Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 305 Pulling 1 to activate the whole body, the loss is heavy

Chapter 305 A big loss

He paused, and then said, "Secondly, we need to build strong enough protective equipment on the moon to prevent the erosion of space dust and meteorites. At the same time, we must do a good job of sun protection during the period of direct sunlight, And minimize time spent outdoors."

"Also, there is no complete infrastructure on the surface of the moon, so we need to dig deep, and the stability of the infrastructure is very important. For this reason, we also need to eliminate potential risks and problems while building the base."

Mr. Lin's explanations were simple and profound, which not only gave the audience new knowledge, but also gave them a clearer understanding of the construction process and difficulty of the lunar base.The whole audience fell into deep thinking.

At this moment, the door of the conference hall was suddenly pushed open, and a flustered young technician ran in, covered in sweat.

"What's wrong?" Mr. Lin looked at the technician and asked seriously.

"Mr. Lin, there is an emergency! The robot for the construction of the lunar base discovered a dangerous hole during the drilling process!" The young technician said, with a flustered expression on his face, which chilled everyone present.

Mr. Lin arrived at the base station non-stop.

Mr. Lin watched as a huge antenna group was built outside the current base station to help Ye Fei transmit and receive signals from space and the earth.

He couldn't help being amazed that the base station had changed so much after not coming back for a while.

The arrival of Chief Engineer Lin made everything in the base station lively. The staff began to inspect and debug the equipment, preparing for the inspection by Ye Fei and Chief Engineer Lin.

At this time, Ye Fei had already seen this scene on the supercomputer screen of the base station, and he comforted Mr. Lin not to worry.

Ye Fei was writing code on the computer while communicating with Mr. Lin.

Mr. Lin was stunned when he saw the scene from the moon on the computer.This was his first visit to the base station, and it was also the first time he saw such a shocking scene.

Ye Fei is used to this, he is used to the close connection with nature and the universe.

But this atmosphere was suddenly broken by an alarm.

The sound of the alarm was fierce and piercing, and everyone in the base station immediately became tense.On the computer screen, Mr. Lin saw some strange data, which obviously did not belong to the normal data flow.

"What happened?" Mr. Lin asked.His words revealed panic about the situation.

"It may be a disturbing signal. We are currently tracking the signal." Ye Fei said, the light pen in his hand kept beating on the computer screen, while processing the code, he was studying the source of the signal.

After some hard work, everyone found the root of the problem.

It turned out that some old equipment fell into the deep pit, many robots stopped around the deep pit, and the program stopped.

This leads to unstable strength of some signals, which poses a threat to the normal operation of the base station.

"We need to solve this problem quickly, so as not to affect other equipment." Mr. Lin urged.

Ye Fei walked over and patted Mr. Lin on the shoulder heavily. "

Don't worry, this problem will be resolved soon.Our equipment can be diagnosed and repaired autonomously, and you can trust our technology and strength. "

Over time, the problem was finally resolved.

All equipment resumed normal operation, the alarm ceased to sound, and everything returned to calm.

Mr. Lin also witnessed Ye Fei and the staff's handling process with his own eyes, and deeply felt their professionalism and technology.In his heart, Ye Fei has become one of his most trusted technical masters.

"Thank you!" Mr. Lin bowed deeply, expressing his gratitude to Ye Fei and the staff.

"This is our job, there is nothing to be thankful for." Ye Fei smiled modestly, and replied Mr. Lin's thanks.He understands that the responsibilities he bears are not only technology and strength, but also future tasks and future hopes.

The crisis on the moon has been lifted, but the aftermath work must continue.

Ye Fei's face was a little dignified. He held a report in one hand and rubbed his temples with the other, looking a little tired.

He and his scientific research team are meeting in the command center of the moon base.

A few days ago, the deep pit of the moon base collapsed inexplicably. Although the crisis has been resolved in the end, some equipment still suffered losses, which made Ye Fei feel very headache.

At this time, the big screen in the command center was constantly displaying reports about the status of the moon base, the progress of equipment maintenance, and the status of mining, but these expectations were not as Ye Fei and his team had imagined.

"We need to rebuild the equipment of the base, and need more resources and manpower." Ye Fei said anxiously, "We can't let this happen again."

"Commander, I made an estimate of the facilities and artificial intelligence robots on the moon base, and their progress rate is gradually decreasing." A scientist stepped forward to report.

"This is not good news." Ye Fei frowned, "Please continue to study and see if we can find a new construction system model."

In the command center, various instruments continuously spit out data. Scientists analyze and calculate based on these data, trying to find some new ways to solve the problem of the moon base.

"Commander, we need to send another task force to the moon base as soon as possible to look at the scene and collect more data. Similarly, we need to consider seeking assistance from other countries." Another team member said.

"However, the Shenying will take another three months. If the manned rocket is launched alone, I am afraid that the manpower and material resources will not be small."

"Perhaps we can consider holding a scientific and technological cooperation meeting to seek more experts and scholars to discuss this issue together." A team member also expressed his views.

Ye Fei listened to everyone's suggestions, thought for a while, and then made a decision.He decided to hold an international scientific and technological cooperation conference, inviting experts and scholars from various countries to participate, to jointly study the problems encountered by the moon base and find solutions.

The convening of the conference started quickly, and experts and scholars from various countries began to sign up to participate.The entire scientific research team also began to prepare for the details of the meeting nervously.

Before the meeting started, Ye Fei said to his team: "We need to do our best to give full play to our technological advantages and add a new touch to the dream of human beings to explore space."

Everyone pulled the corners of their mouths and nodded, showing resolute expressions.

They also know that this mission is not only for the moon base, but also a huge challenge in human history. Ye Fei and his scientific research team must do their best with every ounce of strength.

(End of this chapter)

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