Chapter 343 is still too young
Mr. Hua frowned. He felt that Ye Fei did not fully understand the current situation of the energy industry.

He cleared his throat and began to explain the current situation of the traditional energy industry to Ye Fei, so that Ye Fei could better understand the industry.

"Mr. Ye, do you know the main sources of production capacity in our energy industry?" Mr. Hua asked.

"Well, it seems to use thermal power and nuclear power." Ye Fei replied.

"That's right, thermal power generation and nuclear power generation are the two mainstream power generation methods nowadays. However, I don't need to say more about the problems existing in thermal power generation."

President Hua smiled bitterly.
"Missing the opportunity for environmental protection transformation, companies have not paid much attention to environmental protection and reducing carbon dioxide emissions. Excessive profit pursuit has led to high pollution in the energy industry, which has become a well-known problem."

Ye Fei nodded, expressing that he recognized the problem.

"These two types of power generation are still the mainstream of the energy industry, and there are many problems to be solved. In terms of thermal power generation, although the power generation efficiency is high, coal is also an important source of carbon dioxide, and the release of particulate matter and sulfide is still large. In terms of nuclear power, the problems of emergency plans and nuclear waste disposal are still serious. New energy is constantly developing, but the replacement ratio at this stage is still very small, and it will take time. Therefore, thermal power and nuclear power still have a long way to go in terms of reducing pollution." Think and understand.

Ye Fei listened silently, with a heavy heart.

He feels that it is not easy to understand this industry, especially in finding alternative energy sources, there is still a long way to go.

President Hua continued to explain in detail the importance of thermal power generation and its irreplaceability in certain areas.

"Mr. Ye, although thermal power generation will cause serious environmental pollution, in many remote areas, it is the only means of survival for them. In those counties that still rely on coal mining and thermal power generation for their livelihood, many people rely on this industry to support their families."

"In other words, once the thermal power industry slumps, many residents in these places will lose their means of survival. They will lose their source of income, their jobs, and even their homes in the worst case. Therefore, we need to be more generous than returning to environmental protection, and we need to carefully weigh various factors." Mr. Hua's words reveal helplessness, but also demonstrate his sense of responsibility and deliberation as a leader in the energy industry.

Ye Fei listened quietly, at this moment he felt even heavier.He bit the bullet and explained: "Mr. Hua, I understand the complexity of the reality, but we cannot give up our commitment to environmental protection. We need to try our best to balance this important issue, protecting the environment while providing help to workers and residents in these power generation industries."

Mr. Hua pondered for a moment and said to Ye Fei: "You are right. Environmental protection is a factor we must consider, but we must not forget the survival of those who make a living in the energy industry. I believe that we can find a better trade-off solution, constantly change and innovate our power generation methods, and achieve sustainable development."

Ye Fei nodded. Only then did he truly understand that Mr. Hua, as a leader, has many issues and difficulties to consider, which cannot be solved simply by environmental protection.

"Mr. Hua, thank you for your explanation. I will take this complex reality into consideration, and hope that we can strengthen cooperation and communication together to find a better way of sustainable development." Ye Fei said.

"Well, Mr. Ye, I heard what you said. As an energy company with rich experience, I am very happy to see that you have a series of thoughts and actions on this industry. However, I believe you clearly know that the energy industry is a very complicated industry, and some reform actions you have made may affect the overall operation of the industry. The result you want to see may be that some organizations or businesses are destroyed. Are you aware of these consequences?" Mr. Hua's tone and demeanor gradually changed from criticism to warning.

"Mr. Hua, I will be aware of the consequences of every action. Our goal is to push the entire industry towards a more sustainable and efficient direction by changing the existing model. I believe that we can achieve a win-win situation for both environmental protection and economic benefits by overcoming these consequences." Ye Fei responded, remaining calm as always.

"Okay, I heard your thoughts. I think I understand more clearly. I believe you will take the right steps to lead your environmental protection organization. Good luck." Mr. Hua nodded to Ye Fei, then paused for a while, and took a sip of red wine, with a light and leisurely taste in his mouth.

President Hua took a deep look at Ye Fei: "Mr. Ye, do you have any solutions for the traditional energy industry?"

Ye Fei gently wiped the corners of his mouth with the napkin, thought for a moment and then said, "Mr. Hua, I need time to think about it."

President Hua looked at Ye Fei and nodded: "No problem, we have time to talk slowly."

Not long after, Ye Feiyang raised his head and took a deep breath of fresh air: "I think it is impossible to stop all traditional industries, which will cause many companies to go bankrupt. Our goal is sustainable development. What we need to do is to discover new energy types and find more environmentally friendly and efficient solutions."

Mr. Hua listened to Ye Fei's answer and nodded in agreement: "Yes, we need to work hard to develop new energy now, but it is difficult for traditional industries to make too much transformation in the long run. Some heavily polluting industries really need to stop work and rectify them, and solve them through technological upgrades and other methods."

Hearing this, Ye Fei asked with some doubts: "Mr. Hua, for industries with heavy pollution, how do you think the technology should be upgraded?"

Mr. Hua pondered for a while and said: "First of all, we need to continue to increase investment in environmental protection, strengthen research and development of environmental protection technologies, and adopt more environmentally friendly raw materials and technological equipment. Second, we need strong management from regulatory authorities, and strict penalties for companies that fail to meet emission standards. The premise is that the government must also have innovative support to ensure the livelihood of enterprises during these transitional periods."

Hearing this, Ye Fei was thoughtful: "Yes, I also think that the government needs to increase support so that those industries with serious pollution can gradually upgrade their technology before the development of new energy. At the same time, we can also encourage those environmental protection technology companies to accelerate the elimination of backward production models through technological innovation and new product launches."

Mr. Hua seemed a little relieved when he heard Ye Fei's words: "Yes, these are good ideas. The key is to find a practical solution. Solutions like technology upgrades are aimed at solving the pollution problem without affecting the sustainable development of the industry."

Ye Fei nodded: "The pollution problem is not a problem that can be solved overnight. Only continuous efforts, changes and innovations can achieve a balance between industry development and environmental protection."

Mr. Hua closed the menu, looked at Ye Fei and said, "Mr. Ye, I believe your thoughts and actions will definitely have a positive impact on the development of the energy industry. Only with young people like you who are constantly innovating and thinking can our industry continue to develop."

Ye Fei gave Mr. Hua a smile: "Thank you for your recognition, and I will continue to make efforts to create a better future for our industry and environment."

(End of this chapter)

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