Chapter 286 New!Lunar home.

Mr. Lin was wearing a spacesuit, standing in the lunar space station, and kept looking around.On the screen in front of him was the image sent back from the lunar surface simulator.

"Turn off the robotic arm and prepare to deploy new equipment." Director Lin shouted into the communicator in his ear. "While integrating all the mechanical equipment together, it takes up less space."

"Obey!" The subordinates replied in unison through the communicator.

After a while, the mechanical arm stopped, and many mechanical equipment in the space station were rationally integrated, saving precious space.Mr. Lin nodded, and said with satisfaction to the image on the screen: "Prepare for mechanical upgrade."

At this time, the Shenying spacecraft was docked at the docking port of the lunar space station.The equipment unloaded from the spacecraft is a newly designed excavator and construction machinery, as well as equipment that can use the oxygen of the lunar soil itself to produce oxygen.

"All equipment starts to work." Mr. Lin gave orders to his subordinates and continued to arrange other tasks. “Excavators are responsible for excavating the site and digging out enough depth for the bunker, construction machines are responsible for building the bunker, and the rest are responsible for placing equipment and connecting pipelines.”

"Understood!" The subordinates replied through the communicator.

Mr. Lin himself also started to get busy, checking and adjusting the status of the equipment, and confirming that there is no problem with every detail.He walked to the operation desk responsible for placing the equipment and asked, "Are all the pipelines connected? Are the interfaces of the equipment connected to the corresponding pipelines?"

"It's all connected, and it's safe." The subordinate replied.

Mr. Lin felt relieved, walked out of a semi-finished space station, and looked up at the earth under the sky not far away.

In this place, three days away from the earth, he finally began to realize the dream of all Xia people - to build a moon base.

"The next step is to build a research room." Mr. Lin muttered to himself. "The moon base is full of infinite possibilities." He took a deep breath and started a new job.

Ye Fei entered the base station of the ET Industrial Brain and watched Chief Engineer Lin deploying their work on the moon.

Their goal is to build a lunar home, first to build the infrastructure to support their lives.

"Chief engineer Lin, I need you to update the construction progress of the lunar homeland." Ye Fei said, and sent all the documents prepared before to Chief Engineer Lin.

Mr. Lin studied the data carefully in the space station, and then said: "Mr. Ye, 40% of our work has been completed. We are operating the spacecraft to transport personnel and materials. At present, we have enough fresh water and oxygen. According to Projected plans, we now need to add some residential facilities and workplaces.”

"That's good." Ye Fei smiled. "I think we should gather a team to carry out this construction. You must first determine a preliminary work arrangement and construction process, and I will be responsible for coordinating and supporting your work."

Mr. Lin nodded in agreement.Under his leadership, the team began to implement his plan.

Ye Fei monitors the progress day and night and provides his opinion to the team.

A few days later, the lunar home was built.

Team members completed their assigned tasks and collaborated to commission all the facilities to make sure everything was working.

Mr. Lin entered the moon base and looked up at the dark night surrounding his home and the white satellites that seemed to be swimming in the sky.

Mr. Lin said: "We gambled everything and built this moon base, but I believe it was the right decision. We did it! Now, we can work hard to expand the prosperity of Xia Kingdom."

Ye Fei dragged his exhausted body to Shenying's office.

He is holding a thick folder tightly in his hand, which contains a new project that he has spent a lot of time developing - "Moon Homeland Project".

This is the progress report that Mr. Lin has completed during this period.

This plan allows humans to build a more advanced, comfortable and safe living environment on the moon.

Following Shenying's release of the news, an uproar quickly arose on the Internet.Netizens gathered around and discussed Ye Fei's new project.

They were full of praise for the technical level of Ye Fei and Shenying Company.

"This project is absolutely stunning!"

"It never occurred to me that we could build such an advanced home on the moon."

"It seems that we humans are really going to start marching to the stars."

The online discussion intensified, and more details soon came to light.May
Many professionals also joined the discussion, sharing their views and suggestions on the project.

Over time, the news has spread around the world.

Everyone was shocked and looked forward to seeing this plan become a reality in the future.

"Brother Ye Fei, your plan for a lunar home is amazing! I hope to become a resident of the moon one day!" This is what a netizen wrote in a message on Ye Fei's official account.

As Ye Fei released his newly developed "Moon Home Plan", the people of Xia Kingdom couldn't sit still.

They flocked to Ye Fei's social media accounts one after another, wanting to express their enthusiasm and admiration for this project and Ye Fei himself.

"Thank you for letting us see a better, advanced, comfortable and safe future!"

"If given the chance, I would definitely be the first person to land on the moon and settle there!"

"You are the father of future technology!"

The comment area is full of netizens who are excited about this plan and looking forward to the future.

In his message, he not only expresses his contender for the project, but also shares his suggestions on how to achieve a better living environment and more sustainable development.

Netizens also expressed their support for the project through various channels, and called on the government to approve the plan as soon as possible, so as to provide a broader perspective for human beings to explore space.

"If one day it is really possible to build a home on the moon, then I will definitely let my child be the first person to study and live there!"

"Boss Fei, you are the pride of our country!"

Ye Fei was very excited when he saw these messages.

He didn't expect his new project to attract so much discussion and attention.He knows that although this plan is still just a concept, but with enough supporters, it can become a reality in the near future.

With the passage of time, the "Moon Home Plan" has become more and more popular, and has slowly transformed from an ideal to a feasible plan.

And Ye Fei, because of this project, is known as the most representative, the best, and the greatest pioneer in the scientific world.

(End of this chapter)

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