Chapter 383 You are too young

Chuan Bo sat in front of the computer, staring at the email reply on the screen.

On the screen, there was a very prominent rejection in the reply email from Condor.

He was not surprised by Ye Fei's reply, because he knew that Ye Fei would not let him participate in Shenying's international scientific research exchange meeting.

Chuan Bo looked at the mail and couldn't help laughing.

"Still too young!"

"You're so angry! Can't you put it mildly?"

Chuan Bo's tone was full of contempt for Ye Fei.

He knew that Ye Fei had fallen into the trap he set.

Next, Chuan Bo began to speak out on social media.

He directly said that the reason why Yingjiang country did not participate in the international scientific research exchange meeting was because Ye Fei did not allow it.

"It's a pity that I missed this international scientific research exchange conference organized by Shenying Company."

Then the following is the rejection email to the Condor company logo.

As soon as the news came out, the Internet exploded.

Everyone started to comment on the platform.Netizens from Yingjiang Country began to complain that Ye Fei's behavior is too exclusionary!
"This kind of behavior of crowding out people is too much. Does Ye Fei think that he can do whatever he wants because he is the boss of Shenying Company?"

"The scientific research level of Yingjiang Country has always been very high, why can't we participate in the international exchange meeting? Is it because Ye Fei doesn't want others to know our strength?"

Someone even shouted directly to Ye Fei: "Ye Fei, it's too unfair for you to do this!"

The atmosphere in the comment area became more and more enthusiastic. Netizens expressed their desire to boycott Shenying's products, and some even called on the government to investigate Shenying.

Looking at these comments, Chuan Bo secretly rejoiced in his heart.

As long as you work harder, Ye Fei will completely lose the trust and support of the public. These remarks will cause an uproar and make it difficult for Ye Fei to end.

He continued to make remarks on social media, constantly inciting the emotions of netizens.

"I thought Condor Company would be a generous and comprehensive company, but I didn't expect it."

"At the beginning, the scientific research association of our Yingjiang country invited Xia Keyuan, the highest scientific research institute in Xia country."

As the minutes passed, the comments on social media grew and became more intense.

The anger of netizens has reached its peak, and they have begun to organize actions to boycott Shenying Company, and some people have even started online petitions, demanding that the government investigate Shenying Company.

Looking at these comments, Chuan Bo felt a sense of satisfaction in his heart.

He knew that he had won the battle of public opinion.Although Ye Fei is the boss of Shenying Company, he doesn't know how to handle public relations, which made him lose miserably in this public opinion war.

And Chuan Bo, relying on his ingenuity and keen insight, successfully trapped Ye Fei into the trap he set.

Chuan Bo smiled and turned off the computer.

He knows that this is just a small victory in his plan, and there are more challenges waiting for him.

But he is not afraid, because he believes that as long as he is smart enough and works hard enough, he will be able to overcome any difficulties and achieve his goals.

"What kind of bullshit international exchange meeting, do you really think I care about it?"

And Condor Company here.

Ye Fei met with senior leaders and the president of Xia Ke Academy early the next morning.

Ye Fei came to the conference room of Shenying Company early, waiting for the arrival of the senior leaders and the president of Xia Ke Academy.

He was a little nervous. After all, he personally planned and organized this international exchange meeting. If something went wrong, the responsibility would be on him alone.

But soon, his nervousness was dispelled by the praise of the leader and the dean.

The dean directly praised Ye Fei's international exchange meeting this time as not inferior to the international scientific research exchange meeting in Yingjiang, and praised him as a very talented young man with excellent organizational and leadership skills.

"Mr. Ye, your international exchange meeting this time is really outstanding!" The dean praised, "Your organizational skills and leadership skills make us old people feel ashamed."

"Yes, Ye Fei, you are really the pride of Condor Company!" The leader also praised repeatedly, "We are very pleased that you can support such a large exchange meeting."

Hearing these compliments, Ye Fei felt very happy and proud.

He knew that the success of this international exchange meeting was not only due to him alone, but also the support and cooperation of the entire Condor Company.

He thanked the leaders and deans for their support and trust in him and the company, and also thanked all the staff who participated in this exchange meeting for their hard work.

"Ye Fei, your international exchange meeting this time is not only the success of Shenying Company, but also the success of the entire private enterprise."

The leader said, "Our high-level support and attention to private enterprises is also reflected in you. You are our pride and the pride of the entire private enterprise."

Ye Fei knows that this is an opportunity as well as a challenge.

He will continue to work hard to make greater contributions to the development of Shenying Company and the entire private enterprise.

"These are what I should do!"

At this moment, Chu Han pulled Ye Fei aside.

She handed over the information collected by the media business department to Ye Fei, and Ye Fei was stunned when he saw that the Internet was full of insults against Shenying Company and Ye Fei.

How could this be?
"These remarks are aimed at our company and you. Look at what these netizens say about you." Chu Han explained, pointing at the computer screen.

Ye Fei was silent for a moment, then sighed helplessly.

Because he suddenly came across one thing.

"It seems that we were still put together by Chuanbo!"

Ye Fei looked at these remarks and Chuanbo's social media, and everything became clear.

Chu Han patted Ye Fei's shoulder lightly, and encouraged him:

"Don't pay too much attention to these remarks, we are doing better than them, that's enough."

"As I said, when the Eagle Sauce Country first questioned our establishment of a scientific research association, they were looked down upon by 1 people."

Ye Fei smiled slightly, thanking Chu Han for his support.

a few hours later.

The exhibition has begun.

In the scientific research exhibition, Ye Fei saw the same scene.

Representatives of the Fusang Kingdom received a call from the royal family.

The representative bent over and nodded repeatedly, with a very embarrassed expression on his face.

The person on the other end of the phone kept talking, but because the booth where the Fusang representative was located was full of voices, he did not hear the specific request of the other party clearly.

The representative of Fusang took off his earphones with a very complicated expression.

After a few seconds, he put the headset back on and began to explain to the other party.

However, the person on the other end of the phone was not satisfied and started berating him in a growling tone.

At this time, the representative of Fusang Kingdom was extremely nervous.

While explaining to the other party, he kept bending and bowing his head, trying to express his humility and respect.

However, his behavior made the other party even more dissatisfied, and his tone became sharper and angrier.

The representative of Fusang country quickly said: "It is really difficult for us to do it!"

But the voice on the other end of the phone became louder and louder, and directly turned into cursing, and the representative of Fusang Kingdom could no longer persuade the other party.

In the end, he could only hang up the phone helplessly.

(End of this chapter)

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