Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 356 The Final Negotiation!Give it a go.

Chapter 356 The Final Negotiation!Give it a go.

The environmental protection organization led by Ye Fei already has a certain influence in Xiaguo, attracting more and more supporters and followers.

In order to let more people understand and participate in environmental protection work, he decided to publish a statement on the official website.

In the statement, Ye Fei expressed his position bluntly.

He said: If the establishment of an environmental protection organization means that some heavily polluting traditional energy companies will close down, then he is willing to be this "bad guy"!
This statement quickly aroused heated discussions and responses from the society.

Some people think that Ye Fei's position is correct, and strong measures must be taken to control environmental problems; while others think that this approach is too radical, which will bring greater impact to some enterprises and the economy.

But it is undeniable that most netizens expressed their support for Ye Fei's position.

Ye Fei knew that his proposition would definitely arouse dissatisfaction from the Energy Chamber of Commerce and traditional energy companies, and might even face retaliation and confrontation from them.

Therefore, he decided to go to the senior leaders of energy companies in person, trying to find a proper solution.

His first target was Chen Wenjie of the New Atlantic Group.

As a large-scale traditional energy company, the New Atlantic Group has great differences and conflicts with the environmental protection organization led by Ye Fei.

However, Ye Fei believes that only through communication and dialogue can problems and conflicts be resolved.

When Ye Fei came to the headquarters building of the New Atlantic Group, he was not welcomed and received by the front desk staff.

Instead, they were neglected and excluded.

Such neglect and disrespect did not make Ye Fei feel discouraged or angry.

On the contrary, he realized that this was just the arrogance and arrogance of the New Atlantic Group, and he strengthened his determination and belief.

And Chen Wenjie was very surprised by Ye Fei's arrival.

When the front desk said that Ye Fei was coming, Chen Wenjie didn't think about embarrassing him.

A few minutes later, the receptionist brought Ye Fei to the door of Chen Wenjie's office.

Chen Wenjie sat in his seat with a haughty expression on his face.

He didn't stop the front desk staff from rejecting Ye Fei's entry.

Chen Wenjie was still sitting on the luxurious office chair with a haughty expression, as if he wanted to wrap the whole office in his aura.

"Are you looking for me?" Chen Wenjie frowned slightly, and asked in a malicious tone.

Ye Fei smiled and nodded politely, expressing that he really came here to seek cooperation and dialogue.

He clearly knew that Chen Wenjie was angry now.

However, he still holds a relaxed and candid attitude, trying to make him realize that environmental protection issues are becoming more and more urgent and important through dialogue and communication.

"Mr. Chen, I hope you can realize that environmental protection issues have become an inevitable trend of the times, and traditional energy companies also need to reform and transform," Ye Fei said.

Chen Wenjie gave Ye Fei a strange look, but didn't speak, as if he was considering whether his words were serious.

Ye Fei was not discouraged. He continued: "Air pollution, soil pollution, water pollution, etc. These problems have seriously affected people's health and quality of life. If we can't take early measures to fulfill our environmental protection responsibilities, then our next generation will A generation faces a disturbing future."

Chen Wenjie remained expressionless, as if he was listening to a boring story.

Ye Fei did not stop his statement, he continued: "Xia Guo's environmental protection organizations are committed to finding and promoting various environmental protection technologies and solutions, hoping to find a way of balance and coexistence between environmental protection and economy. I hope You can also join us and contribute to the cause of environmental protection together.”

Chen Wenjie still didn't speak, his face was indifferent, his eyes were cold and arrogant.

Ye Fei sighed. He knew that it would not be easy for Chen Wenjie to realize the importance of environmental protection.

However, as the chairman of an environmental protection organization, he must have enough courage and faith to deal with such challenges and difficulties.

"Our sustainable development strategy closely combines many elements such as energy conservation, environmental protection, and social responsibility, so as to achieve a win-win situation of economic benefits and environmental quality. So, have you ever thought about displaying these achievements in the New Atlantic Group What about on the stage?" Ye Fei continued to seduce.

Chen Wenjie still didn't speak, his silence made Ye Fei a little at a loss.

Ye Fei carefully recalled what he said just now, trying to find the reaction point of the other party. "I know that New Atlantic Group, as an enterprise with a long history, will definitely play a greater role in the field of environmental protection."

"If you can realize the urgency of solving environmental protection problems and are willing to cooperate with us, then you will become one of the important promoters of environmental protection."

At this time, Chen Wenjie smiled slightly, but this smile still contained a strong sense of arrogance and contempt.

He said: "Everything you said is just a beautiful fantasy. Our energy business is a real real industry, which needs to take into account economic benefits and employment issues, not some illusory concept of environmental protection."

Ye Fei was not shocked by Chen Wenjie's words. He tried to demonstrate the relationship between environmental protection and real industries from different angles.

He said: "Environmental protection and real industries are not mutually exclusive. In fact, environmental protection and real industries can complement each other."

"If we only focus on short-term economic benefits and ignore the long-term hidden dangers of environmental issues, then we will end up with short-sighted results."

"On the contrary, if we can pay attention to environmental protection issues while economic development, then we will get more long-term and sustainable benefits."

He kept going as calmly as possible, but deep in his heart he was still very worried that Chen Wenjie would reject his proposal.

"Mr. Chen, do you have the opportunity to pay attention to the effectiveness of our Xiaguo environmental protection organization?" Ye Fei asked.

"I'm not interested in your work." Chen Wenjie replied flatly, showing contempt for environmental protection organizations in his tone.

"Then our achievements include the research and development of innovative environmental protection technologies, and we look forward to cooperating with major companies to promote these technologies." Ye Fei reminded.

"The result of doing this will directly affect the group's profits." When Chen Wenjie said this, his voice was full of sarcasm.

"That's why I want to cooperate with you, and we can provide free technical support." Ye Fei used the last chip.

Chen Wenjie blinked in horror, because he couldn't understand Ye Fei's thoughts at all.

When Ye Fei firmly stated that his wish was for environmental protection, Chen Wenjie began to realize that this might be their only chance.

(End of this chapter)

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