Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 392 Big news!The nuclear power plant exploded!

Chapter 392 Big news!The nuclear power plant exploded!
Ye Fei took a brand new spacesuit and stepped into the gate of the radiation laboratory.

He was both excited and nervous, because this was the first important experiment he participated in as a researcher.

There is a fresh smell in the laboratory, and various instruments and display screens are hung on the walls, flashing various data and charts.

Ye Fei looked around, seeing a busy scene in the laboratory.

The scientific researchers are busy shuttling between the various experimental platforms, wearing white experimental gloves, and operating the instruments attentively.The high-frequency electronic sound and the sound of mechanical operation are intertwined to form a unique harmonious music.

Ye Fei walked to a huge instrument, which was an advanced radiation detector.

The appearance of the instrument is like a huge cylinder, the surface is covered with silver-white metal material.

A transparent display is suspended above the instrument, and various numbers and curves are displayed on the screen.

Ye Fei put on his gloves and carefully put a small piece of radiation sample into the instrument.

The instrument immediately began to work, making a faint hum.

Ye Fei stood on the testing table outside the laboratory, watching the computer test the radiation resistance of the spacesuit.

The numbers on the display began to change continuously, representing the radiation value.

Ye Fei's heart beat faster, and he stared at the numbers on the display.

The maximum soared to 2000 millisieverts, and the researchers wanted to stop.

But Ye Fei disagreed.

"It hasn't reached the critical value yet."

"But! Mr. Ye, the radiation of Mars is only 1500, 2000 is enough!"

Ye Fei shook his head.

He said go ahead.

"Mr. Ye, you are taking too much risk!" the director of the laboratory said worriedly, "If the experiment fails, you will suffer serious consequences."

"I believe in my calculations." Ye Fei replied with a smile, "I have done many simulations, and this time it will definitely be successful."

The director showed a worried look.

"I understand your concerns, but we must take a risk." Ye Fei's tone was firm, "Only in this way can we ensure the safety of astronauts in space."

The director sighed, "Well, since you insist, let's go ahead."

Ye Fei nodded and returned to work.

While observing the data on the computer screen, he adjusted the experimental parameters.Time passed by every minute and every second, and the value continued to soar.

Seeing the value soared to 3000 mSv.

This is already the pressure limit of the laboratory!

There was a flash of electromagnetic light.

Eventually the experiment was stopped as the exterior of the suit became magnetized.

Everyone looked nervously at the data on the computer.

"Report, withstood 3400 mSv!" A scientific researcher announced happily.

Ye Fei smiled and nodded after hearing this, "Very good, this experiment was successful, I am very satisfied."

However, at this moment, there was a burst of applause in the laboratory.

The researchers present applauded one after another, admiring Ye Fei's courage and talent.

Ye Fei didn't take it seriously, he knew that this was just a small progress in their research, and there was still more work to be done.

"In the next step, we will further optimize the radiation protection performance of the spacesuit." Ye Fei said, "We can't stop, there are more challenges waiting for us."

The director looked at Ye Fei with respect in his heart.He knew that this young scientist would become the pride of their laboratory and would also make great contributions to human space exploration.

Ye Fei came out of the laboratory. He was very satisfied with the space suit experiment. This was a very important technological breakthrough. He turned on the computer and started to check the latest news. He found that he was busy with experiments for several weeks and did not pay attention to the laser experiment. here.

At this moment, Chu Hanshuang came to the office to report on his work.

She reported the latest work progress to Ye Fei: "Our work has been carried out very smoothly. Although there are some minor problems, they have been resolved in time."

Ye Fei nodded, expressing satisfaction.

So, Chu Hanshuang continued: "Mr. Ye, I just learned a big news from the meeting, and you will definitely be interested."

"What news?" Ye Fei raised his head and asked.

"The Fukushima nuclear power plant in Fusang country exploded, which has caused a global shock. The situation is very urgent, and we need to take immediate measures to deal with this problem." Chu Hanshuang's face was solemn.

A surprised expression appeared on Ye Fei's face: "This is really quite a sensational news. We need to pay close attention to and understand the latest situation of this incident, which will have a major impact on our space scientific research and exploration activities."

Chu Hanshuang nodded: "That's right, we have already started to investigate and study how to best deal with this problem, and I believe we will be able to overcome this challenge."

Ye Fei put down the computer in his hand, smiled and said to Chu Hanshuang: "Okay, then let's take action. This is a very important moment, and we need to shoulder our responsibilities."

Chu Hanshuang and Ye Fei looked at each other, nodded, and left the office to start their work.

Ye Fei knew that this event would change the entire process of space exploration, and he was determined to do his best to solve this challenge.

Soon, there was a crusade against the Fusang nuclear power plant on the Internet.

There was an outcry, claiming that the explosion at the nuclear power plant had a devastating impact on the environment.

There was a heated discussion on the Internet, and netizens discussed the seriousness of the incident and how to deal with it.Everyone expressed their views and opinions one after another. The scope of the discussion ranged from the improvement of power safety to the future direction of nuclear technology. People expressed their dissatisfaction and concerns.

Here are some comments from netizens:
"This is really a chilling thing. Nuclear power plants are so dangerous, and their explosions will have a devastating impact on the surrounding environment and the human ecosystem. Fusang should be held accountable for their actions."

"We should consider abandoning nuclear power plants and technologies like nuclear energy. Humanity needs to explore new, cleaner and safer energy alternatives."

"I think nuclear technology is necessary, but we need to better understand the safety issues of this technology to avoid the impact of similar incidents on our ecosystem."

"The government should take immediate steps to remediate the contaminated areas. They should keep the public and the environment safe, otherwise, we may face serious consequences."

"The disaster at the nuclear power plant had catastrophic effects on people's property and health. We must take responsibility for what happened and take the necessary steps to protect the environment and people."

"We need to make the government realize that nuclear power plants are an unmitigated disaster. We have to move towards being cleaner and safer."

These critiques express people's deep concerns and concerns about future safety, and these voices remind people that they must take more responsible and safer actions to protect our environment and the future of mankind.

(End of this chapter)

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