Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 294 Construction complete!Soaring into the sky.

Chapter 294 Construction complete!Soaring into the sky.

In the next few months, the entire staff of Condor invested in the lunar elevator.

Every day is a constant effort in researching designs, manufacturing parts, conducting tests and simulation runs.During this period, many problems and difficulties were encountered, but Ye Fei and Chief Engineer Lin kept in close contact and gave them firm support and guidance. Finally, on a sunny day, the lunar elevator was officially launched.

When people saw the giant building soaring into the sky and connecting the earth and the moon, they were all shocked and proud.

Condor became the focus of worldwide attention, and Ye became a legendary figure.

Since then, human beings have really embarked on a journey of exploring the universe.

In this new era, technology has no boundaries, and the future is full of infinite possibilities!

The lunar elevator project quickly caught the attention of others, but no one knew what.

What is this huge building built by Condor Company?International media, technology, and financial sector media are all reporting.

The Mystery of the "Moon Elevator"

Since Condor announced the "Moon Elevator" project, the entire scientific and technological community has been stunned.

This project makes everyone curious, but unknown.What is the purpose of this huge building?
"The New York Times" commented: "The lunar elevator' will become one of the greatest technological achievements in human history."

The Wall Street Journal is concerned and predicts that the project will be launched within the next few years. A "moon elevator" could change the way humans explore space.

The world-renowned technology magazine "Wired" said.

"The 'Lunar Elevator' sounds like a sci-fi plot, but it is real. The facility is said to make it easy for humans to land on the moon."

Investors also value the "moon elevator."

"If there is a business that can build something like this, it will definitely do a lot of good," said an anonymous entrepreneur.

"Bloomberg Businessweek" believes that "Condor has always been regarded as one of the most forward-looking companies in the technology industry, and this lunar elevator project has attracted the attention of major investment institutions and government departments around the world. "

There are also various discussions on the Internet.

The blog topic #神鹰公司月驾lift# quickly became a trending topic as soon as it was released, and netizens expressed their expectations and concerns. "It's a great era," said a netizen in the comments section. "Humanity is finally going to conquer space."

"We shouldn't be overly optimistic." Another netizen said, "The actual situation may not be that simple."

Seeing that the attention on this matter has intensified, Ye Fei intends to publicly release a message on his official website.

"The 'Lunar Elevator' could transport cargo from the ground to the lunar surface, as well as humans into space."

He also revealed, "Condor has already begun to build this huge elevator system, which is expected to be put into use in the next few years."

Ye Fei's statement attracted widespread media and public attention.

Some were excited, others expressed concern. "We need more information to prove that the 'moon elevator' project is feasible." A technology commentator said.

In the ever-growing field of science and technology, the construction of the lunar elevator can be described as a great project.

But under the leadership of Ye Fei, the lunar elevator was completed within three months, and it is one of the largest and most influential infrastructures in the world.

As the founder and CEO of Shenying Company, Ye Fei shoulders a huge responsibility.

He not only has to consider the technical difficulties and capital investment of the project itself, but also coordinates resources, formulates detailed implementation plans, and ensures that all links are carried out in an orderly manner according to the plan.

Before the project started, Ye Fei had already started to make detailed plans.

He worked closely with scientists, engineers and managers with comprehensive professional knowledge and experience from all over the world, discussed and determined the entire project implementation plan in multiple meetings, and fully evaluated and optimized each link.And divide all participants into several groups, and make it clear that each group is responsible for specific matters, and make full use of their professional knowledge to carry out work under the guidance.

At the same time, throughout the implementation process, Ye Fei also ensured the smooth progress of the entire project through continuous communication, coordination and resolution of various problems.

Of course, there were also some difficulties and challenges during the project, but Ye Fei always led everyone to overcome one difficulty after another with his superb leadership and management experience.

For example, in the design stage, in order to fully consider various factors such as safety and durability, the lunar elevator uses the most advanced materials and conducts an optimized design based on its own characteristics.

In the construction stage, many issues such as resource allocation and personnel training need to be considered.During this critical period, Ye Fei showed his organizational ability and management level, effectively solved various difficulties, and ensured that every link was strictly supervised and controlled.

After three months of intense and orderly work, with the joint efforts of all participants, the lunar elevator was successfully completed.

This great achievement not only proves the fact that Xiaguo has strong scientific and technological strength and a large number of talents, but also shows the concentrated expression of Shenying's innovation ability and leadership level.

Condor's lunar elevator is a great technological innovation. The moment it was completed, everyone was stunned.Numerous online media rushed to report on this historic moment.

On the afternoon of May [-] local time, Condor Corporation announced that the lunar power was officially put into use.

In the eyes of people all over the world, this is not only a revolutionary project, but also a symbol of Xiaguo's scientific and technological strength and entrepreneurial spirit.

In the afternoon of the same day, a grand celebration was held at the headquarters.

Scientists, politicians, business leaders and other important guests from home and abroad were invited to attend and witnessed this momentous moment together.

They all said: The great success of Shenying Company not only represents the strong development momentum of Xiaguo enterprises and the upward trend of economic strength, but also injects confidence and hope into the world.

The whole celebration lasted about three hours, and the people present watched the opening ceremony of the lunar elevator and related video demonstrations and other programs together.

One of the most striking is the first live broadcast of the lunar elevator.

With live images captured by high-definition cameras, audiences around the world can watch the first launch of the lunar elevator in real time.

There were cheers at the scene, and people hugged each other to celebrate this important moment.

The guests present expressed their admiration for Shenying's technological achievements and entrepreneurial spirit, and praised Xiaguo's growing technological strength on the global stage.

(End of this chapter)

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