Chapter 391 Brand New Spacesuit

Ye Fei returned to the Shenying Building and stepped into his own small private laboratory.

This laboratory has not been opened for a long time, and the dusty corner is full of past memories.

He walked to the whiteboard, which was densely written with technical problems of Mars travel.

Ye Fei stared at the handwriting on the whiteboard, and those problems seemed to be insurmountable walls, preventing humans from stepping on Mars.

Long-term radiation exposure, all kinds of radiation in space, space autism, fuel and resource limitations... These problems seem to be unsolvable, but Ye Fei is not discouraged.

He picked up a rag and wiped off the writing on the whiteboard one by one.

These problems are temporary challenges, not insurmountable stumbling blocks.

A wave of enthusiasm ignited in Ye Fei's heart. He believed that the power of technology could change everything.

The whiteboard became clean again, and Ye Fei picked up a black marker and began to write a new Mars project plan.

Now the power system is about to see the light of day.

He ponders how to deal with radiation exposure, how to deal with all kinds of radiation in space, how to deal with space autism, and how to overcome fuel and resource constraints.

His thoughts turned rapidly, and innovative ideas emerged in his mind.

Write down these ideas one by one on the whiteboard.

He wrote intently that prolonged radiation exposure was the solution to the major problems humanity faced in space and planetary exploration.

He knew that solving this problem was the key to human beings' future exploration of the universe.

First, he proposed a plan for building safer spacecraft.He believes that the interior of the spacecraft's shell can be filled with radiation shielding materials such as metal hydrogen to reduce the radiation exposure of astronauts.Such a design can effectively reduce the radiation hazards suffered by astronauts in space.In addition, the design of the spacecraft should also avoid traveling in the direction opposite to the source of cosmic radiation, thereby further reducing the hazards of radiation.

Second, Ye Fei raised the importance of researching and developing body protection technology.He believes that research and development of radiation-resistant smart materials suitable for use in the space environment is necessary.These materials can help reduce the risk to astronauts and equipment in radiation environments.For example, improving the radiation protection ability of protective clothing, researching additional devices of protective clothing to reduce the risk of radiation damage, etc.

Ye Fei looked at the idea on the whiteboard and showed a satisfied smile.

He knows that these solutions will not be achieved overnight, but he believes that with enough efforts and technological progress, these problems will definitely be solved.

He realized that this project required the cooperation of the team and the joint efforts of scientists around the world.He decided to share this plan with other scientists and researchers, hoping to attract more people's attention and participation.

Ye Fei took a deep breath, he knew this was just the beginning.

When Ye Fei came to the materials room of Shenying Company, various materials were piled up in front of him.

"Mr. Ye!"

"Mr. Ye."

Ye Fei asked several material workers to follow him.

The experiment he had written down required them to run back and forth in the warehouse!

Ye Fei knew how dangerous it is to be exposed to radiation in space, so he focused on the production of protective clothing, which is an urgent task.

He wants to ensure that astronauts during space exploration minimize injuries as much as possible, so that they can maintain the highest safety and efficiency in their operations.

Knowing Ye Fei's arrival, scientists from the geological laboratory came to the warehouse one after another.

"Boss Ye, why are you here?"

"Does the laser experiment team need any materials?"

Ye Fei waved his hand.

"No, I need a five-member team, and the next experiment will be for a period of time."

The researchers in the laboratory all volunteered.

Ye Fei took the staff to the laboratory of geological materials.

Regarding the issue of radiation protection, Ye Fei listened to their suggestions.

Ye Fei took out his project plan.

First of all, it has been planned in the use of materials.

Lead, a dense, X- and gamma-ray-absorbing metal, provides protection for space radiation shielding suits.

He also used semiconductor materials such as germanium and silicon for production. These semiconductor materials can generate electron-hole pairs in the process of absorbing high-energy particles, and emit energy in the form of heat, thereby forming an ionosphere inside the shield. Thereby protecting the human body from radiation damage.

In order to increase the flexibility of the spacesuit, Ye Fei also used polymer materials. These materials have high quality, strength and flexibility, so they are often used in the inner walls of space capsules and protective clothing.

Among them, materials such as polystyrene and polytrifluoroethylene have strong radiation protection and durability, and can effectively isolate space radiation.

In addition, Ye Fei also used silver fiber materials as part of the space radiation protection suit.

Silver fiber is a new type of anti-radiation material with strong anti-radiation and wear-resistant properties. It is often used in the manufacture of space suits and other protective equipment, which can greatly reduce the amount of radiation received by astronauts.

The process of manufacturing space radiation protection suits is full of challenges and innovations.

In a spacious laboratory, the warehouse staff took out the materials Ye Fei wanted.

Various materials, including lead, silicon, silver fibers and more, are laid out on the table.

Ye Fei picked up a lead plate and carefully observed its texture and characteristics.He pondered how these materials could be combined to create a protective suit that was both lightweight and effective against radiation.

"We need to find a way to fuse these materials together," Ye Fei said, with firm determination in his eyes.

Li Min, one of the geological experts, walked up to Ye Fei and asked with concern: "Mr. Ye, do you have any ideas?"

Ye Fei smiled and replied: "I want to use silicon as the base material because it has good heat resistance and radiation resistance. We can incorporate lead and silver fibers into silicon to enhance the radiation protection effect of protective clothing."

Li Min nodded, agreeing with Ye Fei's idea.They started by putting the silicon material into a high-temperature furnace and waiting for it to melt.Once the silicon was melted, they gradually added lead and silver fibers to it, stirring well.

"In this way, we can create a strong and lightweight space radiation protection suit," Ye Fei said excitedly.

Next, they pour the molten material into molds and wait for it to cool and solidify.Once the outer shell of the suit was formed, they began fine machining and adjustments.

"We also need to add a special coating to the inside of the suit to enhance its radiation protection," Ye Fei suggested.

The team members nodded and began researching and testing different coating materials.

After many trials, they finally settled on a coating that effectively absorbs and disperses radiation.

After several weeks of experimental debugging, they finally completed the production of this space radiation protection suit.

This protective suit is both light and strong, and can effectively protect astronauts from space radiation.

(End of this chapter)

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