Chapter 293 Lunar Elevator!

Ye Fei was sitting in the conference room of Shenying Company, listening to the people in the technology department discussing how to convert condensed matter into plasma and transport the device for research to the moon.

These devices are the latest scientific and technological achievements of the company, but it is very difficult to send them to the moon.

Everyone was silent, and it seemed that there was no feasible solution.

Seeing their distressed expressions, Ye Fei felt a little anxious.This matter is very important to the company. If the handling work cannot be completed, all efforts will be in vain.

Suddenly, a voice broke the silence in the conference room: "We can use the space elevator!"

Everyone was stunned, they had never heard of the term space elevator.

At this time, Ye Fei was the only one present who showed a slightly happy expression.

He listened intently as they discussed how to convert condensed matter into plasma and carry it to the moon base for research.

It's an innovative idea, but technologists have expressed various opinions on it.

After all, the Condor Company has space elevator technology, but how to use this technology is another issue.

"I think there are many problems with this plan," said a young engineer. "First, we need to solve the environmental factors such as gravity and air pressure on the equipment."

"That's right, and we also need to consider that there may be safety hazards in the space elevator itself." The technician continued, "What if something goes wrong?"

"But in theory, there should be no problem." The senior engineer interjected, "We can use the magnetic field to control the equipment and prevent collisions with additional equipment."

"It's definitely not that simple to operate in practice." The chief engineer on the side expressed his opinion, "After all, we haven't done similar things. Any small mistakes may lead to serious consequences."

Ye Fei listened to everyone's words quietly, thinking about the feasibility of this plan.He knew that these technicians were experienced and professional engineers and that everyone's perspective was valuable.

"We must seriously consider every possible problem and come up with a solution." Ye Fei finally said, "Only when we are fully prepared and convinced that the plan can be successful, can we start implementing it."

Ye Fei has already finalized his next project direction from their brainstorming.

Ye Fei stood up.

Ye Fei decided to set his sights on the field of space elevators.

This project can not only solve the transportation problem for humans to land on the moon and Mars in the future, but also the key to open the door for humans to enter the universe.

"I believe everyone knows that the era we live in is ushering in a technological revolution." Ye Fei said on the stage, "and also see that more and more companies are beginning to pay attention to the space industry."

Ye Fei then introduced the commercial value and challenges behind the space elevator project.He pointed out: "Although no company has really achieved this goal yet, we can successfully break through all difficulties through unity and cooperation, continuous innovation and active practice."

After listening to Ye Fei's detailed introduction to the space elevator project, everyone present realized that this project not only has commercial prospects but also leads the development of global aerospace technology.

Then, Ye Fei began to divide the work, and different departments solved different technological difficulties.

Based on the existing space elevator technology, improve the lunar elevator.

Various departments immediately acted and began to develop and manufacture space elevators intensively.

"We will advance these two tasks in parallel." Ye Fei said that what I mean is, on the basis of maintaining support for the original team and adding more outstanding personnel, a new team will be established to specialize in the study of lunar elevators. "

After listening to Ye Fei's speech, the meeting room was silent for a few seconds.Then an executive stood up: "I agree with your suggestion. Let's organize our staff as soon as possible and make a detailed plan."

"I agree too." Another executive followed suit and nodded.

Soon, after the meeting, Condor began to implement the plan.

Various departments began to work busy, and different technology teams were working hard to solve the problems they faced.

The person in charge of the research and development department said: "We need to rethink the structural design of the space elevator to make it more stable and safe."

"Okay, then please focus on this." Ye Fei replied, "At the same time, please help the lunar elevator team."

The marketing department also stated that it will create an influential brand image for Condor, so that more people can understand the great cause he is doing.

"No problem." Ye Fei nodded, "Share your best ideas with everyone who cares about our project."

A few hours later, after the executives left in the conference room, Ye Fei looked at the team members he stayed behind to continue working.

He is very proud that everyone is so professional, enthusiastic and full of energy.

He knew that this was an essential element in Condor's success.

"We have done a good job." Ye Fei said to everyone, "but I believe there are more challenges waiting for us in the future. Now we only need to focus on the task at hand."

All team members nodded yes, and they got back to work.

In this corner of Shenying Company, every scientific and technological worker exerts his professional knowledge and creativity, and strives for the dream of human unexplored space.

Ye Fei and Chief Engineer Lin connected in a video conference, and Ye Fei excitedly told him about the project plan of the lunar elevator.

Mr. Lin raised his eyebrows in surprise after hearing this.

"This project is not easy! Are you sure you want to develop it?"

"Of course!" Ye replied excitedly, "We already have a preliminary idea and direction. I believe that as long as we work together, we will be able to succeed."

Mr. Lin pondered for a while, and said to the screen: "Okay, since you have decided to do this project, then start preparing. I will do my best to cooperate with you."

Ye Fei breathed a sigh of relief: "Thank you for your support, Mr. Lin!"

Mr. Lin smiled and said: "You're welcome. However, before you start, please be sure to carefully evaluate every possible problem and strictly follow the plan. The ball elevator is a huge and complicated system. Once a problem occurs, it may with catastrophic consequences."

"Don't worry." Ye Fei said firmly, "We will take every detail very seriously and ensure safety."

After the video call, Ye Fei felt very excited and uplifted. He knew that this would be an important step for Condor to reach the world's technological pinnacle.He believes that with the efforts of Chief Engineer Lin and the entire team, the lunar elevator project will surely succeed.

(End of this chapter)

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