Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 316 Condor Live Broadcast, Everyone Participates in Star Trek.

Chapter 316 Condor Live Broadcast, Everyone Participates in Star Trek.

They began to shout in public, demanding that moon travel should be made public and everyone should have a share.

However, Ye Fei is not in Blue Star now, and no one responded to their remarks.

"We must make lunar travel open and transparent, so that everyone has the opportunity to go to the moon!" A high-level executive from Fusang said to the camera very excitedly.

"That's right, we can't let Condor Company monopolize this market, and we also have the opportunity to go to the moon!" A high-level executive from the eagle sauce country also responded very excitedly.

Their remarks aroused the attention and discussion of many people, but they did not realize that traveling to the moon requires very advanced and complex technology and equipment, and not everyone has the ability to go there.

Facing the slander and abuse of these high-level officials, Ye Fei still held a sense of tranquility and peace in space.

He is well aware that every journey into space is full of hidden dangers and risks, requiring special preparation and protection.

Along the way, he and his partners faced countless challenges and tests. They ran cleanly without turning back, forged ahead with determination, and built a new level of future with their own efforts.

Ye Fei knows that only in this way can we better show more people the beauty and mystery of space, and let more people understand the infinite charm of space.

He has no intention of extravagantly seeking others' approval and criticism of his mistakes. What he values ​​is exploring and discovering the possibility and imagination of space with his team.

No matter how much the high-level officials of Fusang and Eagle Sauce countries abuse and provoke, Ye Fei is confident that he will continue to explore space, and will continue to carry out plans to explore space and travel to the moon in the future, so that everyone can enjoy the beauty and happiness of space travel .

Ye Fei ignored those conspiracy theories, and he devoted himself to this beautiful space travel.

Even though Ye Fei is the creator of the Shenying, in this vast and boundless universe, he can't help but be addicted to it.

He found that there are still many unknown areas in space waiting for them to explore, which made him feel extremely surprised and excited.

After the spacecraft entered the orbit of the moon, Ye Fei started the next step of the trip to the moon.

He opened the Shenying company's official account and started the live broadcast of the trip to the moon.

The whole process was full of passion and creativity, allowing audiences around the world to feel the mystery of space travel.

Ye Fei started the live broadcast on the spaceship, and as the camera began to describe the whole picture of the spaceship.

His voice was clear and powerful, and could be heard very clearly by all.His expression is very natural and relaxed, clearly invested in this spaceship introduction.

Ye Fei started the live broadcast on the spaceship, and as the camera began to describe the whole picture of the spaceship.Soon, netizens entered the live broadcast room to watch Ye Fei's introduction.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ye Fei. Now, I'm going to take you on a trip to introduce the whole picture of the spacecraft. This is the latest spacecraft equipped with the latest space technology, which is very suitable for long-distance space travel."

"Wow, this spaceship is so shocking!" "I'm so envious of Phineas, I want to go to space too!" "This cabin is so big!"

The barrage of comments from netizens kept scrolling on the screen, full of praise for the technological sense and comfort of this spaceship. "This spaceship must be the most high-tech, and I want to buy a ticket."

"Looking at this cabin is like being in a science fiction movie, so dreamy!"

Ye Fei was very happy to see these comments, and he responded: "This is indeed a newest and highest-tech spaceship, equipped with the most advanced technology and equipment, not only can make people feel good in space, but also Complete a variety of space exploration missions."

Netizens became even more excited when they saw Ye's response, and they began to ask all kinds of questions: "How is the circulation system that supplies the air here?" "How fast is this spaceship?" "This view is good." Spectacular!"

Ye Fei answered every question and introduced the function and design of each part in as much detail as possible. "The air circulation system of this spacecraft is fully purified, and the air in space is not polluted, so as long as the system is normal, everyone can breathe comfortably." Ye Fei's answer aroused the amazement of netizens.

"Listen to you, this spacecraft is indeed high-tech!" Netizens said one after another.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room became more and more enthusiastic, and everyone left messages about their views and thoughts on the spacecraft.

Netizens began to discuss their dreams, wanting to be a space traveler, and imagining the idea of ​​living in the universe.Some netizens also shared their own stories, saying that they had an infinite yearning for the universe and space when they were young. They believe that with such technology and equipment, their dream of stepping into space may not be far away.

Ye Fei led netizens into the world of spaceships through the live broadcast, allowing them to experience the fantasy and beauty of space in the live broadcast room.After the live broadcast ended, the camera was turned off, but the communication and discussion among netizens continued. They posted comments and left messages, and continued to communicate and discuss in this world of technology and dreams.

Ye Fei said, leading everyone into the cab.

As soon as the camera turned, what was displayed in front of everyone was a super-large cab, which contained a captain, 1 engineers, and 5 or so technicians who were constantly operating various machines and equipment.

"This is the cockpit of our spacecraft. There are very professional and experienced crew members in it. They are the most important part of this spacecraft."

Pointing to the flashing gauges, he described various complicated indicators and data, and introduced the people working here.

"This is the cockpit. There is a captain, five engineers, and more than a dozen technicians. They have a very good understanding of the operation of the spacecraft."

"This engineer is obviously an old professor from Shenying Company!" "What a cool technology!" "These scientists are really amazing!"

Netizens saw this group of engineers carefully researching and maintaining the spacecraft, and they were all attracted by their professionalism, which instantly turned into comment barrages of praise and praise. It has been sought after and praised by a large number of netizens, and some even began to tell their own scientific and technological research experience in the live broadcast room, sharing their stories of working all night.

Netizens said in admiration, "These engineers are very lucky to have such job opportunities and can apply their technical knowledge and experience."

Netizens praised it one after another, and some said: "Oh, I also want to be such an engineer!"

"Condor Company is too powerful!"

"Relying on technology to make our lives better."

(End of this chapter)

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