Who said I was a military factory?I sue you for slander!

Chapter 401 The Real Evidence!Just wait until it's over!

Chapter 401 The Real Evidence!Just wait until it's over!
Ye Fei saw that Chuan Bo was still dying, and he was still spreading these false statements on the Internet. In this case, Ye Fei planned to make public all the evidence collected during the rescue in Fusang this time!
He hurried to the nuclear energy laboratory, hoping to solicit opinions from engineers and their teams to see if they would like to appear in his live broadcast room.

As soon as the engineer heard that they could avenge their shame and tell all the grievances they had suffered in Fusang country, they all agreed.

"Mr. Ye, do you think you can reveal the truth about the Fusang NPP this time?" Engineer Li asked.

"We have the responsibility to present the facts to the public," Ye Fei replied, "and you have the responsibility to prove your just actions."

"We have already prepared, as long as you can help us restore our reputation from this incident, we are willing to appear in your live broadcast room." The engineer said solemnly.

"Okay, then it's settled." Ye Fei said excitedly, "I believe that as long as the facts are there, there will be enough people willing to believe in us."

So, Ye Fei asked them to start to comprehensively sort out the collected evidence.

Soon Ye Fei released a live broadcast preview on social media, which immediately aroused heated discussions on the Internet.You know, Ye Fei hasn't broadcast live for a few months, and his loyal fans are waiting for their "Brother Fei"!
Moreover, Ye Fei's supporters and fans desperately hope that he can issue a statement to reveal the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion.Now, the live broadcast is coming!

"Great, it's finally Ye Fei's live broadcast! I haven't seen him for several months, I really miss him!"

"Brother Fei is going to reveal the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion this time, which is so exciting! I believe he will definitely present the truth to us!"

"Ye Fei is a true guardian of public opinion. He never fears power and bravely exposes the truth for us! Looking forward to his live broadcast!"

"Ye Fei is the most humane and conscientious person in the domestic media. He always adheres to the principles of truthfulness, objectivity and fairness. Looking forward to his live broadcast!"

Netizens' enthusiasm and expectations for Ye Fei made him feel the responsibility and pressure.

He knows that his live broadcast will become a clear stream in the hearts of the public, and he must do his best to speak out for those concealed truths.

He will use the most authentic, objective, and fair attitude and means to present the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion, and tell the world that media with conscience and conscience still exist.

News of Ye Fei's live broadcast quickly spread to the Internet. Many netizens were very excited and expressed their desire to watch Ye Fei's live broadcast in order to learn more about the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion.However, after Chuan Bo knew the news, he sent several tweets on a certain Twitter. They insisted on boycotting Ye Fei. He said that Ye Fei was going to spread rumors in the live broadcast room, so he hoped that the relevant departments could shut down Ye Fei. Studio.

"Ye Fei is an out-and-out rumor maker. He spread false information in his live broadcast room. This is a deception and harm to the public! I call on the relevant departments to shut down his live broadcast room to protect the public's right to know and safety."

"Ye Fei is an irresponsible person. He only cares about his own self-interest and interests, and doesn't care whether his information is true or not. He is a scum in the media!"

"I believe that as long as relevant departments can take strong measures against Ye Fei, they can effectively limit his speech and protect the safety and rights of the public."

These tweets caused panic and uneasiness among some netizens, who began to question whether Ye Fei's reports and live broadcast were true and credible.

However, more netizens firmly support Ye Fei, believing that his reports and investigations in Fusang are true, objective, and fair, and they are a contribution to the freedom of public opinion.

After Ye Fei saw these tweets and the reactions of netizens, he felt that he had a heavier responsibility on his shoulders, and he also strengthened his determination to safeguard the freedom of public opinion.

He will present the facts and the truth with the most authentic, objective, and impartial attitude and means, and tell the public that we need more such media with a conscience and a sense of justice.

