Chapter 357 The real hero, Ye Fei.

"Why do you provide free technical support? If that's the case, it's equivalent to making no money for your Shenying company!" Chen Wenjie didn't expect such a good opportunity.

Ye Fei's eyes were about to roll to the sky!
Money, money!
You tm know money!

"This is something I firmly believe in. For now, what we need to do is to better protect the environment, and this technology and experience are necessary to promote the sustainable development of the domestic traditional energy industry." Ye Fei answer.

Chen Wenjie thought for a while calmly. He thought of the opportunity Ye Fei provided and the significant impact of environmental protection on them.

Instead of feeling bored or defensive in the face of this dichotomy, he took a deep breath and tried to find a solution to the problem.

"Then you can provide some technologies first to see if they can really help us increase oil production." He said this, expressing his willingness to try whether this technology is really useful.

"Okay, this is what we need. If we can cooperate, I believe we can achieve a win-win situation." Ye Fei said, his mood became much easier.

In the office, Ye Fei took out his technical documents and said, "This is the latest technical support for sewage discharge developed by our Xiaguo Environmental Protection Organization, and it has been successfully applied in many factories." Chen Wenjie showed this technology and told him that this technology can solve the sewage discharge problem in their industry very well.

"You are in the new energy industry, why do you care about the traditional energy industry?" Chen Wenjie asked, he was quite surprised by Ye Fei's idea.

"Environmental protection has never been a patent for new energy or traditional energy. Pollution affects all of us. As the chairman of an environmental protection organization, we can also help traditional energy industries solve environmental problems." Ye Fei replied.

After Chen Wenjie heard this, his attitude softened.He began poring over the documentation to learn how the technology worked.

"This technology looks very feasible. If we use this technology, our sewage problem will be significantly improved," he said.

Ye Fei knew that he had made progress.

He continued to explain their technical achievements, explaining that the technology has solved the problem of excessive sewage discharge in many factories, and has quickly achieved practical results
.Chen Wenjie expressed surprise after hearing this.

Without Ye Fei's technical support, they may need to spend a long time in research and development to solve this problem.

"Is that okay? Are you willing to license this technology to us?" He looked at Ye Fei and asked.

"Of course, our goal is to make greater contributions to environmental protection." Ye Fei replied.

"I need to study this patent more carefully, but this is very promising as our new source of technical support." Chen Wenjie's words were full of approval.

"There is no need to be too urgent. You can take a look at this document first. If you are interested in it, we can reach a cooperation soon." Ye Fei explained.

Chen Wenjie carefully read the entire document.

In the end, he decided to agree to Ye Fei's technical cooperation.

After Ye Fei signed the authorization letter, he left.

"Very good. This technology can not only solve the process sewage problem, but also save resources. Thank you, Ye Fei." Chen Wenjie said.

At this time, he was a little excited and a little excited.

A happy smile appeared on Chen Wenjie's face, which reflected that he had already settled a deal.

No matter how clearly he calculated, he couldn't calculate the commercial benefits this technology brought him.

Thinking of this, he can't help but feel thankful for himself, because he was finally able to successfully use this technology to save the company a lot of money.

After checking the bill, Chen Wenjie realized that if this technology is adopted, the company can save tens of millions in energy saving and emission reduction a year.

This number is astonishing!
Chen Wenjie was very grateful to Ye Fei and decided to promote it to more enterprises.

He pitched the technology at the Energy Chamber, noting in his pitch that the source of the technology was unknown.

Subsequently, with the help of this technology, many factories began to use Ye Fei's technology for rectification.

At the same time, in other companies, this technology has become a source of development of more good research results.

Other business leaders are amazed that they gradually realize that their companies really need to master this technology.

Because this technology can change their strategy for environmental issues and help them compete more effectively in the market place.

However, they do not know where this technology comes from or how to obtain it.

That is, other companies are blocked from accessing this technology.

Ye Fei soon noticed that many companies began to use the emission reduction system he developed.

Although he knew it was shared by Chen Wenjie, he didn't say much.

Logically speaking, these technologies are all required to sign a power of attorney.

If Ye Fei sued them now with these evidences, it would be a sure thing.

But in the end Ye Fei decided to disclose this technology on the official website of the environmental protection organization.

He believes that only by making this technology public and allowing everyone to learn and share together can it be possible to promote the further development of environmental protection.

Soon, this technology was widely disseminated and widely used.

The Energy Chamber of Commerce is no exception. They are very interested in this technology, and they gradually began to realize that the source of this technology was originally developed by Ye Fei.

They knew very well in their hearts that Ye Fei did not get any benefits from using this technology, which was open and shared.

Energy chambers of commerce and traditional energy companies have begun to realize that they can contribute to the environment through environmentally friendly technologies and innovations, instead of blindly pursuing profits.

They began to think deeply about this issue, and joined the cause of environmental protection, and also began to publicize and advocate environmental protection awareness to employees.

Ye Fei is very proud that his efforts are beginning to have an impact in the industry indirectly.

Ye Fei has also been recognized by many enterprises and professionals.They all realized that Ye Fei is a good person who really contributes to environmental protection, and also a professional technical talent.

The news of Ye Fei's deeds spread, and he became a topic of conversation in the industry.

Environmental organizations have received more attention and support because of Ye Fei.

Although some traditional energy companies have used Ye Fei's technology and said that Ye Fei disclosed the technology to compensate their traditional energy companies, this did not affect people's respect and admiration for him.

After all, he made contributions to environmental protection, and he has also been recognized by the industry and the public.Traditional energy companies have been changed because of Ye Fei's favor, which also made them more deeply aware of the importance of environmental protection.

Thanks to the efforts of Ye Fei and Xia Guo's environmental protection organization, the cause of environmental protection has received widespread attention and support, which has changed the way of thinking and behavior of traditional energy companies.

(End of this chapter)

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