advanced, but they also believe that as long as they work harder on technology, dig and train more talents, they will be able to reach the same level of technology.

Therefore, after Ye Fei's live broadcast ended, the high-tech companies, research and development institutions and military of Yingjiang Country all started intensive work, preparing to build their own moon base.

The top leaders of the Eagle Sauce Nation are discussing the moon landing plan nervously in the conference room.They agreed that this is an important opportunity for the country to develop science and technology and prove its national strength, and it must be fully utilized.

"We must organize astronauts and manned rockets as soon as possible to ensure the success of the first moon landing plan." The chairman of the meeting emphasized.

"But we don't have a lunar lander, and we don't have the technology to build a base on the moon." A senior executive questioned.

"Yes, our mission is to prove that we can go to the moon. There is no need to build a base, nor do we need to make too many technological innovations. As long as we go to the moon, our goal has been achieved." The chairman of the meeting responded calmly .

After the meeting, the eagle sauce country began to prepare for the moon landing plan.

They bought a relatively small lander and conducted a strict selection of astronauts. Only the best five astronauts were selected.

At the same time, they also prepared the spacecraft, and they believed that the technology of these two components was sufficient for their mission.

When the manned rocket flies into space, the astronauts sit in their seats, and everyone is full of enthusiasm for spaceflight.Everyone knows that this mission is different from other missions. What they are going to is no longer the earth, but the mysterious satellite in front of them.The hearts of the astronauts were full of excitement and joy.

After a long period of orbital adjustments, the manned rocket of Yingjiang country finally entered the lunar orbit.At this point, the astronauts got in touch with the command center via satellite communications.

They saw the beautiful earth from the moon, and at the same time saw this familiar and strange satellite.

After the eagle sauce country launched a manned rocket, the country began to publicize the power of its lunar technology on major media and social platforms, claiming that it has surpassed other countries and led the world.The news aroused cheers from netizens in Yingjiang.They are proud of their country and look forward to more technological innovations and achievements.

In Xia Kingdom, Ye Fei's Soaring has already begun to build a lunar base on the moon. In the eyes of Xia Kingdom netizens, Yingjiang Country's moon technology is not worth mentioning at all.As a result, Xia Guo netizens began to post comments on social networks:
"The technology of Eagle Sauce Country is just for showing off, the real one is Ye Fei from Xia Country."

"Ye Fei's Soaring has already set up a base on the moon, and the technology of Yingjiang Country is still far behind."

"It seems that Xia Kingdom is the real technological power."

"Although Yingjiang has a manned rocket, this is only a small step in the plan, and the moon base is a big step."

"Don't forget, Xia Guo still has Ye Fei and his team!"

Xia Guo netizens' comments are full of confidence and pride.For them, Eagle Sauce Country has nothing to show off.

They believe that Xia Guo's technology will definitely win the respect and recognition of the world.

(End of this chapter)

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