Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 382 Ye Fei!The future of the universe!people's hope.

Chapter 382 Ye Fei!The future of the universe!people's hope.

The audience stood up and excitedly took out their mobile phones or cameras to record this earth-shattering scene.At the same time, they are still curious about what technology Condor has not shown them.

"Please be tolerant, our light sail propulsion is still in the testing stage, and more experiments and research are needed. If there is a chance, we will definitely show you our results again." Ye Fei's answer did not relieve The curiosity of the audience, on the contrary, they want to see the latest achievements of Condor.

"But since everyone is so curious, I'll show you the real-time images we collected during the test experiment." Ye Fei clamped his mobile phone to the stand on the podium, and then the big screen on the back of the podium appeared Live image of Mars.

There was a burst of warm applause from the audience, and everyone was deeply shocked by the picture in front of them. "It's incredible!" The representative from Batie said excitedly.

"I can't believe this viewing angle and this resolution!" Representatives from CEIBS were also amazed.

Ye Fei's technological innovation and progress have attracted worldwide attention and praise.

At the exchange meeting, everyone saw that Ye Fei had already explored Mars!They quickly started asking questions, they wanted to know more about Mars.

"Mr. Ye, can you tell us the climate of Mars?" the representative from Batie asked.

"Is there life on Mars?" Representatives from Maoxiong also joined the discussion.

"What are the geological structures and landforms of Mars?" A representative from Petroleum also raised questions.

"Mr. Ye, how did you explore Mars?" The question from the representative of Grid Country aroused the interest of other representatives.

"Mr. Ye, what is the difference between your light sail thruster and other Mars exploration equipment?" The question from the representative of Fusang country surprised people.

People have so many questions about Mars!
Ye Fei looked at the noisy environment and didn't respond too much.

Ye Fei did not directly answer this question, but asked the representatives to be quiet for a while, and then began to explain that this time the light sail thruster successfully reached Mars, bringing a lot of valuable Martian data, and he will share the data, In order to promote scientific and technological exchanges and development among countries.

"We hope that by sharing data, we can promote exchanges and cooperation in the global science and technology field, so that more people can benefit from the progress of science and technology. At the same time, we also hope that through these data, we can inspire more people's scientific spirit and spirit of exploration, and continue to innovation and progress."

Ye Fei's words attracted the attention of the audience, and everyone expressed their gratitude and support.

The audience burst into applause, and everyone was very grateful to Ye Fei for his selflessness!Willing to contribute data!Technological innovation requires global joint efforts, and Ye Fei has practiced this concept through his own actions.

His spirit and practical actions are an example of global technological innovation and progress.

"This is a very important moment, we can finally explore the mysteries of the universe together!" The representative from Iceland said excitedly.

"We need more data to understand Mars, which will help us better understand the mysteries of the universe." Representatives from the Three Kingdoms also agreed.

"We should work together to promote the development of science and technology, so that mankind can better understand the universe." Other representatives also expressed their views.

At this exchange meeting, representatives from various countries were shocked by the data of Mars brought by Ye Fei.

They have expressed their willingness to contribute their own scientific and technological strength and jointly explore more unknown areas.

This moment will always be engraved in their hearts, and they will continue to work hard to promote the development of science and technology, so that mankind can better understand the universe.

The exchange meeting on the first day was successfully concluded, and then Mr. Liu led the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Commerce to organize the meal and rest of the leaders of various countries.

Ye Fei returned to Shenying Company.

Today's high-level executives are waiting for Ye Fei's instructions.

When Ye Fei returned to the office, Chu Hanshuang took out the question submitted by the administrative director.

"Mr. Ye, tomorrow's exchange meeting is basically just a formality, but tomorrow Xia Guo's high-level executives will come to inspect, and the president of Xia Science Academy will also come." Chu Hanshuang's tone revealed a trace of worry.

As soon as Ye Fei heard it, he knew that the top management and Xia Ke Academy were here to support him!He smiled and said that there is no need to worry, the leader came to receive him normally.

"Is there any movement in Yingjiang Country?" Ye Fei asked back.

"No, we have been waiting for their response." Chu Hanshuang's tone revealed a trace of anxiety.

"Okay, let's continue to observe." Ye Fei's answer was short and incisive.

At this time, Chu Hanshuang was thinking in his heart that Ye Fei is really amazing, no matter what the problem is, he can always make decisions and respond quickly.

His decision-making and response seem to be handy. Under his leadership, the development of Condor Company can be called a leap-forward progress.

"Mr. Ye, there is another problem. Our production line of light sail thrusters is ready, but we still lack some core technicians." Chu Hanshuang's words interrupted Ye Fei's thinking.

"Core technicians, this is indeed a difficult problem. However, when we established Guan Peisheng's team, we had already recruited some scientific research talents."

"Now is the time to use it."

But Chu Hanshuang was still a little worried.

"But the light sail thruster is not so easy to use!"

Ye Fei said lightly: "Survival of the fittest. Although they are geniuses and have extremely high talents, our Shenying company has higher requirements."

Ye Fei's answer made Chu Hanshuang admire, he did not expect Ye Fei to have such a brilliant move.

"Mr. Ye, I understand! You are too powerful." Chu Hanshuang expressed his sincere admiration.

"Haha, thank you for the compliment! Our development requires the cooperation of a group of outstanding talents to better promote the development of future technology." Ye Fei's answer is very encouraging.

At this time, Chu Hanshuang also deeply realized that as the leader of a technology company, Ye Fei is really excellent. His technological vision and decision-making all come from his in-depth understanding and mastery of the technological world. This kind of mastery makes him stand out among many leaders as a top technology leader.

At night, Ye Fei was looking at the sketch of the fusion of the laser matrix and the light sail thruster.He was obsessed with this plan, deliberating over every detail over and over again.

At this time, an email came from Yingjiang Country.Ye Fei laughed, they really couldn't sit still!

"Mr. Ye, this is an email from Yingjiang Guohualong Company." Secretary Zhang handed over the computer.

Ye Fei clicked on the email lightly, and the content inside made him laugh.

However, he still replied an email expressing his attitude.

Excuse me!Quota is now full!

(End of this chapter)

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