Chapter 400 Really tearing face apart!

Old Zhao frowned and thought about it, rationally thinking that if he really wanted to do this, the risk would still be great.

"Mr. Ye, this is not a simple question of choice. You need to be prepared, familiar with the situation, and draw a correct judgment from it."

"I know very well, Old Zhao." Ye Fei replied after thinking twice, "I know that what we are facing now is a very important situation, and any wrong judgment will have fatal consequences. But I shouldn't bear it any longer."

Old Zhao took the news material that Ye Fei gave him, and walked into the largest newspaper office in Xia country excitedly.He handed over the information to the director of the editorial department, asking them to reveal the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion.

The director of the editorial department glanced at the information, and his face became very serious.

He knew the importance of this information. If the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion could be revealed, it would be a news event that caused a sensation around the world.

So, the director of the editorial department immediately called all the reporters and editors and started an emergency meeting.

At the meeting, they agreed on a detailed report plan and decided to reveal the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion from all angles.

The next day, all major newspapers and news websites in Xia’s country reported the truth of the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion on their front pages.

Taking the news materials Ye Fei gave him, Lao Zhao found the major newspapers and public opinion media in Xia's country, and exposed the truth about the explosion of Fusang's nuclear power plant.

[The truth about the Fuso nuclear power plant explosion revealed!Bad regulation!Money deal!Insufficient operating skills of technical personnel! 】

According to reports, the truth of the explosion at the Fusang nuclear power plant was finally revealed.After multiple investigations and interviews, we found that the explosion at the nuclear power plant was caused by many reasons, including unfavorable supervision, collusion between the nuclear power plant and the local environmental protection bureau, money transactions, many related accounts of the nuclear power plant’s employees, and insufficient operational capabilities of the technical personnel.

It is understood that after the explosion of the Fusang nuclear power plant, the government has not disclosed the truth, leading to public doubts and dissatisfaction with this matter.However, through the unremitting efforts of the reporters, the truth of the incident was finally revealed.

Poor regulation is one of the main causes of nuclear power plant explosions.

The collusion between the nuclear power plant and the local environmental protection bureau has led to inadequate environmental protection supervision, and the potential safety hazards of the nuclear power plant have not been discovered and dealt with in a timely manner.

In addition, there are many related households among the employees of the nuclear power plant, resulting in insufficient technical personnel's ability to operate, which is also one of the important reasons for the explosion.

What's more serious is that the nuclear power plant explosion also involved money transactions.

According to reports, there were money transactions between managers of some nuclear power plants and government officials, which led to the failure to deal with the safety hazards of the nuclear power plant in a timely manner, which eventually led to the explosion.

The revelation of the truth about the nuclear power plant explosion has aroused global attention and discussion.We call on the government of Fusang to take measures to strengthen the safety supervision of nuclear power plants to protect the lives and property of the public.

As soon as these news came out, together with video, phone recordings, and graphic evidence, everyone knew the truth of the nuclear power plant explosion for a while!Netizens are condemning why the royal family of Fusang Kingdom concealed this information!Here is their denunciation:
"What the hell is this! Why did the royal family of the Fusang Kingdom conceal this information! Don't they know that this is related to the safety of the public?!"

"This is the fault of the high-level royal family! They disregarded the safety of the public for their own benefit. This kind of behavior is simply heinous!"

"We demand that Fusang Country must thoroughly investigate this matter and hold the relevant personnel accountable! This kind of thing cannot be allowed to happen again!"

"Measures should be taken immediately to strengthen the safety supervision of nuclear power plants to protect the lives and property of the public!"

"We demand that the royal family of Fusang Kingdom make a public apology and compensate the victims for their losses!"

"The revelation of the truth of this incident once again proves the importance of the media. We must support the work of journalists so that more truths will be revealed!"

For a moment, the royal family was on the verge of a formidable enemy, and they held a press conference. At the press conference, they still argued, saying that these things were all rumors, and the reason why the Condor Company did this was to retaliate against the royal family!The following is the speech of the royal family at the press conference:

"Hello, friends from the press. We held this press conference today to clarify some rumors and misunderstandings. Recently, some media and netizens have attacked and slandered our royal family in their reports and comments. These remarks are not only An insult to our royal family is also irresponsible to the Fusang Kingdom."

"What we want to clarify is that we have been actively dealing with and investigating the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion. However, we have to point out that some media and institutions have used this incident to attack our royal family, which is completely groundless .”

"The reason why the Condor Company did this is to retaliate against our royal family. They use the media and the Internet to spread rumors and false information in an attempt to damage the image and reputation of our royal family. We want to tell everyone that these remarks are baseless of."

"We hope that everyone will not believe these rumors and false information, but believe in the integrity and fairness of our royal family. We will continue to actively deal with and investigate this incident to protect the lives and property of the public. At the same time, we will also take measures to maintain The image and reputation of our royal family."

"Finally, we would like to thank all journalists and friends for their attention and support, and hope that everyone can report and comment on this incident objectively and fairly, and not be misled by some false information."

But after the press conference, the public no longer believed the words of the royal family.They believe that the royal family's proclamation speech at the press conference is sophistry and an attempt to cover up the truth.After Chuan Bo learned of this incident, he also advocated for Ye Fei to apologize!The following are Chuan Bo's words:
"The news released by Ye Fei is all about the Fusang Kingdom! They use the media and the Internet to spread rumors and false information in an attempt to damage the image and reputation of our royal family. This kind of behavior is simply heinous!"

"We ask Ye Fei to make a public apology and withdraw these false information, otherwise we will take legal measures to protect the image and reputation of our royal family."

"We also appeal to the general public not to be misled by these false information, but to believe in the integrity and justice of our royal family. We will continue to actively handle and investigate this incident to protect the safety of public life and property."

"Finally, we would like to thank the general public for their attention and support, and hope that everyone can view this incident objectively and fairly, and not be misled by some false information."

Chuanbo's words have aroused widespread controversy and discussion.

(End of this chapter)

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