Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 285 A new milestone for mankind.

Chapter 285 A new milestone for mankind.

In the conference room, Ye Fei started to organize the team of the moon base, and he knew that this was a task that required extra attention.

He needs to carefully select everyone on the team to ensure that they are equipped to handle the challenges of extreme environments.

The key to the success of this mission is getting the right people in the right place and developing their capabilities so they can perform at their best on the moon base.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, decided on his selection plan, and began to gather the team.He believes that this team will definitely become an important page in the history of Xia Guo's space exploration, and people will remember their hard work and sweat for this.

After several weeks of planning and several rounds of screening, the Moon Base team finally took shape.

Dozens of scientists and technical engineers from all over the country were selected into the team.

The lunar base team plans an annual mission to conduct extensive surveys of the lunar surface and test a range of technological applications, including the latest advances in cutting-edge technology and artificial intelligence developments needed for lunar base construction.

Months later, on the edge of a rocky plain on the moon, a base built by artificially intelligent robots emits microwave radiation.

During the day, the probes from the earth looked at this unmanned base and recorded all the data they could see.

At night, in the darkness within five kilometers, the moon base illuminates the night sky, realizing the first constant halogen light source on the moon.

"Is this enough?" Xia Guo's Ye Fei asked the team, they were discussing the next step.But they know that this new wonder of spaceflight on Earth is far from perfect life on the moon.

"We need to turn lunar settlements into independent living organisms. This means transplanting a large number of biological models to help humans survive in the lunar environment." The biological scientist replied.

"We also need to use artificial intelligence and robotics to develop energy resources on the moon to achieve environmental protection and ecological balance." Another scientist from Xia Guo also participated in the discussion.

Ye Fei pondered for a while, knowing that the base team still has unlimited potential to explore. "

We need a group of brave volunteers who must be excellent scientists and technicians, but also have a strong ability to adapt to the lunar environment. "

Xia Guo will undertake the launch and construction of personnel, but he needs Ye Fei's help to ensure a smooth mission.

So Ye Fei also plans to send the moon base team to the moon to complete the real moon base.

Members of the lunar base team immediately joined the planning, and they began to plan specific mission plans.This great moon base plan will become a milestone event in human history, and many people are looking forward to the rapid arrival of this historic moment.

At this time one month later, Ye Fei stood in the base station of the ET Industrial Brain, overlooking a group of scientific researchers in spacesuits boarding the Shenying.

The first team of lunar explorers finally set foot on the land of the moon.

Their arrival is a milestone for the global aerospace industry, representing a solid step forward for human beings to explore a wider space.

As the Shenying spacecraft flew to the moon, Xia Guo's Ye Fei watched the whole scene in the base station of the ET Industrial Brain.

He was very moved because this was his indissoluble bond with the Shenying spacecraft.

A few years ago, Ye Fei worked in the research institute of ET Industrial Brain, a leading technology company in Xiaguo.

When he and his colleagues were at the peak of their research in space exploration, the engineers of the Condor found them.

The engineer said that before launching the Shenying spacecraft, it needs to conduct multiple tests to ensure its safety performance when performing important tasks.

However, Shenying's large data requirements and complex network administrators require the support of Xia Guo's super-intelligent computer, and Ye Fei happens to be the main person in charge of this project.

Therefore, Xiaguo's ET Industrial Brain Research Institute provided super intelligent computer support for Shenying, which successfully guaranteed the mission of Shenying's launch.

Since then, Ye Fei and Shenying have formed an inseparable relationship.

Today, the Condor, which has experienced countless setbacks, finally brought humans to the moon.

Ye Fei watched the Shenying landing one after another, and he couldn't be more moved.That kind of emotion is as strong as witnessing a son grow up and a sense of accomplishment from scratch.

After sending his blessings to the Shenying, Ye Fei pondered.

He knows that this success is not a victory for each other, but a voyage of mankind to a wider space.

He also knows that Xia Guo's scientific and technological workers have also made great efforts and contributions in this process.He is proud of this and will continue to work hard for the success of the next mission.

It was their dream to be the first team of lunar explorers, and now, their dream is about to become a reality.

Everyone was so excited these days in a spaceship heading to the moon.

However, at this moment, everyone didn't know what to say.

The leader of the team, the captain of the spaceship, Mr. Lin, looked out the window quietly, the surface of the moon gradually became clear, and there was no excitement in his heart, as if he couldn't hold more emotions in his heart.

Mr. Lin is the soul of this spacecraft. He is both a technical nerd and a management expert, so he played an important role in this team.

He knows that this is not only his personal dream, but also the dream of the team, and it is also the dream of the entire human race to explore space.

And he can't live up to that dream now, even though the risks and problems faced by astronauts have never been more complex.

However, with such an important matter, he had to be the calm one, manipulating the entire expedition plan.

"Prepare to slow down!" Mr. Lin gave the order.

The astronauts took action immediately, and everyone completed the necessary deceleration work in an orderly manner.

Gradually, the surface of the moon became clearer and clearer. Finally, the Shenying landed steadily at the original landing site, which is next to the space station on the moon base.

"Well done, brothers!" Looking out the window, Mr. Lin said excitedly.

"This is our shared victory."

After hearing this sentence, other members of the team also showed excitement that could not be concealed.

They have finally reached this peak in the course of their lives, and the end of the entire expedition is only the beginning.They are well-equipped and ready to go to the moon. They will bring the spirit of exploration of human beings' endless curiosity about the unknown space to the depths of the unknown.

This is a special journey, and they also create their own life journey during the flight.

(End of this chapter)

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