Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 281 Something Happened!Something big happened!

Chapter 281 Something Happened!Something big happened!

But at the time when the top executives of Eagle Sauce Country were still rejoicing that they also had the same technology as Shenying Company.

Bad things still happen.

When Yingjiang's manned rocket entered the lunar orbit, the astronauts were excited and nervous.

However, at this moment, there was a sound of static in the cabin, and some satellite signals began to appear disordered.

"There is interference!" one of the astronauts shouted. "I was doing a data transmission test and suddenly lost the connection!"

"I have a problem here too." Another astronaut followed up. "The satellite signal started to jump around."

The captain immediately realized the seriousness of this signal interference.

If the signal cannot be stabilized, the lives of astronauts will be threatened.He ordered the other astronauts to record the problem and report it to the ground command center immediately.

"I'll do this task." A technical official said, he quickly logged into the system, checked and archived the data.

"The cause of the satellite signal jumping is likely to be electromagnetic radiation, or it may be caused by the aging of transistors." He analyzed, "We need to troubleshoot these problems to determine what to do."

The captain nodded and said yes, and asked all astronauts to turn off electronic equipment urgently to prevent further interference of electromagnetic radiation on the equipment.At the same time, he ordered the astronauts to conduct system self-tests, and to repair and debug with the help of ground support personnel.

After several hours, the astronauts finally discovered the real cause of the problem: it was caused by a faulty antenna system.

But the captain knew that this matter was definitely not that simple.

"We need to fix the antenna system ASAP!" commanded the captain. "Who has experience with this problem?"

Astronauts and engineers conducted multiple investigations and conducted a comprehensive inspection of the antenna system.

However, they have been unable to find the source of the problem, and even when adjusting the number of slots, the signal scrambling becomes worse.The astronauts had to report this problem to the ground command center.

In the ground command center, Cordoli, the chief scientist in charge of this mission, sat in front of the workstation in the main control room with a sad face, tapping the code on the keyboard with her fingers.

"Dr. Cordoli, what's the problem with this signal disorder?" Adam, the engineer in charge, came over and asked.

"We have been checking the antenna system, but we haven't found any problems." Ke Duoli looked at the data on the computer screen and said distressedly, "We have conducted many simulations, but we have not found the cause."

"Is it possible that there is a problem with the interval of the receiving equipment?" Adam guessed.

"I have also considered this issue, but we checked the data of the transmitting satellite and receiving equipment, and found nothing unusual." Cordoli shook her head.

"So is it possible that the astronomical magnetic field in the universe affects the speed of transmitting satellites?" The astronaut interjected beside him.

"Astronomical magnetic field?" Cordoli was startled. "This is a very interesting idea. We can conduct an experiment to verify it."

So, Keduoli and other scientists and engineers started to conduct experiments, placed a magnetic field detector in the universe, and performed many simulations.

In the end, they came to a shocking conclusion: the astronomical magnetic field in the universe does affect the rate of satellite transmission, causing signal disturbance.

"We need to make adjustments to the rocket and satellite systems to ensure that they can withstand the various celestial magnetic fields in the universe." Cordoli reported to the ground command center.

However, the Eagle Sauce Country has no way to deal with this problem.

This is where the engineers at the ground command center wanted the Condor company, which had already been successfully launched.

"This is an absolute distress signal!" The astronaut said seriously to the senior officials of the Eagle Sauce Country, "We must take immediate action."

"We know your strength and expertise, but we also have enough domestic resources to solve this problem." A high-level executive from the Eagle Sauce Country responded, "We are cooperating with technology companies in our country, and I believe they can find better solutions. solution."

"But the problem is that there is no time!" said the astronaut eagerly, "We are already in an extremely urgent situation, and if the problem is not solved immediately, our lives will be in danger."

"We need time to evaluate the pros and cons." Another senior executive said, "It is impossible for us to directly accept help from a foreign company. This is not only a technical issue, but also a matter of the dignity of our country."

"Time is waiting!" The astronaut said a little excitedly, "If you are not willing to help us, we can only take other measures to solve the problem."

"You can't do this!" The executive said angrily, "You are astronauts from the Eagle Sauce Country. We must respect domestic technology and expertise, and we cannot easily overturn the original decision."

"But our fate depends on the resolution of this emergency!" said the astronaut, slapping the table. "Shouldn't we give full play to the influence of our position and try to save our lives?"

"Okay, calm down." Finally, a high-level executive tried to calm down the dispute, "We need to consider more factors and cannot make hasty decisions. Let us re-examine the current situation."

The dispute between the astronauts and the high-level officials has not been resolved, and the problem continues to ferment.

Time is running out and they need to find a viable solution as soon as possible.

But at this critical moment, people's trust in technology and attitudes towards foreign companies have all been severely tested.What kind of decision is the best?Perhaps only time and practice can give the answer.

The senior leader was silent for a moment, then he decided to seek help from his superiors.

He hoped to find someone who could solve this problem, someone with extremely high technical ability.

After some searching, they learned that there is only Ye Fei's Shenying Company now, and Shenying Company is now the only opportunity in the world that allows them to solve this problem.

The senior leaders reported the news to the astronauts after searching, and the astronauts were full of expectations.

They all hope that this high-tech company that can solve their problems can help them and solve this difficult problem.

After a period of negotiation, the astronauts got good news.

The top management of Yingjiang Country has already contacted Ye Fei's Shenying Company, and they will work together to solve this problem.

Although the Eagle Sauce Nation tried its best to suppress this problem, the astronauts have asked high-level officials for help for their own safety.Ultimately, the higher-ups granted the request for help, and the astronauts finally got the help they needed.

The astronauts breathed a sigh of relief. They knew that Ye Fei's Condor Company would bring them a higher level of technology, making them safer when they took manned rockets.

At the same time, they also hope that this high-tech company can bring more technological innovations to the aerospace industry of Yingjiang.

(End of this chapter)

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