Chapter 317 Fake!This is a 3D picture
Ye Fei saw that the effect of this live broadcast was very good.

He smiled and said, "We should cherish such an opportunity to make us healthier and happier through high-tech means."

As these netizens said: "With technology, our life is better!"

Under the trend of gradual technological innovation, space travel is no longer a dream. As long as we follow the pace of the times and explore the unknown, we will be able to usher in a better tomorrow.

Ye Fei's expression was very proud and confident, and his words were also full of passion and enthusiasm.

The camera was switched again and again, leading everyone to understand the various parts of the spacecraft one by one.

"Now, we come to the passenger compartment, which is designed for comfort, with all kinds of comforts and seats, perfect for long-duration space travel."

Ye Fei's words aroused heated discussions among netizens. They left messages in the live broadcast room and asked various questions, "

Can the seats here be slapped flat to sleep? "," How is the catering here equipped? "etc.

Ye Fei answered every question, allowing everyone to have a deeper understanding of the comfort and applicable conditions of the spacecraft.

"Now, we come to the dining room, which offers a variety of cuisines for your food and comfort during space travel."

Seeing this, netizens expressed their amazement and imagination in the live broadcast room. They never thought that they could enjoy such a beautiful life in the universe.

Finally, Ye Fei led everyone to the viewing platform, which is the place with the best view of the spacecraft.Here, you can enjoy the infinitely extended universe, distant galaxies and various activities of spaceships.

"Thank you very much for watching this introduction tour of the spacecraft. I hope everyone can have a real journey into the universe and feel the most beautiful universe."

Ye Fei said such words at the end, which also aroused enthusiastic responses from netizens.

Ye Fei stood on the viewing platform of the spaceship, and the scenery in front of him was breathtaking.In this vast universe, countless galaxies and planets form a beautiful picture.

The blue planet is also rotating silently in this vast universe.

"Look, everyone, this is the blue planet we are lucky to see in the universe." Ye Fei's words amazed the netizens in the live broadcast room. They couldn't believe that they really saw the planet with life.

"Wow, it's so beautiful." "I never thought that I would see such a beautiful view in the live broadcast." "This must be a gift from God!"

The barrage of comments from netizens is getting more and more enthusiastic. They are all using their own words to describe the beautiful scenery in front of them and praise the infinite charm of this universe.

Ye Fei's tone became more impassioned: "The universe is one of the most mysterious and beautiful places in our lives, and it contains endless mysteries and possibilities."

Netizens became excited after seeing Ye Fei's enthusiasm: "This outsider can always bring us more excitement and perspective!"

One of the netizens even commented: "I always believe that the universe is the link between us, even if we are in different galaxy systems, we can indeed communicate with each other."

Ye Fei felt a little sad when he heard this comment. He said: "I also believe that the universe is a symbol of peace, friendship and hope. As long as we work together, we will be able to turn this beautiful dream into reality."

Netizens praised Ye Fei's words and enthusiasm one after another. They also expressed that they would cherish this wonderful moment forever and explore and expand the depths of the universe together.

In this live broadcast with a sense of technology and a dreamy atmosphere, the Internet and the universe have a wonderful intersection, and the universe is also displayed in front of us in a more perfect form.

Ye Fei was introducing the beautiful scene of the universe in the live broadcast room, but when the voices mocking and questioning him appeared on the screen, the emotions on the stage and even the audience began to become tense.

"Hahaha, Ye Fei must have built an illusion of a spaceship in the hood of the film factory. Outside the window may be some 3D animated cosmic scenes. Who can tell if it is the real cosmic scene?"

The remarks on the screen quickly attracted a lot of criticism and quarrels. Netizens began to refute the attacker's words. They thought it was a disrespect and mockery of Ye Fei and space exploration, which was obviously irresponsible and irresponsible Behavior.

Some people opened their mouths to argue, saying: "Do you know the hardships of space exploration and technological research? Our scientists are working hard day and night just to better explore the universe. Such absurd remarks should not be allowed to gain any approval!"

Others expressed their anger and dissatisfaction. They thought it was a question and challenge to the progress of science and technology. "We have achieved so many achievements, isn't this still not enough? Do we have to keep repeating explorations in order to prove ourselves?" ?"

This dispute is getting more and more intense, and the barrage of comments on the screen seems to be getting faster and denser. Everyone expresses their views and opinions, but in the chaotic wording, deep attitudes and thinking are not fully expressed reaction.

"Everyone, stop arguing." Ye Fei saw the barrage of quarrels in the live broadcast room, and hurried forward to stop, "The destination of this exploration is the moon base, let's start with this as the end point. When I am on the moon After landing, we will discuss this topic again.”

Ye Fei's words naturally dispelled other people's doubts.

The sour words on the bullet screen are useless now.

By the time they land on the moon, won't everything be clear at a glance?

The barrage on the screen gradually stopped, and soon all the voices announced a pause. At the same time, Ye Fei's supporters responded loudly: "That's right, we need to calm down, let go of disputes, and concentrate on completing this mission to the moon!"

This incident became a topic in the live broadcast room, wandering between reality and fantasy, but this did not affect everyone's trust and respect for Ye Fei.Some netizens expressed support for Ye Fei's remarks, thinking that he is very rational and capable of dealing with problems.

"That's right, what we need now is more cooperation and rational communication, not unnecessary quarrels and quarrels." Tired of this kind of scolding, some spectators joined the ranks of Ye Fei's support.

On the other hand, those who questioned Ye Fei stopped speaking, they retreated in silence, and expressed a little pity for Ye Fei's words.

In this atmosphere of tension and loyalty, Ye Fei's words became a symbol of pride for many people, and he became the goal pursued by everyone.It seems that only under Ye Fei's guidance can they truly explore the deeper and broader path of technological development.

"Okay, then let's end here." Ye Fei said with a smile. "Thank you very much for your support for this live broadcast. Next time we will broadcast live footage of my landing and exploring the moon. Let us look forward to it together!"

He also said that anyone who pursues technology needs to deal with some debates and doubts, or bear some negative impacts, but the spirit of adventure that makes everyone passionate about it will become the permanent theme of the live broadcast room.

The barrage on the screen eventually faded away, but the depth of Ye Fei's words and thoughts still lingered in the hearts of the audience.

In this era of technological dreams, let people gain more thinking and experience, so as to have a broader future.

(End of this chapter)

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