Chapter 284 About to land on the moon!

"Mr. Ye Fei, I have great admiration for your technological research and space exploration. I hope that in the future, we can cooperate in technology and technology, and together push the technological level of mankind to a higher level."

Ye Fei smiled slightly when he heard this, and replied:
"Thank you very much for your invitation. I also admire the scientific and technological strength of Yingjiang Country. I believe that only the cooperation of all scientific workers in the world can truly promote the scientific and technological progress of mankind. If there is a chance, I would be happy to cooperate with you work together."

Following Ye Fei's answer, the astronaut smiled "thank you" and expressed his deep respect for Ye Fei.

"Mr. Ye, it is a great honor to meet you in your live broadcast room. Our astronaut team in Yingjiang also pays tribute to you for your courage and technical ability. At the same time, we are also willing to deepen our cooperation with Xia Guo Cooperation in the field of space will bring human space exploration to a higher level."

Ye Fei smiled and praised:

"Your words are sincere and straightforward, and I appreciate them very much. Only by opening our hearts and learning from each other can we human beings make better use of our talents, let technology continue to advance, and explore further unknown spaces."

The audience in the entire live broadcast room praised it one after another, and expressed their extreme support for the cooperation between Ye Fei and the astronauts of Yingjiang Country.

As Ye Fei said, everyone in the live broadcast room gave warm applause.

A netizen named "Xiaxia Xingchen" said: "Mr. Ye, I have been following your news for the past two weeks, and I admire your generosity. You are not only a scientist, but also a leader of a great country." .”

Ye Fei felt very honored: "Thank you for your praise, Xia Xingchen, but I am not a leader, I am just an ordinary scientist."

The netizens in the live broadcast room were very energetic. They all let Yingjiang's group of black fans take a good look at it. This is the bearing that a scientific researcher of a big country should have.

A netizen from the Eagle Sauce Country appeared in the comment area, saying: "It is said that it emphasizes the sharing of technology, but in its heart it is thinking of dominance. It is really disappointing."

However, Ye Fei remained calm and calm as always: "I believe this is not what we really think. The Xia Kingdom and the Eagle Sauce Kingdom should become the driving force to promote the development of human science and technology. Let us work together and strive for a better future for mankind."

Netizens in the live broadcast room listened to Ye Fei's speech and praised him one after another: "Ye Fei, you are a good guy!", "This is the scientific research leader we want!", "Support Mr. Ye!"

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room has become very friendly and peaceful, and there is no longer the previous rivalry.Ye Fei's magnanimity made everyone in the live broadcast room praise him. Netizens appreciate his way of doing things very much, and wish him and all scientific researchers the future.

After the live broadcast ended, media platforms began to report on Ye Fei's friendly cooperation.

Headline news channel: Ye Fei, a science and technology expert of Xiaguo, shared the achievements of space technology through live broadcast

The headline news channel reported Ye Fei's live broadcast in this way: Ye Fei, a well-known science and technology expert of Xia State, shared his latest achievements in the field of space technology in the live broadcast room, and showed the live video of Xia Guo's astronauts completing tasks on the International Space Station.

The live broadcast attracted millions of viewers and was a great success, further enhancing Ye Fei's popularity and influence in the technology field.

Science and technology news channel: Ye Fei, a science and technology expert from Xiaguo, demonstrates the achievements of space technology and promotes friendly cooperation
The live broadcast of Ye Fei, a well-known science and technology expert in Xia Kingdom, caused an uproar among millions of viewers around the world.

In the live broadcast, Ye Fei showed Xia Guo's latest achievements in the field of space technology, which played an active role in promoting international friendly cooperation.This live broadcast not only allows the audience to better understand Xia Guo's technological strength, but also establishes a good image and reputation for Xia Guo in the international scientific and technological field.

Network comment channel: Ye Fei’s live broadcast shows Xia Guo’s leading position in the space field and the spirit of friendly cooperation
Netizens spoke highly of Ye Fei's live broadcast.Netizens said that Xia Guo’s achievements in the field of space technology that Ye Fei showed in the live broadcast made people deeply aware of the strength and strength of Xia Guo’s scientific and technological strength, and also set a new benchmark for international space cooperation.

The key lies in the excellent spirit of friendship and cooperation shown by Ye Fei himself and Xia Guo on the international stage, which has far-reaching significance and impetus to the development of international relations.

In general, Ye Fei's live broadcast not only caused a huge sensation in the field of science and technology, but also established a good image and reputation for Xia Guo on the international stage.Media reports also confirmed this point, fully affirming and praising the friendly cooperation between Ye Fei and Xia Guo.

Ye Fei finally gained the support of the majority of netizens, and the moon project he devoted himself to has also received affirmation and support from all walks of life.A few months ago, the Xiaguo Lunar Exploration Center, which he founded, was well prepared and finally ushered in the first batch of important milestones.

He promoted the construction of the lunar base. After continuous efforts, more than half of the base construction has been completed. He began to deploy new tasks. Once the lunar base is completed and landed, they will dispatch the first batch of scientific researchers to the lunar base for final construction. Work.

The biggest challenge Ye Fei is currently facing is how to solve the living environment of the base.Although the technology of the moon base is very advanced, there are still many problems.

Due to the harsh environment of the moon and the great difference between the long-term living environment on the earth, scientists need to continuously develop new technologies and solutions to solve problems in water, oxygen, food, living, entertainment and other aspects.

Ye Fei and his team brainstormed and finally developed an innovative ecological environment plan.

They want to use the water and abundant solar energy on the moon, and use equipment such as intelligent water circulation system, lighting system, LED planting system, and methods of recyclable air and waste water to solve the problems of the living environment of the base.

Ye Fei was flipping through a list of personnel in the conference room. This is the work team he plans to deploy to the moon base. This mission is of great significance and will have a profound impact on Xia Guo's space industry.He needs to make sure that everyone on the team has the skills and potential to handle any challenge in the lunar environment.

Ye Fei thought deeply, physical fitness is becoming an important factor in the selection.

In the state of space, the human body will undergo many adjustments and loads, and they need to have good physical fitness, otherwise, their work will be sluggish and even life-threatening.

At the same time, Ye Fei had to consider other factors.Whether they have excellent teamwork ability, whether they have the ability to deal with emergencies, whether they can protect themselves, and so on.

These are very important factors that he needs to carefully consider and evaluate.

(End of this chapter)

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