Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 282 Divine Soldiers Descend From Heaven!The savior Ye Fei.

Chapter 282 Divine Soldiers Descend From Heaven!The savior Ye Fei.

Ye Fei, who received Ying Jiang's help, didn't really want to help.

Presumably, Ying Jiang's ability may be able to solve it.

But when Ye Fei received the news, he accidentally heard that the Eagle Sauce National Research Institute begged Ye Fei to save the lives of the astronauts.

After all, several human lives are in space, and it may be unreasonable not to save them.

Ye Fei sat in the base station of the ET industrial brain, holding the console in his hand, watching the static manned rocket on the screen.He heard a call from the Lunar Space Station, where technicians had explained to him the magnetic field disturbance of the manned rocket, and they were working hard to find a solution.

Ye Fei nodded, and then began to give instructions.

At this time, the technicians of the lunar space station remotely connected to their system and began to operate the Eagle Sauce manned rocket.

"Please immediately hand over the data of the rocket's course to our technicians, and then start to slow down and adjust the rocket to the course we specified." Ye Fei said to the technicians of the Lunar Space Station.

His voice is full of confidence, as if he has learned the whole mystery of space travel.

"Okay, we have transmitted the track data to you." The technician of the lunar space station replied.

Ye Fei lowered his head and looked at the data on the screen, and then signaled the technical staff of the base station to adopt a new method to adjust the rocket to the correct course.

As time passed, the rocket gradually adjusted its course according to Ye Fei's instructions, and slowly passed through the planets in the starry sky.The astronauts operated various systems nervously but confidently inside the rocket, and were about to complete the goal of this manned mission.

Ye Fei sat calmly in front of the console, watching the data on the screen change little by little.

He knew that these subtle changes would directly affect the rocket's trajectory.

In the end, Ye Fei witnessed with his own eyes that the rocket completed its mission safely, passed through various dangers in space, and finally arrived at its destination.

"Great job!" In the base station of ET Industrial Brain, other personnel were also applauding Ye Fei's achievement.

Ye Fei smiled, feeling this strong sense of accomplishment.

Astronaut Aaron opened the communication panel and respectfully thanked Ye Fei in the command room on the ground: "Thank you, Mr. Ye, we have the opportunity to return to the earth because of you. In that dark space, we only have Only the last breath of oxygen is left to survive, if not for your command and calculation, we will never reach the predetermined orbit."

Ye Fei responded with a smile: "This is our duty and obligation. Astronauts are our most respected profession, and you are the best representatives of our country. Thank you for completing this mission and bringing back so many precious things to us." data and information.”

Aaron felt Ye Fei's sincerity, and naturally expressed his sincere gratitude: "We have worked so hard to bring this important information back."

"I just guarantee the operation and coordinate calculation, and you are the real heroes. Take a good rest, and I will ask you about the details of the information transmission and confirm that you have successfully completed the entire task." Ye Fei felt an indescribable glory in his heart, In the face of technology and human rights, he achieved transnational recognition.

This amazed Aaron and his colleagues. Mr. Ye was not only an outstanding engineer and computer expert, but also a loving and caring leader.

To make people feel that they are safe, Ye Fei's most powerful thing is not only the technology, but also the warmth of humanity.

Astronauts from the Eagle Sauce Country returned smoothly to the Eagle Sauce Country.

The captain of the rocket flight control center was very nervous at this time. He was not only responsible for the specific implementation plan of the landing operation, but also provided the rocket astronauts with the latest flight control data.

"Landing engine starts!" The astronaut's voice sounded in the headset.

After floating in the air for a week, they are finally about to land.Liu Hang stared at the control screen, anxiously looking forward to knowing the landing result.

There was a loud noise, and the hearts of everyone in the command center skipped a beat.

On the terminal monitor, real-time images of the spacecraft that had landed were transmitted, and Liu Hang began to ask the astronauts about the details of the landing, check the status of the rocket engine, whether the structure of the rocket deck is intact, and so on.

Next, he makes sure the astronauts get out of the spacecraft safely.

A few hours later, the captain was in a very happy mood, because all the astronauts landed on Yingjiang's territory smoothly.They finally completed the mission of this cosmic journey and reached the ground safely.

When the astronauts stepped out of the rocket gate, they were warmly welcomed by the officials of the eagle sauce country.

When they got out of the escape pod, the officials of the Eagle Sauce Country showed satisfied smiles, as if this was the ultimate purpose of business transactions, and the promotion of science and technology was just added value.

At this time, a young Yingjiang official walked up to the captain and nodded to him with a smile.

Liu Hang's heart was full of emotion.He couldn't help but think of his decades of life, the day-to-day training and work, and the countless days and nights spent with the rocket and the launch base.

But now, language materials like him are continuously trained and grown in the human spiritual market, changing people's lives, and the captain has a dream of dedicating his life to it. Until then, he can deeply feel the meaning of everything. significance.

When he set foot on the land of the motherland, the domestic media was ready to interview.

"Hello astronaut, welcome back to the motherland. How is your mission on the moon going?" A reporter immediately walked over, beckoning to the astronaut and asked.

"Thank you. The mission was not very smooth at the beginning, but the experience this time is very good." The captain answered this question politely.

"Did you think of anything in particular worth mentioning on your way home?" Another reporter ran up to join the line of interviews.

"I think of a lot, but the most profound thing is the unexpected situation we encountered during our mission. Due to some irresistible factors, we encountered great difficulties. However, a person appeared in our lives. He It brought us an unexpected surprise..." The captain said, the look in his eyes became brighter.

"Excuse me, who is it?" The reporter concentrated on recording every word.

"His name is Ye Fei, and he is Ye Fei from Shenying Company. He helped us a lot in the most difficult time. He took over our satellite signal, helped us fix the fault, and restored the equipment to normal in the shortest possible time. work. Without him, our mission might not have been accomplished," replied the captain gratefully.

There was a sensation among the reporters, and immediately began to discuss.

(End of this chapter)

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