Although he saw Chuan Bo's tweets and some netizens' uneasiness, Ye Fei was not disturbed, but began to seriously prepare for this live broadcast. He knew that he had the responsibility to report the most authentic facts and truth to the public, so that everyone could know about Fusang Kingdom. The truth about the nuclear power plant explosion.

Ye Fei began to sort out what he had seen and heard and the evidence he had collected in Fusang country these days. He paid great attention to every detail and dared not make any omissions, because this would affect the public's trust in him and the authenticity of the reports.

He spent a lot of time and effort to compile a detailed report, which will be fully presented to the public during his live broadcast.

Before the live broadcast, Ye Fei and his team deduced and rehearsed over and over again to ensure that every link was impeccable.They carefully arranged the lighting, scenery, sound effects and special effects, as well as the details of his own clothing, so that this live broadcast can present the best results.

Before the live broadcast started, Ye Fei posted a brief status via social media: "I will present the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion in a few minutes' live broadcast. Please keep calm and look at it rationally."

Soon after, Ye Fei's live broadcast officially started.

In just a few minutes, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room exceeded 50.

Most of the viewers were very pleasantly surprised, because the long-awaited Ye Fei finally appeared in the live broadcast room.Ye Fei is also very grateful for everyone's support, and he expressed his gratitude to everyone.

Then I started to introduce the theme of this live broadcast: Disclosing the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant.

Ye Fei said: "Today's live broadcast is special because I will present to you the truth that was covered up. I have collected all the evidence of the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion. They are all through the hard work of our team, in-depth investigations and interviews. Obtained. Next, I will personally host this live broadcast, and I will present these evidences to everyone. I will use the most authentic, objective, and fair attitude and means to let the public understand the truth of the matter."

In front of the camera, he looked focused, his tone was firm, and his words were sonorous and powerful.

He used his practicable evidence and facts to state the truth about the Fusang nuclear power plant explosion, so that the public can grasp the most authentic and comprehensive information.

At the scene of Ye Fei's live broadcast, members of the engineering team walked into the live broadcast room one by one. They looked dignified and looked very tired and frustrated.Ye Fei stretched out his hand to greet them and loudly welcomed them.

Suddenly, a middle-aged man in overalls stood up. He was Lao Li, the leader of the engineering team.

He walked up to the camera with a heavy, serious expression on his face.

"I have something to say."

"I am a nuclear engineer, and I am responsible for part of the work of this project. I was involved in the whole accident. I witnessed the second collapse of this nuclear power plant, and I have personally experienced the consequences of this accident." Lao Li said , His voice is very deep, but every audience can feel his deep pain and worry.

Lao Li talked about the background and history of this nuclear power plant, and introduced in detail the process and consequences of the accident, as well as the impact and blow to their engineering team.His narration is very vivid and true, his language is simple and clear, and every detail is very clear.Every audience in the live broadcast room was deeply attracted by his narration.

Lao Li looked at the camera, his tone a little excited, and said: "You can't imagine that when we handed over the work, the staff of the nuclear power plant didn't even know the basic knowledge of nuclear energy. We had already got some information before we came. But I didn’t expect the actual situation to be so serious. We have trained these people, but due to time and funding constraints, they only have a superficial understanding, and they don’t understand the fundamental technology of nuclear energy.”

The audience in the live broadcast room listened very carefully, and they all deeply understood what Lao Li said.

"In order to cover up this problem, the top management of Fusang State tried to drag us to the red light district. They think that the red light district is very developed, and they have long wanted to bribe me in this way, but I did not go." Lao Li said , The tone is full of unyielding and resisting power.

The audience in the live broadcast room couldn't help but feel admiration and touch when they saw Lao Li's firm attitude.

They know that it is people like this who make this society more just and transparent, so that such things will never happen again.They all expressed their praise and support for Lao Li in the applause.

"I have chat evidence." Lao Li said slowly, "I have all the evidence of the embarrassing language sent by the higher-ups."

During the live broadcast, the audience can not only hear the real evidence and facts, but also hear the real feelings and mentality of the staff who really participated in it.

