Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 306 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

Chapter 306 Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter

Ye Fei sat at the conference table, looking down at the report in his hand.The report details the various losses and problems caused by the deep pit, as well as the progress of the current restoration work.

Ye Fei frowned, feeling both angry and helpless.

The impact of the deep pit accident far exceeded his expectations. It not only destroyed the equipment and facilities of the moon base, but also threatened the operation of the base.

"I admit that this incident was our mistake, but we can't let this incident affect the operation of the base, and we can't make the base workers pay more for it." Ye Fei stood up and faced everyone, said seriously.

Everyone nodded silently in agreement.They all knew the seriousness of the accident and understood Ye Fei's determination.

"The purpose of my convening this meeting is to ask everyone to come up with a solution to the problem and find a way to restore the moon base to normal operation as soon as possible." Ye Fei said.

Everyone in the meeting room fell into deep thought, and everyone was trying their best to think about how to solve the problem.A voice broke the silence, it was the voice of the technical research team.

"We can try to use 3D printing technology to manufacture replacement parts, which can quickly replace damaged equipment." His voice is calm and calm, as if he has thought about it many times.

"Yes, this is a good idea." Ye Fei nodded and praised, "Also, we can send the 3D printer directly to the moon base, so that it can be manufactured directly inside the base, and the efficiency will be higher."

Ye Fei's words aroused enthusiastic responses in the conference room. Everyone expressed their thoughts and suggestions, and the discussion was heated and intense.

After the meeting, Ye Fei felt much more relaxed.

Although the deep pit incident has brought no small difficulties to the moon base.

Ye Fei intends to start a new technology, geological exploration.

This is also a place that was never thought of when building a moon base.

In the meeting room, Ye Fei is introducing a new idea of ​​his own to the team: "We need to develop a new type of geological exploration equipment that can adapt to the special environment of the moon. This research and development is one of the key points of our enterprise."

After listening to Ye Fei's introduction, the technicians present all agreed and began to discuss the specific details of this new research.They found that the environment of the moon is very harsh, with weak light, extremely low temperature, and too much dust, which put forward many requirements for the design of the equipment.

Ye Fei laughed and encouraged everyone: "It is precisely because of this unique environment that we have the opportunity to surpass the daily level and achieve a technological breakthrough."

Next, in order to develop geological exploration equipment more suitable for the lunar environment, Ye Fei led everyone to set up a laboratory dedicated to the research of new geological exploration instruments suitable for the moon.

The laboratory is full of various advanced equipment, and everyone is full of energy and devoted to a new round of research.They simulated the environment of the moon, conducted multiple tests and experiments on various sensors, and continuously optimized various indicators of the equipment during the experiments.

This team is very harmonious. They will exchange experiences with each other and solve problems together in the research.Even when the going gets tough, they keep going because of their love for the research.

Finally, during the long research process, they developed a geological probe adapted to the lunar environment. It not only has strong cold resistance and dust resistance, but also can accurately and quickly detect geological features.

This is groundbreaking research that can make greater contributions to human exploration of the moon and future planets.

Ye Fei was very satisfied with this result. He looked at the team members gratefully and said: "Our efforts will bring extraordinary contributions to human exploration and exploration!"

The team members beside him also looked at Ye Fei with expressions of gratitude and admiration. They knew that this was just a new starting point for the team.

A few months later, Ye Fei and his team finally developed the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Lunar Orbiter Survey Camera.This is the biggest innovation of Condor since its establishment.

Ye Fei briefly introduced the innovative features of these new devices.

The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter can conduct all-round surveys on the moon. It can not only measure the surface structure and topography of the moon in detail, but also detect the distribution of materials under the moon.

The lunar orbit survey camera can take more detailed images of the lunar surface. These images can not only provide a better map basis for lunar exploration, but also provide important reference information for the construction of future lunar bases.

After listening to Ye Fei's introduction, everyone in Shenying Company was surprised and excited about this brand new device.

This innovation not only means that Condor will further strengthen its technological leadership in the field of aerospace and remote sensing, but also can greatly improve the scientific research and geological circles.Everyone started to talk about it, and many people were even eager to try, wanting to carry out lunar exploration immediately to see how powerful these new devices are.

However, almost no one cares about the development process behind it.

This innovation did not come easily.

Every member of the team spent almost all their time and energy in the form of trial and error and modification iterations to improve these devices step by step from design to realization.

They follow the most stringent standards to ensure that all components and functions are impeccable, especially in extreme environments, such as the low temperature and radiation on the moon.

This process requires not only experiments by scientists, but also manufacturing by engineers and debugging by technicians, as well as the support of many other team members.

With the efforts of these people, this innovation has finally become a reality.

As for Ye Fei, he will lead the team to new areas again and again.He continuously applies technology to more fields, benefiting the society of tens of millions of people.

In a simply decorated conference room, a group of geologists are engrossed in discussing the latest scientific and technological achievements.

"Have you heard? Ye Fei's R&D team recently developed the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Lunar Orbiter Reconnaissance Camera!" A young scholar said excitedly, his face full of yearning and admiration.

"Oh? Really?" The old scholar next to him was taken aback for a moment, "That's quite an accomplishment!" He paused, and continued, "If that's the case, then Ye Fei's technology has surpassed Earth has entered the space realm."

"That's right!" Another middle-aged scholar also joined the discussion, "The Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter can further understand the internal structure and surface topography of the moon, and the Lunar Orbiter Reconnaissance Camera can take high-definition images of the lunar surface. The research has brought a lot of help."

(End of this chapter)

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