They know that in such a live broadcast, only true, objective, and fair reports and publicity can enable the public to have a clearer view of this matter, as well as all the challenges and opportunities we face.

After Lao Li finished speaking, the studio fell into silence and deep thought.

Every audience is attracted by this true and cruel story, and everyone empathizes with it, and deeply understands the importance and impact of this nuclear power plant explosion accident on this engineering team and on the whole society.

"The accident against the nuclear power plant is actually not just an incident that threatened people's lives, but also the result of a wrong decision-making by the top management of Fusang Kingdom." Lao Li frowned, and his voice was full of regret and helplessness.

The audience in the live broadcast room were all stunned, they couldn't believe what they heard.

They saw the helplessness and difficulties faced by a country, and at the same time saw the challenges that human beings need to face together.

"The secondary explosion of the accident was actually avoidable, and we noticed the problems at that time. However, the high-level decision made us have to ignore these problems, which eventually led to this tragedy." Lao Li sighed , "I have also worked in the Xiaguo Nuclear Power Plant for many years and held important positions. I know the specific operation of the nuclear power plant."

Lao Li took out his mobile phone from his pocket and opened the work software.

"It contains the work log of the nuclear power plant, which is the daily report that needs to be done every day for the mechanical operation."

"But look at this!"

Pointing to one of them, he said: "Anyone who works in nuclear energy can see the problems here. We have raised these problems before, but the higher-ups didn't pay attention to them. Instead, they asked us to continue the project."

The audience in the live broadcast room looked at the operation log of the nuclear power plant shown by Lao Li very seriously, as if they were full of interest and curiosity about every detail in it.

They seem to be closely observing the frontline war, trying to figure out every key detail and step.

They all deeply felt the predicament and helplessness that Lao Li mentioned.

Then Lao Li took out another video, and the audience immediately calmed down and listened to his narration.

In the video, Lao Li and his team are preparing to work in this experimental resettlement area in Fusang State.

The next step is to mitigate the radiation hazard of the secondary explosion.

However, after they entered the area, they encountered rejection and obstruction from the local municipal cadres.

They have repeatedly requested interviews with local officials, but have received no formal response.

Afterwards, they came to the market in this area, hoping to communicate with the local residents and understand the situation.

However, they were immediately insulted and ridiculed by the people of Fusang.

The men then pushed them and told them to get out of the area.

The environment in the video is very dark and crowded, and the eyes of the people of Fusang are indifferent and mocking.

The audience in the live broadcast room deeply felt the serious difficulties and challenges faced by Lao Li and his team.

They know that such obstruction and non-cooperation will not only seriously affect their work, but also pose a major threat to the health and safety of the public.

The atmosphere in the live broadcast room was very tense, and every viewer understood the true meaning behind the video.

They all expressed their support and condolences for the difficulties and challenges faced by Lao Li and his team, and they also expressed their attention and awareness of public health and safety.

The spread of this video has not only aroused strong public concern in Fusang, but also aroused deep concern and thinking from the public all over the world on the issue of nuclear energy safety.

Only through such authentic, vivid and profound reports can the public have a more intuitive understanding of the reality and challenges of the world, and look forward to a better and happier future.

Ye Fei is very grateful to Lao Li for his hard work in Fusang during this period of time.

"Come on! Let's send our thanks to our hard-working frontline workers!"

"Lao Li and his team."

Netizens were very angry and dissatisfied when they learned of the many obstacles and challenges Lao Li and his team faced in Fusang.

"This group of Fusang people are so worthless! They treat people who help them like this!" one netizen posted such a comment, and another replied: "So many people are treated badly in this area, brother Fei is really sorry It's time to help!"

The bullet screens in the live broadcast room are brushing fast, and everyone hopes to be able to express their opinions and express their emotions.

They felt anger and indignation, but more importantly, they felt gratitude and support for Lao Li and his team.

(End of this chapter)

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